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Everything posted by SpaceFoon

  1. Oh yea for sure, I'm just glad it works at all with being 2 version behind. I used radiators inside a payload bay to get around this. Edit: Found another problem with using FAR with 1.11. Its really weird you like hit the water 30 meters before you hit the water. It makes splashing noises and splashing FX on your wings or whatever but its not as dense as the actual water and it prevents you from pulling up due to drag but you can't hit the actual water either. Just kinda stuck bouncing. If you hit the weird barrier hard enough you can go though the water though but if I live I just bounce back up.
  2. Hey so I was using this on 1.11 and the convection flux is strange to a little broken. In stock it seems when a part is behind another part the same size or bigger, the parts convection flux goes to zero after some velocity is gained which seems a little strange already. When you add FAR and fly the first stock space plane in a stock game the parts take convection even stranger. One part will be taking no heat from air while the symmetrical opposite part takes a ton. In my game I tried using an inflatable heat shield. It protected my entire hull but not the nose cone it was attached to. I tried putting more parts in between the shield and the nose but only a few made it work and didn't work with my design. I also have a line of parts on the bottom of the hull that seem to either take zero flux or so much they explode. As seen in this pic every part that looks hot or hotter is taking convection flux. Every part that not white hot is taking none. Yes the right rudder is over heating while the left (built with symmetry) is taking no heat from convection.
  3. Well I noticed all the heat is coming from convection. All the glowing parts in the picture are taking in convection heat but all the red parts are not when the shield is open. All the hull parts behind the nose cone take 0 convectional heat unless the shield is deflated. Just did some testing and I unclipped the inflatable to make sure the cone wasn't actually in front of it or something but that didn't do anything. I scaled the shield up to be 10meters before inflation. Nothing. I put a piece a couple meters tall in between the shield and nose cone. Nothing. I put a piece like 8 meters tall in between and presto! It works for some reason. https://imgur.com/a/r1fU0g9 The whole thing seems to be weird. Look at what gets hot and what doesn't Then entire hull takes nothing. Most of the gondola take nothing except for 2 parts that are next to other parts that take nothing. The right and only right rudder is convection but no the left one? Edit: Also I did when the aero and The heat shield gives a ton of down force when pitched up and lift when pitched down. Not sure if that's related but it also doesn't make sense to me. Edit 2: Ok so I noticed all parts are effected by convection flux while sitting on the runway. When I start flying some parts (mostly hull) the rate just goes to 0 while other parts convect until the head shield is open then they go to 0. But not all of them! Symmetry doesn't even matter! I have found the problem but what it is caused by? Edit 3: Its FAR... Yea I just needed it to protect the hull its not a end all solution for sure. also I've been building this thing for years lol it don't flip. The wings drag a lot and I have 4 rudders with drag as well. My older design had big air brakes to stop that because it was my biggest problem but this one is just balanced perfectly or something. Its also 225 tons dry and very long so maybe that helps a bit.
  4. I haven't looked at the drag for individual parts yet but i use the FAR tool while flying and the drag on the inflatable is ridiculous but when deflated my total drag is unrealistically low it seems. I'm just glad I can't break Mach 1 at sea level like old stock or something haha. You know I just looked at my own pictures again and I think I see the problem. the thermal mass for the nose cone is only 1000kj/K but the heat shield its 30k Look at how the internal temp of the shield is 336 and the nose cone is 772. Even the skin is hotter. Less mass = less ability to soak up heat, makes sense but how could the cone get hotter unless its taking heat from air friction or some type of refrigeration is taking place? I though maybe the aero model was messed up because I tweak scaled the inflatable and use FAR on 1.11 but I took FAR out and the nose still exploded first. When hit that atmo at 45 degrees everything heats up like it should so I don't get it.
  5. Oh no you helped by at least confirming things. Yea I usually turn the nuke generator off long before reentry. I will post the fix when I figure it out.
  6. Yea I was reading a bit about heat transfer. It makes sense but in this case seems to not be working exactly as intended. The nose gets a ton of conduction heat but doesn't really pass it on. That's why a put the two normal heat shields in between as a buffer but the nose is still hotter than even the inflatable heat shield is. And yea the nose cone of a blimp is gonna have lower heat tolerances but at 1900k that seems pretty OP for a hollow shell. Once i put a bunch of radiators on the cone by the shield and they didn't seem to do anything ever. I'm about to put some of the foldable one insude the hanger bay to at least normalize the heat though out the ship(if that's how they even work). Thanks for the tips though!
  7. Not sure if this is a bug or just how the heat works in this game but I made a very similar design with the same heat shield work a few years ago. Using the inflatable heat shield so I wasn't expecting ablator or anything. When the problem first happened I put 2 regular heat shields in between the inflatable and the nose cone(pictured without inflatable for reference). This didn't do a thing it seems. the "in-between" shields seem to not get hot but its hard to tell since I can't right click them. One thing for sure is they don't lose any ablator. From the pictures you can see the nose cone gets hotter faster than any other part. The inflatable heat shield DOES do quit a bit though as testing showed me when its deployed vs not deployed. https://imgur.com/a/RVeQnRj When I make it to KEO I have about 1500 DV left so I'm gonna be hitting EVE pretty hard. Like I said an older and very similar design did just this a few years ago. It wasn't easy but it worked.
  8. Question: Have you ever seen the SoutHPark where Cartman gets a "tip assist" on his mobility scooter? When you use it you have to say, "TIP ASSIST YEA!!"
  9. Oh is that why? I have no idea haven't play since like 1.3 but it seems you are right. Does that mean other things will be broken in this mod?
  10. Just use Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. Also use Tweak Scale, UbioZur Welding and Procedural Parts when you can to cut down on part count.
