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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Oh my god, experimentals came as a surprise! Nothing... nothing... and then... HYYYPPPEEE BLAAAASSTTOOOOOFFFFF By the way, how did Gregrox time this so precisely?
  2. There's a mod for the Endurance. And on top of that, Nassault is making a video with it. hypehypehypehypehypehypehypehypeHYPEHYPEHYPE​
  3. Dang! How have we not heard of this yet? I know it's just the launch and the mission will take years... but they're actually going to Recover Vessel bring samples back!
  4. You know, the one thing that bugged me throughout the movie was the whole idea of the Lazarus missions. This was supposed to be the epic tale of humanity's first-ever step beyond our solar system into the unknown. Instead it's more like, "oh hey, welcome to NASA, we already sent a bunch of missions through this wormhole, but you guys can go get their data back!"
  5. Considering that the Rangers apparently had super-efficient jet engines and ion/plasma thrusters, this would probably be tricky... they didn't actually have to do interplanetary transfers, though, did they?
  6. Pfft. 5m parts are wimpy. Most of my lifters use Orion2 engines that push other Orion engines out the back. Well, I wish
  7. I read an analysis of the Endurance somewhere online and it stated that the Rangers use jet engines for atmospheric flight, and ion (or plasma?) rockets for space maneuvering. The Endurance itself also uses ion/plasma propulsion... I totally called it when I saw that engine shot in the trailer! And as others have said, the chemical rocket was built so that it would look cool they could conserve as much fuel as they could. And who knows, perhaps in the future, chemical rockets are a lot cheaper and they just dragged it out of a warehouse?
  8. The "rescue" contracts are replaced with "hit list" contracts.
  9. Oh my... oh my god. Just read through the last, what, third of this? And it took me an hour... This is brilliant. I almost cried at some points. Someone make a movie out of this. Please make a sequel
  10. Frozen was an okay movie, the songs weren't that bad. Then people spammed Let It Go all over the internet and I died
  11. When rockets go to the moon by burning directly at it, and then the trip takes like 10 minutes
  12. CLASSIFIED PROJECT LOG: THREE MONTHS AFTER END OF MOVIE Following the deep freeze, contact has been reestablished with the outside world A team of scientists is called in to investigate Hydrothermal Anomaly E-72-A ------------------ Day 1: Anomaly E-72-A is captured and taken into containment for investigation. All related personnel are taken into custody for interrogation. Castle is placed under quarantine due to possible unknown effects of the anomalous ice. Day 2: E-72-A is determined to have the "ability to control and specifically lower the temperature of water" as well as the ability to manipulate the resulting frozen water. Interrogations begin of the subject's close relatives. Day 3: Preliminary investigation of the ice surrounding the castle shows no anomalous effects. Day 4: E-72-A attempts to break out from containment. One guard is frozen and later recovers. Containment restrictions tightened. Day 6: Investigations have not been able to determine the source of E-72-A's properties. Interrogations of related personnel not revealing much. Day 8: Interrogations finished. Day 10: E-72-A is placed under anesthesia and partially dissected. Team still unable to determine source of anomalous properties. Day 11: E-72-A now refuses to cooperate with investigation efforts. Subject reclassified as hostile. Tightened containment. Day 16: Still no progress Day 24: Still no progress Day 26: Attempted containment breach of E-72-A. One guard killed. Containment restrictions tightened and reinforcements called to facility. Day 27: Another dissection performed with no incidents. Day 28: Researcher 24-L-008 begins work on a theory to explain E-72-A's anomalous properties. Day 29: FATAL CONTAINMENT BREACH OF E-72-A THIS IS NOT A TEST THIS IS NOT A DRILL SUBJECT HAS ESCAPED FACILITY WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME CASUALTIES: TWO GUARDS KILLED ONE FROZEN CASUALTIES: RESEARCHER 24-L-008 KILLED DAMAGES: RESEARCH SECTOR B DESTROYED DAMAGES: CONTAINMENT SECTOR Y-05 DESTROYED SEARCH IN PROGRESS ALL GUARDS ON ALERT E-72-A UPGRADED TO HIGHLY HOSTILE THIS IS NOT A TEST THIS IS NOT A DRILL Day 30: E-72-A has not been found. Relatives' whereabouts unknown. Day 31: E-72-A has not been found. Relatives' whereabouts unknown. Day 35: E-72-A has not been found. Relatives' whereabouts unknown. Day 45: Search called off. Project cancelled.
  13. I just plant the flag and take it down a second later.
  14. You people should stop developing space because I claimed it years ago. My flag is up there, somewhere. If you can find it. Trust me.
  15. Pfft. Everyone wants KSP to be more realistic. More strict... I say we abolish rules! Go the other direction! KSP MASTER PLAN: - Hire developers from Goat Simulator, and completely revolutionize KSP's physics. - Whenever a part bumps the ground, make it go up in a nuclear explosion with massive shockwaves. - Add Michael Bay to the credits. He'll be responsible for much of this. - Get funds by blowing up stuff, and add hit list contracts. - Add aliens and three new categories of weapons. 'Nuff said. - Put the KSC under a mile of water - the actual souposphere. - Don't stop at destructible buildings. Make destructible planets. Remember, kids...
  16. MrMuddyBoots Mud is water and dirt Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen Hydrogen has one proton A proton is a particle that starts with P So is a photon Photons are light Light illuminates stuff Illuminati DUN DUN DUNNN
  17. By the way, I'm pretty sure that it was confirmed that the farm pictures were actually from an older beta, the real thing will be better quality.
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