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Everything posted by SpaceFoon

  1. Are you planning on having positive buoyancy on duna? The ship I'm working on will have negative but only like 500. Gonna use wings and gear to land. Really it's the entry that might be tough.
  2. Ahh ok so it's probably the meshes causing the performance hit. Well it's a relief to know since I was chasing other causes. Although I did find a lot of my computers power goes to FAR and aero FX once I hit a certain speed. I hear FAR doesn't like weird meshes but I have been checking flight data and all your parts seem to work just fine. These blimps fly too good actually. I just noticed the large dirigible sections are not providing buoyancy or adding envelope size. I have latest mod and KSP. Anyone else or just me?
  3. I'm working on one it actually flys pretty good with FAR. It has props powered with electricity and a nuclear reactor for flying around. Also has jet engines for flying around faster and higher and it has rocket engines because it's an ssto too. It's also self sustainable with the drills, ISRUs, greenhouses and workshop. Can seat 100. I could change the flight deck to not be asymmetrical and it would fly a ton better but I want sideways landings for the flight crews safety. I am having some problems with frames tho and it looks like its cause by the golonda parts. I built this craft in 1.3.1 and when I got 8 fps I decided to go to 1.4 for the better performance. 1.4 does help but 10 fps still is a little low. After your update I started testing this craft with a ton of different part configurations and allthogh some parts do take fps the golonda parts can cut my fps in half. I lost 2 fps just by having a few golonda parts and went from 22 fps to 10 by adding a lot. I have pics of me flying around with different parts but I don't see an output.log anywhere. https://imgur.com/a/Oju1F I can get a mod list and craft file if that helps. In 1.3.1 and 1.4.1 I used a lot of mods and different life support mods but they didn't seem to affect anything fps wise. Welp just realize that my fps counter didn't show in any of the screenshots. . Anyway if you need proof let me know.
  4. You can make these fly on duna they just have to be a lot more realistic. Like 99% air and 1%ship if you know what I mean. You could add wings and landing gear and just use buoyancy to assist flight.
  5. OMG its updated!!! I built such a nice blimp in 1.3.1 but got a solid 10 fps with any craft over 200 parts. In 1.4.x I can actually play tho! I'll be back with screenshots. Thanks for making this mod!
  6. Yea a lot of mods have shaders broken right now. I don't care as long as it works. Picked a great time to try out the seti mods huh? Aww well even in its current state it makes the game much more fun. I just can't figure out what tech tree I'm supposed to use.
  7. Oh my bad. I took out windows shine and still had pink visors. TBH I install mods pretty willy nilly and my ksp install gets pretty broking from time to time.
  8. Awesome thanks! I mean if its too much work getting these to work with the new chutes just the ejectors are fine. Not sure how easy it is to make your chute type selectable and make it work with the new chute system and all that. I assume you will know if its worth your time.
  9. The new stock parachutes are cool but this is still better. Playing 1.4.1 right and carrier is impossible to make planes with out reverting ya know unless I take a guy to the mun and back then he can bail out of a 4 ton starter plane. Besides a "stunt" parachute isn't appropriate for astronauts.
  10. Well The Runway in KSP is flat while Kerbin in round so it seems like the elevation relative to kerbins center of mass will be highest on the ends and lowest in the middle. In real life the shuttle runway is curved with the earth because it matters even when the scale is 10x.
  11. Same issue everything inside my bays were making a ton of drag. Installed FAR and I had a whole new machine that actually flew. As for the ships falling apart I just installed Kerbal joint reinforcement.
  12. Does this mean I can delete all the text strings from from my mods to improve GC? I mean who needs descriptions anyway?
  13. Anyone else having trouble with your blimp falling apart? My blimp I just made breaks when you turn at all above 100 m/s. I also had some phantom forces that would grow until it broke right off the runway. Rigid body stopped that but didn't make the craft any stronger it seems.
  14. What do you mean I run 100 mods with DMP and it works fine.
  15. So is anyone else using this for heisenburg airship landing and takeoff? I changed the config files to make the part size right but my planes are so bad ive never actually hooked the cable.
  16. To answer your first question, no. For the second part you just want a time warp feature that is the same but without the actual changing of time. It's a cool but it wouldn't work with a ton of mods I use and you don't need to go that far. I've been playing DMP a lot lately and been having no issues with syncing or other bugs caused by DMP. It sucks you can't dock with anyone real time or even fly really close but why is syncing an issue? Just sync before you launch, dock or mess with ground bases. As long as you're not in the past affecting another player's future (docking n such) you are fine no kaboom. Also pretty sure no quick loading. I use revert a lot. It will dup your ship every time so you have to delete the old ships after you're done. Some mods act a little bit weird when you are in different subspaces. Mods that do stuff in the background. For tac and such just don't swap ships before you are synced up. It might say your buddies ship is starving or whatever but it corrects itself when synced. /dekessler is da best. I turn the auto dekessler off because I use KAS and anything without at least a probe core will disappear in front of your eyes! Just sync. Biggest one. One final tip. Link your save folder in dmp server to github. Never worry about kabooms again.
  17. No thank you for writing a bazillion mods I can't live without!
  18. Thanks, I submitted a report on GitHub and posted on the Craft import thread. With the the shady mods I was suspecting it was the guy I pretty much trust the most haha.
  19. He is right some one else had the same problem over in the Memgraph thread. I reproduced this with stock + your mod + memgraph and submitted a bug report. Also reproduced on different systems and many different mod set ups.
  20. Ok narrowed it down to Craft Import. Assuming its the only one doing this. Got a stock game with just mem graph and craft import running and the graph was identical to one just posted. Thanks for the great explanation I am actually trying to learn a bit about this stuff and that helps. Edit: 100% confirmed its CraftImport. I'm running 100 mods and getting a collection every 160 seconds and the heap is not growing. Memgraph also saves my experience with all those mods. I just let it use all of my 16 gigs and stutter is reduced a lot.
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