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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. I'm actually a bit surprised you have not run into this before ShadowZone, engines will get hotter when clustered and this has been the case well before the recent thermal changes, and this is supposed to happen. You need to space them apart a bit, you could also use radiators to absorb the heat and use struts to conduct heat from the engines to cooler parts with more thermal mass, such as your fuel tanks. It's an engineering challenge, you can beat it!
  2. Hi FlarpingFlipperFlapper, I imagine you're activating the jetpack when you are facing straight up or down relative to the current camera mode, the fist thing the Kerbal will do is reorient themselves, this is why you see a lot of thrust. If you don't move the camera you'll be looking at Kerbal boots or the helmet, and your attempts to move forward will result in the Kerbal spinning as "forward" is 90 degrees from the direction you're facing. By pressing "V" you can change the camera mode, which changes the plane the camera, and the Kerbal, uses to determine where "up" is. As the others here have mentioned, there have been no changes to stock EVA or Kerbal CoM.
  3. Harry is correct, they are not damaged, but they will be if you deploy them while the icon is red.
  4. No idea how to do that Virtualgenius, IPS doesn't seem to have a proper subscriptions thing, my attempts to replicate it with the activity streams as Red Iron Crown showed didn't work for me (I have posted in too many threads). I suggest messaging KasperVld about it, maybe there's a plugin to add it to IPS.
  5. Yeah that's not actually true ...
  6. Hopefully nothing, as now when you log in you should have all the PlanetFall stuff on the PlanetFall #2 account, let me know when you're online and I can change the name as well.
  7. Unable to reproduce in a stock install of 0.23.0 or 0.23.5, please remove your addons and retest in a new save. If the problem recurs build a time machine and file a bug on the tracker on the 17th December 2013 or the 1st of April 2014 depending on version, this is to ensure continuity so the bug stays fixed in later builds. Retroactively moving to Modded support.
  8. Moved to Gameplay Questions. As has been said, surface attached parts will not be occluded from drag by the parts they clip into, so if you have open nodes you need to cap them, there are nosecones for this. Also, any blunt rear parts will create drag, so it pays to cap any such parts with more nosecones. We can't see what parts are producing the most drag, or determine how much drag is actually being produced, the aero overlay is only telling you that there is drag and a very rough indication of how much, to see just how draggy the specific parts are you need to check the drag values in the action menu, enabled via the debug window. In addition, drag is greatly influenced by air density and speed, not just the draggyness of the part, as Valerian says above, you need to modify your flight path to cope. If you upload the vessel other people will be able to test it and help you out.
  9. Sorting by user name and filtering for members only is alphabetical, it's just in reverse order and some characters such as _ come before A, but at least it's not just Guest Guest Guest for umpteen pages
  10. Not sure if anyone else noticed, but there is a "see full list" option on the "who's online" thing that can sort by username or last activity, and can filter by group. So all you stalkers fans can still see if Scott Manley insertnamehere is on or not
  11. You could put stuff like this on the bug tracker as feedback, as the mobile processing lab is not a command module you can't send science from it without a Kerbal in a command module or a probe core on the same vessel, so this is intended behaviour. Also, the contract does not state to transmit science from a mobile processing lab, so it doesn't do exactly what the contract says at all. In addition to this, it is quite possible to complete these contracts by sending science when a crewed command module or a probe is present on the vessel, as you even state above, so your title is misleading and unhelpful. That makes your post just a rant over one part, and not a thread asking for support. Closing.
  12. Hi DDH, please check your messages
  13. Hey Kerbs, thought I'd let you all have a look at some planes I made You can download them here.
  14. Glad I could help Alpaca, if you get any further issues please let us know
  15. These contracts should work fine if accepted in 1.0.5, but if they are from 1.0.4 then they can be broken and the only way to deal with them is to complete them via the debug menu (modkey(leftAlt/rightShift/Cmd)+F12).
  16. They conduct heat, feel free to try it out
  17. Sorry to tell you this but openGL is not supported on Windows, it is a Unity engine override, not Squad code. You could try running KSP normally, some players have "fixed" this by running KSP without -force-opengl then once it's working have gone back to using it without further issue.
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