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Everything posted by TheKurgan

  1. Thanks, the mod is still functional, I just wanted to let you know. Cheers.
  2. Just loaded up the mod, I found fuel tanks mixed into the engine category, other than that, looks good so far!!
  3. Not sure I know what you mean. Modded I'm guessing is the correct answer.
  4. Updated to 1.2, had the little + signs... installed some mods... + sign disappears.... I'm lost.
  5. I have been searching and googling this for an hour... maybe I'm just dumb lol. I've seen on many youtube vids, people have a little + sign next to each part in their menu... I don't have this, I'm not 100% sure of it's fuction, but I'm guessing it's for creating part sub categories? I'm using 1.13, is this a mod or a setting I am missing... help. Cheers.
  6. I'm going to delete a few mods to test if it's conflicting with something.
  7. That's the one I am trying, it's the latest release of utilities and destroyall before the 1.2 pre-release versions. all I can get is empty boxes., select all does nothing
  8. I'm still playing 1.13, I have been trying for about an hour to get DestroyAll to work with no success. The box pops up, but I can't select all, and the box is empty. I'm using the latest release of utilities and destroyall before the 1.2 release.
  9. Agreed, I use this mod quite a bit, mainly for the reactors and engines. I really hope it's not dead.
  10. @MycroftI rechecked the Zephyr and it loaded fine on the newest version of OPT, I dunno... here it is again just to make sure I uploaded the right one. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwavg2fEkbxKMW1UVnpJTnF4QTQ
  11. I'll have another look at the Zephyr, and let you know. Did you take the TweakScale cfg file?
  12. My newest ship, the "Raven" , a Stail class SSTA, a pure science ship, just leaving Dres, on route to Eve. My graphics are garbage... I had to remove Scatterer, EVE, SVE... I'm on a backup computer, my main machine is in for repairs.
  13. @SreskI would really love to know this as well, have you tested it?
  14. @MycroftHere's my OPT_TweakScale.cfg file, you just put it in the TweakScale/Patches folder and POOF OPT is TweakScale compatible again... for the most part Now, it may not be perfect... I fixed it for my personal use. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwavg2fEkbxKRlFXX1Z4VjIzV1k DROOL!! Need a beta tester!?!!?!?
  15. He was talking about himself.... not the author.
  16. Sorry if I'm a little off topic guys... but I just like hanging out with you fellers I just looked through all the engines I have in the 52 mods I have installed and I can't find an engine that meets these criteria better than an ARI-75b Tweaked to 1m: 1. must be... round (has to fit through the "Bun" lower stage from Dr Jebs Chop Shop mod) 2. must be 1.25m (or tweakable to 1.25m) 3. Must have better than 340 ISP in a vacuum. (that's the ISP of the ARI-75b engine) 4. Id like to have at least 120kn of thrust. (safety and suicide burns if necessary) Any thoughts? I may be out to lunch here, and don't mind if you say so lol.
  17. I've always used those engines (with the spool-up disabled) as landing engines for my smaller landers. For what I have, I just have not tried much else. What is a more efficient alternative?
  18. And ruin the look of this little beauty? Nah lol I'd rather use the OPT engine. I figured it out Thanks Stali, I downloaded those engines to give them a try as well. Cheers
  19. I have a question for you guys. One thing that I always disliked about the ARI/ARIE engines was the long spool-up time on these engines... it makes them hard to use in a vertical landing situation. I was looking through the config files and I'm trying to figure out what determines this "spool-up" is it the line that says "useEngineResponseTime = True"? I know this is possibly a balancing thing, but I would like to change it for my own personal use. I had changed it in the older ARI engine config file, but now I can't remember how to do it. Thanks
  20. Cool, thanks Spanksh, thanks for trying, in the meantime I just cover it up with another intake
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