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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. I've seen several reports of this issue, all from Windows users, maybe an update triggered it or there's a common piece of software involved, as a guess I'd suggest the anti-virus as most Windows users have some kind of anti-virus installed, with Avast!, Avira and Avg being popular. One reason I feel this may be the cause is that the only thing I know of that would cause this is having those files open in another program, while open they are locked from being moved or deleted, when I used to use Windows I used this to unlock files, it should tell you what programs have locked it. It might be worth testing with other anti-virus programs, and googling anything else you leave running in the background in case it's known to lock other programs while it's running.
  2. If it's stuck on loading asset bundle definitions and you're using macOS Sierra, then I think here is where you need to look. But put simply, Apples Gatekeeper is to blame, and the next release of KSP should fix that. But until then you can work around the issue.
  3. Well, first I'd check to see if I have any of the appropriate fuel, then I'd look here. Depending on your mods you might be losing fuel to boil-off,
  4. Hi @demigal, that option adds the Unity3D command line argument -force-gfx-direct when starting KSP from the launcher. This forces single threaded rendering, and used to be required by Linux users using the fglrx driver. If KSP works for you without it then you don't need it, it will only affect KSP. Sorry to hear you are suffering from Windows stop errors, you'll have to get the error number to find out what's wrong. Hope this helps.
  5. I appreciate the message, thanks :)

  6. This challenge is now locked by request, @SpaceYorkie please don't be dissuaded from trying again. Edit: By the way, th challenge guidelines are a guide, not rules, and example attempts can be unsuccessful.
  7. Hi @csch2, sorry to hear you're having heat issues. From the information you have provided so far I'd suggest that you stop trying to run 3D software with the graphics card in this condition as you risk damaging it, it sounds like it's not being cooled at all. It might help us if we knew what card you are using, it's unusual for a graphics card fan to go bad unless it's very old, as seaces and Tex_NL suggest make sure there's no dust (or pet hair) in the fan and heat sink, as well as the case fans and the vents into and out of the PC, the power supply extractor vent can be blocked, causing everything in the PC to overheat. Make sure all the fans turn with your finger (with the PC off) and that they all turn under their own power with the PC on, and that no cables are touching them preventing them from working, fans that turn slowly may need their connectors checked to make sure they have good contact, any fans that won't turn should be replaced. In my experience it's a waste of effort to repair a worn out fan motor or bearing, they are not designed for maintenance and require tiny amounts of special purpose lubricants. The heatsinks themselves are usually fine unless clogged with dust and debris, but with very old PC's the thermal paste between the CPU or GPU and the fans can perish and crack, if the fan is working and both it and the heatsink are clean but it still overheats it's likely the thermal paste, and that can be a very cheap repair, new thermal paste comes with instructions and a tool to spread it around and isn't hard to do, just don't leave the old paste on the parts. Edit: Seriously, do not run any 3D stuff, there's a risk that you can wreck the graphics card, even 2D stuff will cause it to heat up with nowhere for that heat to go. There is nothing you can do to KSP to stop it overheating, any 3D geometry maths or texture rendering will generate heat that can't be dispersed with a broken fan.
  8. Merged with the Common Suggestions thread on new planets
  9. Please check the first post for updates, if there's no news there, there's no update
  10. Squad uses Multiplay, so no the Cloudfare stuff doesn't affect us.
  11. Hi @rico., the log says there is an access violation on a file path, i.e. something else is accessing the KSP files, this should not happen. Please try closing all other programs and add the Steam common directory to your antivirus exclusions list if you have an antivirus program. If the issue continues use the Steam client to browse your local files, delete all of the KSP files and reinstall it, as uninstalling via Steam can leave files behind.
  12. Hi @Raptor kerman, the hat switch and the joystick axis are analogue inputs, I assume the swing like button behind the thrust lever is as well, please make sure you're binding them to the axis bindings on the right hand side of the settings screen, the bindings are marked as pitch axis, roll axis, yaw axis etc. They will not work when binding them to the digital button inputs on the left, e.g. pitch down, roll left etc. Hope this helps.
  13. Nah, the Illuminati don't exist. At least that's what they claim... Next is @diomedea!
  14. Possibly, if you change this line in the Wheesley's cfg file. exhaustDamage = False To True, you'll be able to figure out which angle the thrust is blocked at by placing parts around it and seeing what gets damaged by heat. Now I think the Wheesley needs changing, back to 100% reverse thrust... Oh and the Panther is the only jet with 10 degrees of vectoring, which is nice for stunt planes.
  15. I'm not aware of any change to reverser thrust, and testing here shows the same thrust from the Wheesley whether the reverser is active or not, I would suggest you check how much drag the engine is developing with aero debug info enabled in the action menu. Edit: Looks like any reduction in thrust isn't reflected in the part menu, and it really is nerfed
  16. Hi @rockets-don't-make-toast, if one craft file is corrupted it can cause the lot to fail to be shown, I'm guessing your satellite launcher is the corrupted vessel here. Try removing just that craft, if it is that one then if you upload it and post the link here maybe someone can recover it.
  17. Perhaps you had no electrical charge left, so your reaction wheels could not turn the craft. If you click the resources button in the upper right it will open and show you how much fuel, oxidizer and electric charge you have remaining.
  18. You can download it as many times as you like, I didn't see if you mentioned where you bought KSP, but if it's from Squads store just log in, grab the installer and you'll be fine, there's older versions too, 1.0.5 and 1.1.3 are available. If you have any trouble with your account email Squad at [email protected]
  19. No, it's right there, just worded differently, and it's been worded this way for over a year, you really need to check the rules more often. Your post is an "Accusatory comments that lack merit, ... or are of a potentially slanderous nature" by the way. Closing.
  20. Luckily 'crap' has been used plenty of times by KSP's developers Who else saw the last SpaceX landing? They are getting pretty good at it @Aethon, it's times like this when I have to remind people of the... And while I'm at it, the...
  21. Nor did I, that's why it's not on the filter, the word itself is not inherently bad, but if people use it to insult others there's a perfectly good report post button. The filter is a very useful website feature, and this site isn't the only one to have a filter, so it'll continue to be used for the worst words that aren't really required for discussion of rockets and little green aliens. So the filter will remain in place, but 'ass' and it's ilk aren't going to be on it any time soon.
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