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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. I can't give you an answer at this time, sorry but this should not be happening, some other players also report slow loading but none that KSP just fails to load on Windows. I'll ask a few Windows people I know to look into this for you, I guess in the mean time you can try KSP with the KSPedia folder removed, it's in GameData, just don't open the KSPedia or KSP will lock up. Another thing to try might be a clean boot to test KSP in a clean Windows environment, though this can't rule out a problem in Windows itself it's unlikely, especially as 1.1.3 is working.
  2. Asset bundles do take a little longer to load, there doesn't seem to be a way to improve that, they are a Unity engine format. But they should not take long, your KSP.log file will show how long each file is taking, for me on Linux this is about 22 seconds out of 32. Are you overclocking? That can cause issues.
  3. Hmm okay, well there was an update on Thursday, Steam would have updated KSP when you next started the client, but the Unity version was not changed so mods should still work, the only issue there is with the mod version checker. The asset bundles have not been changed, so KSP should be working normally, have you carried any files over such as saves? If you ever backed up KSP Steam may have backed up mod files with it, have you checked the install for files and folders with mod names that shouldn't be there?
  4. Okay. What happens when you run the KSP.exe or KSP_x64.exe directly? How long have you left it to load? Can you check process explorer to see if KSP is a low integrity process, if it is you are suffering from a Unity3D engine bug, which may also explain why it's slow/unable to load the asset bundles.
  5. Hi @SirMuff, as you're using Steam please verify the cache for KSP, most issues with KSP on Steam are due to a bad install and yes this can happen twice in a row, but verifying the cache forces Steam to check every file.
  6. Guys, please only post if you're going to help. Searching shows even Wikipedia has an article on this. The bin is not a thing, it is a process of categorization. Edit: Process lots.
  7. I think you'll need one of these. The landing gear has a touch of Kraken about them, but it will settle down once you get it into the atmosphere. Good luck!
  8. Most likely you are not in a group which you need to be in to run KSP, but root is. You can use the groups command with your user name to find what groups you are in, and the stat command to see the groups who own a file, like this. $ groups user user : user cdrom sudo plugdev lpadmin sambashare lxd $ stat -c %U ./KSP.x86_64 user This can happen when software is installed using sudo.
  9. Hi @Gabriel Strange, can you, @Some Kerbal and @SkyHook please provide your save files that show this problem, thank you.
  10. Okay so breaking this down... Line 44 (start of loading) to line 68 takes over a minute, and that's just 20 wav files, they should not take this long. 69 (no sniggering at the back) to 135 took 0.944 seconds, this is dds icon files, so these are fast! With lines 136 to 164 we're slow again with 88.102 seconds, the 28 png flags takes one and a half minutes! 165 to 174 takes 0.89 seconds, effects are fast. Then oh dear... Lines 175 to 262 is the R&D and other png icons, they take a whopping 4 minutes and 25 seconds... I'll keep going but I think png images are your problem, and I know that they should not be. 263 to 1267 takes 01:16.907 and is the parts, so that's not a problem. 1268 to 1454 takes 10 minutes, it's the KSPedia asset bundles and they may contain nuts png files. 1455 to 2297 takes about 5.5 seconds and is mostly just compiling parts. So it's the png files, the trouble is that png files should and do load faster than this, have you installed all the updates for Windows 7 yet? It's possible there's a png codec update that solves slow loading of these files on Windows.
  11. Quick fix, backup then open your persistent.sfs in a text editor (not wordpad) and do a find and replace on autostrutMode = Off, replace all of them with autostrutMode = Root And enjoy your non Krakened station.
  12. Hi @Interloper2448, please check this setting in your advanced game difficulty page, accessed from the pause menu.
  13. Oh man, no, I think tourists can't EVA, so that option is no use, you'd have to dock, or as you have no docking port, claw the other vessel, if Kerbals can still be squeezed through the Klaw that is. Edit: Kerbals can be squeezed through the Klaw!
