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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. @NorthAmericanAviation was suposed to make the X-30 NASP. and post it here. He hasn't been on though since July 26th.
  2. Same. My mouse infact, I'm not sure the price of cause its so old. And the keyboard we've had for maybe 10 years or more.
  3. Well according to this one website I found, the Lexi pro costs 260 dollars. As a note. I think its a really cool Idea. But wayy too horrifically expensive for most average KSP players. 260 dollars is enough money for a pretty good graphics card.
  4. That... works? HOW? In all actuality, neat. Could make way for a new generation of props. I have a feeling that the current roverwheels will need to be modified to provide enough power.
  5. I could see this as being awesome. Another cool thing would be an area for people to show off their custom controllers, and let us controller-less people try them out.
  6. Oooh, neat! How well does it turn/survive timewarp? Also started work on a polar base for STS-2. May have made the base a little too elaborate.
  7. Dude. Relax. Sort out your life before any obligations you have made here. This can wait, life cannot. Also your mom does have a point. Blue light, as emmited by a computer, does tend to keep you awake. But 7 is wayyy too early to stop with your schedule. 8 or even 9 is maybe more reasonable
  8. Or....I believe you can use the in game cheats menu to complete the contract. If not, I'd need to poke around a save file, but it probably has something to do with changing a certain tag in the save file.
  9. Try out 1.3 or 1.2. And check that everything is up to date. But then its not yours, is it? And, sorry, I don't think anyone besides Linuxgurugamer, really wants to update mods that aren't theirs.
  10. Nice little shuttle. Can I point you to an awesome website for craft sharing? It's called KerbalX, and a lot of people on the forums here use it. BTW, Welcome!
  11. The designer I hired forgot to check whether the drills and cargo ramps would reach the ground. This has been rectified for later missions.
  12. I have limited experience with stock bearings. However, I can recommend the mod collide-o-scope. It shows the colliders of the actual parts, which really helps with bearing construction
  13. TBH, although I have a Nvidia card, I've switched to using OBS for video recording. Free and not too hard to customize. And also I forgot my keybinding for Shadowplay, the recording software you're talking about
  14. Oh yes quite excessively over engineered for such a small thing. The excess space is used inflight though for zero-g tennis.
  15. Really quite nice. Is there anything else there interesting enough to warrant a visit?
  16. @bewing - I don't think there is a damaged state for landing legs, just broken. You may be thinking of wheels.
  17. In KSP news, I made a bigger shuttle. And sent it to the mun, with a tiny outpost. Not really revolutionary, but fun.
  18. Hydrofoils are kinda easy. Just stick some elevons into the water and have them deployed like so With a jet engine on the back. It is kinda hard to get everything balanced right. The best way is to just fiddle with the deployment. Also, try to keep your nose high. And all te elevons should be deployed so that the trailing edge is pointing down and to the back.
  19. STS Mun-1 entry. Could be commander, depending how you view a inclination change into a parking orbit before landing after an aerocapture into said parking orbit. Not much arguement if deemed pilot, you're the one running the challenge. Also tested out a new shuttle design, which worked really well
  20. Ya can''t guess yourself. @CatastrophicFailure? You're still around.
  21. Or 1.2.2. Which I'm still rocking for things.
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