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Everything posted by NSEP

  1. EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE Maybe this is an early example of Astronauts/Cosmonauts going insane in space. Who knows how many 2mm holes in obscure areas of spacecraft there will be in the age of Space Colonization.
  2. Yeah but if we keep using 7 billion its we are missing the 700 million kids. Its just better to say 7.7 to be honest. Anyways, this is getting off topic so im leaving it here.
  3. By the time SpaceX has the tech to launch that many people into space, the world population would have probably already surpassed 9 billion. Heck, right now, the world population already rounds up to 8 billion, and the fact that people are still behind on that just shows that the population is skyrocketing. get it?
  4. Dawn will likely join the Tesla Roadster and Vangaurd 1 in the Interplanetary Museum of Science and Technology.
  5. Am i the only one who doesn't hate school that much? Its the only place i have physical friends!
  6. A little bit more I tried to make the lines a bit thicker to make my drawing a pop out a little more. Also changed the eyes a tad bit. Also tried different cartoon faces and expressions.
  7. 6/10 I have never been to New York, not the city, nor the state. I don't hear much about the state.
  8. 10,000 Mars rovers? Hey @Ultimate Steve, may i borrow some of your Saturn V rockets so i can launch my 10,000 rovers across the solar system and explore the entire system?
  9. Rules: You can only change one character of the word in the post above, you can also remove a character or add one. (you can not swap characters since that requires altering two characters) Please respect the forum rules, no swearwords. Everyone takes one turn, wait untill the next player has posted untill you post again, posting more than 1 time in a row is not allowed. It can also evolve into longer sentences, that is ok. Example: User 1: Apple User 2: Aeple User 3: A eple User 4: A ple User 5: A plen and so on. Ok, lets begin: Bees
  10. No its probably ketchup, or hot sauce. But i can't prove its not blood though....
  11. Yes they taste good. So if visit were you can eat some, try it. Not Vegan/Vegetarian friendly though.
  12. Im also working on characters that are a more simple and bit more comic-appropriate.
  13. Why not buy 2 trillion frikandelbroodjes and feed the entire world for a year.
  14. A Warrior Wyvern Warrior Wyverns are human companions, and are used as weapons for war, and also just to show off. They eat cattle and can throw their prey and other heavy objects in the sky with their powerfull neck. They are also very intelligent and can understand human language. They also can mimic human reactions (nodding, sighing, etc) They think humans are cute the same way we think puppies and kittens are cute. (Just like elephants)
  15. Doing taxes isn't fun but has to be done. Writing a book is fun but doesn't have to be done, unless you are a professional writer of course. Im not saying that pressuring others and pressure in general is a thing to be avoided, im just saying that its not entirely polite to pressure others into things into doing things that aren't necessary.
  16. Sometimes people are busy and/or lose interest in some things. Just don't pressure others.
  17. I drew it with my drawing tablet in a program called Paint tool SAI Also, i drew some bog bodies (in their live form of course) Tollund man and Elling woman Yde girl
  18. I don't want to smear this with the Flat Earth debate, but apparently the picture of the hole Chris Hadfield posted on twitter is also used in a 2014 album cover. At first it seems very suspicious, i was surprised too. But 50 seconds later i found out the awnser. Note how the image looks very very 'electron microscope-ey'. Yeah, i don't think you can just plop down an electron microscope on a hole and take a picture of it, let alone do that to a hole in thiscorner: (real image this time) If they DO have a electron camera on board... well that must mean that we have some great spin-off technology coming up ahead. Thanks Chris Hadfield for converting more people into Flat Earthers, by the way.
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