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Everything posted by Anth

  1. @The Aziz Merged your bug report into this one. Kept your title because it was better than mine and I added a little more information to the title.
  2. We are looking into which category it is. Sorry for your frustration.
  3. Darrin the QA Director confirmed its a bug.
  4. As long as they aren't taking my personal information I am fine with them taking all my game play data, system specs, logfiles. It all helps to make the game better.
  5. Bug reported. I had @Zabbytelling me that the executable was running the launcher. I thought that's crazy until I saw steam respond to me double clicking on the executable. I also bypass the launcher so I had no idea.
  6. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM: 32GB What Happened for + + + What is Happening for Problems for People with Modded Installs: Conclusion: How I use KSP2 is unusual but people with modded installs this is where the problems are going to be.
  7. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i9 9900K | GPU: 3070ti | RAM: 32GB Video Evidence: 2023-06-3006-36-44.mkv How to Replicate: Make a standard fairing Edit Click on the minus sign repeatedly Same bug but after the hotfix
  8. Nate responded to this thread two days ago.
  9. @Triston Merged your bug report with this one.
  10. @Hitori Interesting bug. Do you have any video footage of whats going on? Other people are playing KSP2 without this problem so we need more information.
  11. @derp_n_dots Do you have a craft file for that? I can easily connect a Grumble seat to a STJ-3125 in a way that looks similar to your craft and it not do that. Definitely weird for sure what's happening to yours though.
  12. @Icecreammastergod Merged your bug report into this one.
  13. @Noobyeeter69 Merged your bug report into this one.
  14. Three Issues: 1. After Docking the Planes connection to the other craft is majorly unstable: 2. After Docking and Saving and then Reloading the docked crafts will phase through each other: 3. Corrupted Save extracted from @SuperOrion314's Campaign save causing the game to hang and then do as described in original post. Speculation: Related to the Shielded Docking Ports? Thanks @SuperOrion314 for the bug report. Definitely concerning.
  15. Thanks for the encouraging words to the developers. @Dakota I am sure will pass that along.
  16. @linuxgurugamer Want to give the man a hand with the new version?
  17. If you are returning directly to the VAB try going to the KSC screen and then to the VAB instead. The KSC Screen is some sort of reset point. That might help.
  18. @Darrin H (QA Director) said on discord that people can resubmit bug reports through the new form system if a bug is still in the game. Just please put a link to the old one.
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