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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Hmm... Try reloading or changing the terrain detail. I know @Just Jim's sand temple was working in 1.1.3.
  2. Warships and Krakens and Rescues, Oh my! Part 16 doesn't really mean much to the story, just me doing burns and launched and stuff. I'll try to make it interesting, but there'll be one hole I'll have to write myself out of. Okay, begin writing! Part 16: I'm splitting this one up into two as well. It's a big batch of screenshots. As for that hole I need to dig myself out of, I haven't gotten that far, yet. I still can't believe I survived that crash.
  3. Hmm. I've sent many a probe into Jool in my time, one with an aerospike strapped to it. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it still had a decent* isp at 0 meters. With my mission report and the whole "surface sample from all 18 KSP bodies" thing, I'll have to do this sometime. I remember that one person did this a while ago.
  4. A man hacks the rocket's telemetry, crashing it into the VAB. I send a tank to space.
  5. Somebody is eating good breakfast in Madagascar today. I wish for my Moho lander to fail.
  6. You install your accelerometer upside down. Your rocket contaminates your launch site. I attempt to play KSP while onboard the ISS. (This would be sooooooo cool)
  7. I harness the power of the boulder with my awesome right sock and fire the magic at the kraken, annoying him greatly. When he asks who did it, I point at the next poster.
  8. Tetri: Plural of Tetris pieces. They must save the world from, uh, something. Tetri II Tetri III Bac to the future: We send BAC9 to the future. Tar trek: People try to walk through tar. Star Rek: People GET REKT! In space. Roboco: A company that makes robots. Robcop: A cop named Rob. Kerbal Pace Program: Something about pacing yourself.
  9. I am in Minecraft. Sheep don't attack. I teleport the next user into the End with only a wood sword.
  10. Granted. Your computer runs a marathon with its new bionic legs and runs off a cliff. I wish that I get to go to Mars. Alive.
  11. death threats for not porting a mod to console From the console discussion thread. Someone said something about this being a problem with Bethesda, and I was too lazy to type it in google so I copy-pasted it.
  12. If it's Minmus, and you're good at landing slowly, you don't need anything. Just land on the engine bell. If you tip, it's Minmus. You can probably right the ship with the pod's reaction wheels.
  13. I apologise if this has been asked before, but can you replace the title screen music as well?
  14. Hooray! @mejillonius? Typing a random name?
  15. @max_creative Well, if they dig deep enough into the HSP extended universe... Also, Part 15:
  16. Granted. It is a nuclear submarine, and in order to fit in the bay we had to get rid of most of the shielding. I wish for it to rain tacos.
  17. I launch 50,000 Asteroid Redirect Missions and redirect the ejecta at the next poster.
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