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Everything posted by Anth

  1. @Filed.Teeth I have merged your bug report with this one.
  2. @Davidian1024 and @Twich222 I merged your bug reports with this one + changed the title to describe the problem better.
  3. Merged with this bug report. The bug is spamming autosaves thinking any little movement counts as a landing. Bigger the autosave the more obvious it is.
  4. Moving to Archive because this bug was actually caused by part clipping.
  5. Used your craft file in the following:
  6. KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Regression because and do not do the teleport at all. Crafts are being teleported into the parent bodies or outside the Kerbol system if the following happens: The EC is 0 or possibly a chunk (instead of it being gradual) of EC is taken that brings it under zero The engines are firing. Timewarp is 100000x is repeatedly turned off and on. Teleport to Inside Sun via Solar Orbit: Teleport to outside Kerbol System via Kerbin Orbit: Additional Information: This was brought to my attention by The Space Peacock on the Intercept Games Discord and we worked together to come to these conclusions. Only Tested for Kerbin and Solar Orbit. I used skogs craft file who posted the initial bug report I found which uses a spark because at first we thought it was related to an ion engine issue. I will decide to merge the two when Dakota is back from the weekend. skogs's Bug Report:
  7. KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Before: After: Video Evidence: https://youtu.be/sr4U8eOs-do (12 Seconds) Steps to Replicate: Load KerbinSOItoMinmusSOITestSave Change to Capture Mode Look at Kerbin's general direction. Go to 10x Timewarp and wait. (Just to speed things up. Happens regardless) Save File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ba4xgocma2hrt99/KerbinSOItoMinmusSOITestSave.zip?dl=0 Additional Information: Doesn't happen for Kerbin SOI to Kerbol SOI Doesn't happen for Vall SOI to Jool SOI I haven't tested any of the others. Doesn't happen in or
  8. KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Transition from Vall SOI to Jool SOI: Transition From Kerbin SOI to Minmus SOI: Transition from Kerbin SOI to Kerbol (Solar Orbit) SOI: Additional Information: Cant test Kerbin orbit to Jool. The capture mode camera had issues. Credit goes to Suppise on discord for discovering that the Jool Moons were missing when it was inside of one of the moons SOI. Happens in and as well
  9. KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Observed Behavior: If a maneuver node is created within the current orbit then the inclination changes to the next orbit Expected Behavior: If a maneuver node is created within the current orbit then the inclination should be in the current orbit Three Examples Below of this Happening and One Where it Isn't: Kerbin Orbit to Mun Encounter: Jool Orbit to Laythe Encounter: Solar Orbit to Eve Encounter: How it Works With no Secondary Orbit:
  10. KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None I say inclination because that is the most obvious thing that is noticeable but it appears to be more than that. In Pol Orbit: From Jool Orbit on approach to Pol SOI:
  11. KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Priority: Low Video Evidence: https://youtu.be/vOlbi6GoOH8 (23 Seconds)
  12. KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None How to Replicate: Load KerbalOnLadderSaveFile Load KerbalOnLadderSaveFile again (To bypass another issue) Save File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oyhl1y1ya1wjgz1/KerbalOnLadderSaveFile.zip?dl=0 Log Files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/495gj21rmkk95m5/Ksp2.log%2BPlayer.log.zip?dl=0 Additional Information: I haven't tested every part in the game but it appears to happen to both ladders and parts with built in ladders (pods, crew cabins)
  13. KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None Problem Landing Legs: LT-5 Bandicoot LT-1 Wallaroo LT-2 Wombat How I understand Absolute vs Local: Absolute is in reference to the editor it is in so it will be up/down/left/right/forward/back and never changes. Local is in reference to the part itself. The F key is for moving between Local and Absolute. How it Shouldn't Work: How it Should Work:
  14. KSP2 Version: Operating System: Windows 10 CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB Mods Used: None This is the warning: "Do you want to delete your existing vehicle build" What Actually Happens: The player clicks on the New button. The game wipes the current Workspace from memory. The Game doesn't delete the existing vehicle build from the hard drive like 'delete' implies. Suggested Way: Ask and do something like the the following instead: "Do you want to save your current Workspace before creating a new Workspace" If Yes save/overwrite the current workspace. Then wipe the current Workspace from memory. Screenshot:
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