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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. http://penny-arcade.com/report/article/the-geek-hierarchy-needs-to-go-why-its-time-to-stop-hating-furries-and-larp
  2. Last activity was 3rd September 2012, 04:39, so I think not
  3. Note the VRAM, it's at zero, I think that's why you are having issues and you will need to check your drivers, KSP prefers the proprietary drivers over the open source ones
  4. What did Damion do? Well, there's a few things... See the sections here? The tags? He did all that for us, he basically got the whole forum that we see working. Damion did a lot more than that, he kept troublemakers off the forums, sometimes he had to be harsh when doing so but he was always fair, no-one was banned without a very good reason. He nearly single-handedly promoted KSP, we have the Media group because of him, we had the I Dream Of Space competition because of him. Damion worked his backside off for this community and it's members, he did everything he could to keep this community strong and safe, and sometimes he had to be the bad guy and people hated him for that. And he sucked it all up, kept his chin up, kept going, even when it was so very hard. Even when people here and elsewhere were calling for him to resign, out of their own anger at being told they couldn't swear, couldn't post crap, couldn't troll. And still Damion tried to keep this community safe. Like it or not every single person here owes Damion for making this place as good at it is, Off-Topic was his idea so people could have somewhere to just post whatever they liked if it didn't break the rules, and the rules were never there to make things hard for you. This place absolutely will not be the same, and not in a good way, if Damion has gone, I can't do what he did, I don't know who can. He needed our support all these months, he didn't get it and a few times he did think about leaving but he stayed. He stayed and he took all your ****e because he gave a crap about KSP and the community around it, was he perfect? No-one is! Do we need him? Yeah, we do.
  5. There actually was a game with realistic flight physics and craft with engines that could pull 2G's or more, and so efficient you didn't need to worry much about fuel. That game was Frontier Elite 2, and after that Frontier First Encounters, both by Gametek's David Braben who is remaking Elite with Elite Dangerous. You had fighters spinning about in space, they'd travel from planet to planet with their engines on the whole time, accelerating till about half way there before activating the retro's to slow down for the second half of the flight. Combat was bad though, it really showed how badly space combat might be, craft couldn't actually stop on a dime like they do in the movies and instead they would fly around each other. Relative to the other craft your ship was pretty manoeuvrable, but relative to a planet you would both be in your orbits still, slowing down a bit, speeding up a bit, changing your angle slightly. The game handled craft pretty much like KSP does even though you couldn't see your own orbit, but when you were in a fight, it was like the movies in a way, but more like two rocket powered hovercraft on ice!
  6. Do you have the quicksave? Backup the quicksave.sfs then rename it to persistent.sfs, then load your game as normal
  7. Docking is a pretty advanced thing to do in KSP, so I'm not sure what to suggest you try next, maybe surface docking to build a base on Laythe? That'd require landing several craft at the same spot as well as docking them together without the help of freefall
  8. Yeah spoilers are broken, don't worry about it You can use other items to give you a visual cue when docking, such as the antennas, line them up and you are perfectly straight
  9. The "Crew Hatch" text needs to appear, so you might have to mouse around a bit for it to show and it might not be directly on the door itself. Also, if you are using OSX Leopard there is an incompatibility with Unity3D, you need to use Windowed mode and keep clicking the desktop, or upgrade to Lion
  10. Welcome to the community notepadgamer I recommend Scott Manleys youtuve videos if you want to learn how to do stuff in KSP, or just ask
  11. Welcome to the community Morokth The ribbons are a fanmade thing, most people ribbons are also a link to the page explaining them, and they let the player show what planets and moons they have been to They are totally optional, you might see a graphic depicting the planets and moons too, with places reached in colour while other places are blocked out, like unlit buttons. A lot of info was lost when the forums crashed though, so I don't have links available for you sorry.
  12. Welcome to the community udk_lethal_d0se Your machinima sounds interesting, don't forget to let us see it when it's done
  13. Welcome to the community ArkaelDren KSP does use multiple cores, but it can only use one core per thread, it cannot spread them out and this is a Unity3D limitation, not part of the KSP code. Also, some of our more mature and respected members are kids, one shining example is Mustwinfull who despite being one of the major names here on the KSP forums, is only 13 years old. It just shows that kids aren't bad, if you treat them like people and not like kids, and KSP tends to attract the more thoughtful individuals as well
  14. Welcome to the community Loughdoorgo Have fun on the forums and in the game, fly safe!
  15. As with the Bronies, the Furries can have ONE thread, all Furry content is to reside here and here alone, but any hating will be dealt with That applies to all parties involved Have fun and don't start arguments!
  16. The KSP forums aren't the place for this sorry, I know most furries are just people who like to dress up as animals, we all like to get on a costume from time to time but furries or costumes (except Kerbal costumes) aren't really suited to this forum. Update: Furries can hang out here!
  17. Welcome to the community Dovah4 All addons are fanmade and free, but if the files are hosted here that might be why you can't download them yet, as you are still a Curious George, after 5 posts you'll be a bottle rocketeer and should be fine, or you can ask the addon maker to rehost the addon on mediafire. Or try the KSP spaceport
  18. Welcome to the community Kerolyov What you do in KSP is up to you and your imagination, how about making a space hotel that can take Kerbals around the solar system on a sightseeing tour? Have fun exploring the possibilities, and fly safe!
  19. Welcome to the community Floki You might like to check out the forum rules and the good conduct guide, there are links in my signature, also: LFT = Liquid fuel tank LFE = Liquid fuel engine SRB = Solid rocket booster Probes need power, or they stop working. Docking ports have a working side (the hatch) and a non-working side (the skirt) Hitchhiker containers are not command pods Command pods and probes have built-in control moment gyroscopes that allow them to rotate Shift and WASDQE in the editor will rotate parts in 5 degree steps Alt+F12 is the debug menu, Alt+F2 is the debug log F1 screenshots and F5 quicksaves, hold F9 to load End Flight makes your craft go away, use Space Center instead Turning on capslock gives you much finer flight control, except on the engines. You don't need a big craft to get anywhere, or all the parts, or a ton of RCS monopropellent. Nerva = NTR = Nuclear rocket engine = nerva Kerbals can get out and push Use Imgur, pastebin and mediafire, as file attachments suck Wobbly? add struts Turn off gimballing on booster engines, as they can add to the wobble ASAS and stations are not friends
  20. Welcome back UrstMcRedhead We all took a beating, I lost so many posts it's unreal, I'm not going to let it bother me though as it's just a number
  21. I like to get into a low orbit first, maybe with a periapsis of 5 to 10km. Then when at periapsis I burn retrograde to stop my horizontal velocity, I point upwards and descend vertically on my engine thrust. I land at less than 10m/s and I correct and horizontal movement by tilting my craft slightly. Don't forget landing legs
  22. Welcome to the community Space Fish Gerbils in orbit? Oh man the smell! Have fun cleaning up the poop, and fly safe
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