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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. This is going to dissolve into a rep-giving thread just so that we can spread around rep before giving it to GIC. ​Well, since you're here, you might as well spread it around to me. Teeheehehhehe
  2. Yeah, terrain generation in KSP can have some .
  3. Is it me, or is this starting to feel like the really overpowered boss at the end of most video games?
  4. I'm still on Brown Iron Crown's side! We can eliminate both of them and achieve the state of no rep whatsoever! MWUAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!!!
  5. Well, one thing is certain, we'll have to do a live TV showcase of NASA's most sophisticated vehicles. And it has to be done before the aerodynamics update. I know just the guy. And don't forget all the aesthetics mods, to make it look realistic!
  6. Is there a gigantic prograde marker indicating the direction of the Mun's orbit? (Yes, I'm kidding, I know it only copied the background texture)
  7. I cut out the exact middle part and put it on my head. Oh, right, the other stuff... REP CRUISE MISSILES ARMED! Now that the thread is in General Discussion, we get more publicity and more recruits! REP AT MAXIMUM POWER! NEVER SURRENDER!
  8. SQUAD is selling puppies when they could be spending the budget on better gameplay? This threatens our gun rights! Support the Whig Party today!
  9. We've got a massive fanbase and a fully playable game with dozens of features. Heck, lots of finished games are worse than KSP.
  10. We all know that the door is painted on the inside to look like the outside world. Why do you think it's always daytime?
  11. It's because the Kerbals can't breathe outside air. They actually ARE aliens that landed on Kerbin after their interstellar trip. That's why the rest of Kerbin is abandoned... the main purpose of their KSC land base was to send and receive shipments from the home-world, but an unknown disaster cut off all communications. Now they're using the launch facilities to explore their new solar system, and someday maybe even return home... inb4theresamodforthat
  12. Also, if you watch Danny's video involving a Moho landing, the result seemed pretty artificial. It didn't light your craft on fire, it just blew up random pieces and made it look as if you were getting Kraken'd.
  13. Will be repaired when the sign repair team comes in *cue spy music as repair team parachutes in* Abandoned due to an invasion of 78 gigantic tigers
  14. EDIT: Replied to the wrong guy. Anyways... 7/10 fun picture but quote needs m0ar gr3m3rz, and that drogue chute won't save him.
  15. Your name is MrWalrus123 There's a 3 in that name. STRIKE ONE! There are three numbers. STRIKE TWO! You have 38 posts. STRIIIIKKKEE THREEEEE! MrWalrus is Illiminati!
  16. Heh. Asparagus is awesome, isn't it? Although it seems like the new aerodynamics will kind of ruin asparagus. Also, from this top-down view, I just realized that the 3-man capsule looks a lot like Orion, doesn't it?
  17. Green Iron Crown will only show when his name is mentioned. He sees all. He hears all... Green Iron Crown is coming for us d҉Õ̤uÓ̹̼nÞÃÅ¡ Þḑ̞̬ṷÉÃÂnÒ‰ ÈdÌ™uÃ…Ì nÃâ€ÃŒÂ¯nÌ´Ãâ€ÃŒÂ«n̶̰ÌÂ̦̺̠̦̞n̪
  18. I'm almost exactly halfway! That's progress right there! Now it's only a matter of time- *looks at joindate* *realizes how long it took just to get here* Oh.
  19. - Mining facilities (thanks a lot for kethane mod) This is so important to me They've confirmed that resources are probably on the way - Space Station stuff Probably in one of the next updates. Beta IS all about content expansion, which means parts, right? - Scanner to send probes to biomes or androids for luxury ressources (Helium3 or whatever for mining to keep the SpaceStation running/to do more science) They might do this as part of Resources - real Science possibilities and not just things like "Fly with the new engine to mun" or "Take a surface example" They say they want to redo the science system - space anomalities to discover and more exploration Maybe. I dunno - expanding into other solarsystems I seriously doubt that we're gonna get other solar systems - way more new Parts for building up a bases and mining facilities Probably coming soon, now that we're in beta
  20. Let's not forget how the massive Antares explosion was first referred to as a "launch anomaly".
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