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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. No actually not. That's interesting to know. Now back to the thread... Cause there was a fly in the soup of a bee in the soup of a spider which wanted soup. Waiter! Why didn't I know that!
  2. Cause it isnt a purple cow flying with an airplane into a purple quasar. Why is physics?
  3. Sure.... just complain about a corporation in your soup... nothing wrong with that. See the soup was an add on to your contract. Waiter! Why is there a resume in my soup? Its not even mine!
  4. 0/10. Never seen you I thinks.
  5. You know, there is an autopilot mod called PilotAssistant - you can use that to check, just leave it running for a bit.
  6. Poke them with a stick. If they are responding (which means, not dead). I might hand them a note on said stick.
  7. Amazingly, the tr2l (the ruggedized tire) can chuck a vehicle over the admin center without hacking gravity. Or mods.
  8. Gist gotten. I have implemented it and will have to get to testing. Thanks.
  9. Ohhh. Looks cool. Also reminds me of the original thunderbirds (the model style).
  10. I think I will, being able to decouple would probably be very useful. Do you mind showing me your idea? Also, thanks!
  11. Is this based on an actual thing? (Or shp from movie or something similar?)
  12. I was trying to make a cargo plane fro a train. Doesn't exactly work. The wheels of the train like to break after I decouple it from the back. Any suggestions how to make it work better (as in not destroy the craft or wheels)? Currently the thing is attached via a decoupler on the back. Craft files to mess with with:https://kerbalx.com/qzgy/Mallard-Train-v3-not-airdrop
  13. Sweet! The new parts look awesome. I like the fat razorback parts actually more than the original 0.625 m razorback parts from earlier.
  14. Love all the craft here. On the harrier though, I think the controls are mixed up. Correct me if I'm wrong
  15. Apparently, an interview explaining what happened was posted today, kinda clearing up what happened. Honestly, it is admirable that he does this interview explaining what happened. It seems to me that it was an honest mistake that kinda spiraled out of control, and he regrets misleading people. Draw your own conclusions.
  16. Are you responding to me? I know GMT is not EDT, but there is a long march launch at around 730 EDT.
  17. The turret looks good, although the control surfaces used were not the ones I was talking about. It were these
  18. Shuttles were retired, so I buy it to make a McDonald's My "health food" and hill.
  19. 1612 There is a hole to the bottom that says to jump down it. It magically puts you up a floor.
  20. Banned for being at the fire station and not fighting fires.
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