  14. Hmm it looks like it's very fast to load meshes, but very slow to load audio and textures, as well as the KSPedia assets. I wonder if an anti-virus is scanning everything KSP accesses. @Skavies, are you using an anti-virus? If so what one?
  15. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Amstrad-CPC464-Joystick-Splitter-Diode-Type-3-Fire-Button-Support-By-KMTech-/112171225428?hash=item1a1ded1154:g:iKoAAOSwpLNYBjFr
  16. Hi @Balrog some mods might need a recompile for 1.2.2, please let us know if this issue persists after you have updated your mods, and remember to provide your logs. Thanks!
  17. Okay I think I know what's happening, these errors show up in logs after players have used the aero overlay, then highlighted their vessel by mousing over it. Try disabling the highlighter in flight, it's a settings screen option, you should find these crashes stop occurring.
  18. Well, KSP appears to have no memory available to it. Error occurred at 2016-12-06_144244. C:\Users\IronCretin\Documents\ksp backups\1.2.1 - STOCK\KSP.exe, run by IronCretin. 63% memory in use. 0 MB physical memory [0 MB free]. 0 MB paging file [0 MB free]. 0 MB user address space [1196 MB free]. Write to location 00000076 caused an access violation. And your output_log.txt link just takes me to the same error log you already linked to, so that's not a lot of use. Maybe try the KSP_x64.exe and if this reoccurs please upload the output_log.txt from KSP_Data, thank you.
  19. I enjoy planes in KSP, even though they are not "right", I have fun with them just as I do with rockets, even though they are both simplified. I don't have anything to compare rockets to, so my imagination can more easily fill the gaps, but planes in KSP aren't like in real life, but then again neither are the planes in FSX, or X-Plane, or KSP with FAR. I'm no pilot, I just pay to go up in Cessna's and Pipers from time to time, and get a chance to hold the yoke, steer a bit, that kind of thing. You can't reproduce that in a game, it's just a facsimile, there's a reason why real simulators cost so much. But I still have fun, and when I want to feel what it's like to really fly I go to the airfields and take a ride in the real thing. And I still have fun in KSP, and in FSX, and in X-Plane, despite them just being games.
  20. It's obviously about using tree-climbing as an icebreaker when dating. Or people making stuff up. Sorry to have to tell you this @Program Kerbal Space, but you appear to be the victim of someone's imagination. Moved to the Lounge, as it's nothing to do with KSP.
  21. Actually, those pics are from an old version, and may predate Z for max throttle. Hold down the Left Shift key to increase your throttle to maximum, if the throttle does not stay up you will need to check for anything installed on your PC that is making the left control key stay on. Or check the left control key for stickiness.
  22. It also looks like he was very gentle with his gravity turn, if you can keep prograde enough so your engines gimbal etc can cope with the drag it won't flip out. Edit: To show how big a difference having and not having that gap can cause here's my copy of your rocket. There's 63.80 drag on that fuel tank, that's why you're losing control. Now, here's the new sleeker model. Less drag from the decoupler by about 50%, and a massive reduction in drag from the fuel tank. The first rocket flipped for me, the second one didn't
  23. A nosecone/servicebay/fueltank would work fine, the decoupler will only add a tiny bit of mass, but lets you jettison the nosecone in orbit to save on mass while doing any orbital manoeuvres
  24. Hi @nyugnep, welcome to the forums. Something that caught me out in early career games was failing to account for the new drag model, KSP will simulate blunt front and rear faces and increase the drag these produce. Your nosecone/decoupler/probe/fueltank combination is actually very draggy, as the partial face of the back of the decoupler and of the tank are causing a lot of drag. That drag not only slows you down, it will also act like a weathervane and will flip the vessel around. If you place the probe inside a 1.25m service bay it will avoid having exposed faces and cut the drag, letting the craft fly as intended. Hope this helps.
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