  11. Hey thanks for this mod, I have been building blimps for a few years now! I just got back in the game and starting building a blimp in 1.11 and so far everything is going pretty good. I'm getting flashing textures and problems with lights. The small elevator that goes down to the ground doesn't have a visible cable anymore. Not sure how to get the greenhouse gondola to work with TAC. Again great mod, I'll post some pics of my SSTEve later when I get it working. Seems Tweakscaling an inflatable heat shield is not as OP as it used to be. I'm having problems with the nose cone overheating despite being behind 2 heat shields. I also assume I won't be able to ever leave Eve in this thing but I'm gonna try. I'm using FAR so I assume that still means its harder.
  12. Why is this not stock in the game? Really glad this works with 1.11. Thanks for all your hard work.
  13. I have found that the mm configs for TAC are a bit mixed up for this mod and pathfinder. Forgot to check Buffalo. Mainly the resource ratios seem to be backwards or something. Running the garden gondos and gondos with the pigpen module in them results in a net gain of resources. Also amount of resources on some parts need to be tweaked and remove fertilizer from TAC garden gondos. I'm going to work on a mm patch to fix things and I'll share it here. I also want to make a patch that makes TAC use Oxium instead of Oxygen. Should be easy to just patch all parts (even from other mods) that use oxygen?
  14. Well since the other guy revived this I'll report also that this was my problem. It was the Geforce overlay thing. Errr Nvidia!
  15. Well my SSTO just became a SSTEve.. Before I could only fly 100 m/s at sea level now I'm at about 300m/s. I had a lot of stuff in cargo bays I think is why. Edit: Yea this doesn't seem realistic at all. This thing should not fly that good. https://imgur.com/gallery/38IXzqn Also when I hit the air brakes it slows down so fast my kerbals pass out from the g force(says 15 plus). Does FAR just not do Heisenberg airship parts or all the tweakscale I did? Also that craft can just coast at 50 m/s and not slow down like .01 m/s every few seconds. Literally can coast for 30 mins.
  16. Cool thanks for the quick reply. A decent CPU is all my computer has going for it so I will install this. I really miss the building aids this mod has.
  17. So is the stock system still really bad? Do I need this? Does this hurt my frames?
  18. I've been away from Kerbal and this mod for awhile and surprised to see all the new stuff! Thanks for all the great work. Made a new craft in 1.61 and everything seems to work fine except I can't reverse thrust with the WB-50 prop. This new ship tries to do everything. It can fly like a plane, bimp or rocket or a mix of the three. It can get around the ocean like a boat and even has wheels to drive if needed. Its set up for your prospecting mod and to 100% self sustain crew and fuel indefinitely on another planet(with air). Its also Kerbalism/TAC ready for long interplanetary trips. It's also an SSTO. https://imgur.com/gallery/OBGmi4T Now I know what you are thinking. The only place it can't go is underwater? Yes it's unplayable I know but I'm trying to fix that! I just can't seem to sink this thing. 800 tons of fuel and water got the wings to touch the water that's it. It it possible to sink a blimp? Please help! Edit: I installed FAR now this thing can go to Eve without refuel.. I'm not sure if FAR works right with these parts. It just flies way too good for a 200 ton ballon https://imgur.com/gallery/38IXzqn Edit 2: Well I set the thrust for the props to reverse in the editor and when I launch the craft it works. I can even set to forward like normal.
  19. Oh yea I had Angels Pathfinder, Bison and Heisenberg installed. Was trying to cull my mods and when I deleted B9Partswitch then the SSPX parts I had already used started not working. Weird putting B9 back didn't work but putting B9 back and re installing SSPX did work. I believe the problem with SSPX may not have happened if I didn't build a craft with SSPX cargo containers and change what they hold to ore which uses B9 and even comes with it. Because B9 left behind some config for the part? I really don't know how any of this works but I'm not using CKAN.
  20. Well I don't know what DS_H20 is but I had the same problem and it was spamming parts from station parts expansion redux. What I did was uninstalled b9part switcher after I had already built a ship and used some cargo containers from spx and changed the cargo which uses b9parts switcher.. Unintalling and reinstalling b9 didn't do anything but uninstalling reinstalling spx did the trick. Find the mod that has that part and reinstall it.
  21. What about some vtol manager? And for the clamps you just raise your buoyancy before launching. I'm having the same problems with Duna. Seems to fly a blimp on duna you need a blimp made for duna. I didn't realize how little air there actually is there lol. I got my 200 ton ship to slow down to 200 m/s before stalling. Took the 95 ton payload out and it can land at 80 m/s and even take off again with electric props but it's not easy and takes a long time to speed up and slow down. However I also found that I can enter duna at any speed I want and still have a ton of control. As long as I have the speed I could basically get back into orbit with my lift. Other planets I have to enter very slowly and carefully or I flip and burn up. But same as you I'm working with a hacked version of a craft with different goals. Just gonna do the C-130 JTOL landing I saw on youtube once. Hey Angle-125 I noticed the COM for the flight deck and top side flight deck is about 10 meter below the part. Is this a bug or a feature for balance? Thanks again for this mod.
  22. So how does radiation work these days? Is it the same as before? It would be cool if like in real life there is a limit on how much lifetime radiation exposure you can get before you get grounded. On the ISS only some parts are shielded. They hang out in those parts during high radiation and do other things like use water bags to block some of it.
  23. No clue but if weld a part in 1.3.1 save it then import the part to the 1.4 game it works. At least it worked for me once on some structural parts I welded together. The textures on my welded part are "flashy" or messed up but I think that may be another mod causing it. And actually kinda a lot changed 1.3-1.4. Enough to break a lot of mods but not enough to make them hard to fix it seems assuming you don't have to redo a bunch of graphics.
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