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Everything posted by NSEP

  1. I made a little @cubinator inspired drawing of an Asteroid entering the Earth system. Nothing extremely special. Oh almost forgot, i made this one a while back: Obunga, Momo, and Polite cat. Yes, those memes are kinda dead now, but they were hot when i made that drawing. Anyways, so yes, im getting a drawing tablet. Unfortunately i can't afford the big ones with the touchscreen so im getting those small, almost pocket sized ones without the touchscreen. Now that i have the power to make digital art, i can finally use that power to implement colors in my drawings straight away, wich means that i am going to draw more cute little characters with vibrant colors.
  2. Fun fact: The Earth is around 6 Brontograms massive.

    Bronto isn't an official SI prefix, but i think it sounds cool. One Bronto has 27 zeros. Yes i can use 6^27 to describe earths mass but that doesn't sound cool.


    I wonder what comes after Bronto, Tyrannogram? Toomuchogram?

  3. If you see someone (even barely) touching the thing with his rear end its likely not going to space anymore. You never know what happend behind the picture. The Astronauts might get very, very sick, wich is not a good thing. Unless you don't have any fuel left for de-orbiting, because then, you have got yourself a makeshift cold slightly warm gas liquid, with a fair amount of gas and maybe a little bit of solid - thruster.
  4. Yes Humans are animals, but we, the animal species who write and talk about these things are Humans. Shouldn't we let us be us, and let them be them? I wouldn't mind if Dolphins called us 'it' and their fellow Dolphins he/she. Does this really matter? Is it really worth getting into a heated discussion about a combination of 2/3 characters, with no meaning to harm? Who cares? Should we first, i don't know... stop harming nonhumans physically before we brag about this?
  5. I saw Mars during the Lunar Eclipse. It was right next to the Moon. I looked at it with my telescope but it wasn't powerfull enough to see much in detail
  6. Non-KSP drawings are allowed. It was just recently the Kerbal-related drawings started to pop up. Anyways, i like your drawings and your unique style. Its simplicity and limited color pallete makes it very pleasant to look at. I always like looking at minimal drawings like that.
  7. Maybe this happends all the time and we just don't notice.
  8. Im afraid i don't have the necessary tools, unfortunately. I need a drawing tablet, but i don't have one. I hope i can buy one this year though.
  9. I don't know much about coding, but a 'mod maker' has been made for Minecraft, already. It allows you to make alot of different blocks and items, even dimensions, biomes and mobs (NPCs) https://mcreator.net/ I think something like this can be made for KSP, but i don't think you will be able to do as much. Maybe you can make your own parts with the use of basic models and textures, but i don't think you can get any further than that.
  10. Probably with a special kind of tape.
  11. Yes. BFS SSTO will likely not be usefull for anything, BFS would have to be modified in order to works as a functional SSTO. Maybe remove some of the Vacuum engines and use that extra space for extra Sea Level engines, and use the spacious cargo bay for extra fuel. They can probaby use the regular passenger BFS for continental hops.
  12. Yeah, New Glenn is a better option for pre-BFR 'cool projects' Yes, BFR could probably upscale the Nautilus project, and pretty much any project by alot. BFR could scale everything up 10x.
  13. Euros, Pounds, Dollars, they have pretty simulair values.
  14. Nautilus X has a few components that won't fit inside the fairing, so they would need to either redesign Nautilus-X construct some of the components in orbit. Maybe they can even make specialized 'Dragon Shuttle' for the Falcon fleet but i doubt it would happend. BFR could probably construct the Nautilus in one or two launches though.
  15. The Kerbal character design is so simple and cute. Excellent for an animated show.
  16. Somewhere between absolutely nothing and 15 tons. I don't think a BFS would be able to send much stuff to LEO.
  17. ^^I agree. I like the ideas suggested in the OP, but chances are slim it will actually happend. I doubt squad will make KSP 2. I do think that sometime in the future, someone will make some sort of improved spaceflight simulator, but not squad. We will have to see...
  18. I like the idea of having high altitude balloons in the game, as a way to transport payloads like science experiments to the upper atmosphere. I also have to disagree with @Blaarkies. Balloons are commonly used as a method to go to the edge of space and to conduct experiments, they even deployed some in the atmosphere of Venus. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vega_program
  19. Normal expendable rockets are sort of bland to me. Launching normal rockets all the time has sort of become a chore. SSTO's and Shuttles are alot harder to make, but that also means that you learn alot along the way.
  20. Today is my birthday.

    Just so you know.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. XB-70A


      One more bar to the score!

    3. The Minmus Derp
    4. Piatzin


      Whoa nice. Happy birthday .-.

      I said 'whoa' because mine is tomorrow, coincidentally XD

  21. This is pretty usefull if you want to spam with a communication low-ping gaming satellites.
  22. Apperently being forced to drink hot sugar-stuffed tea in the middle of a heatwave because there aren't any cold drinks in house is something to be 'proud of'? I just burned my fingers again and, no, im not proud of that.
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