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Everything posted by NSEP

  1. The one of the only things humans can do that robots can't is researching ourselves. But in a place protected from solar radiation, and with simulair gravity, there is nothing much to be researched that we can't do here at home.
  2. Makes me wonder, what makes it so that the Russians can launch during blizzards but everyone else can't? Is it the speed of gimbal? The fuel tanks? The avionics? The TWR?
  3. Why would you need a rover on Venus? The thing will fry within an hour, and probably wont get anywhere, unlike the Moon or Mars, that if done properly, can last for 20 years. How about we just send an airship/zeppelin there that would drop probes/bombs to collect data and samples from all over Venus? Something like that could explore bits all over the planet within a few months or even weeks. No need for engines too, all it has to do is maintain altitude and be carried by the wind. There are a whole lot of challenges that come with building a Venus zepellin bomber airship thing, but its more practical than a surface rover to be honest.
  4. Are you playing KSP or Orbiter? If you are playing KSP, you should have a look at this mod:
  5. You don't have to use the main engines at all to land back and be reused. You can easily just glide back to destination, especially when the main engines cut-off at near-orbital velocity, when you just have to wait an hour to hit the atmosphere and glide back to the space centre and land on a runway.
  6. We can only speculate. So far, ISRO seems to have no interest in joining the ISS, apparently. I don't think political differences play a major role here. https://www.quora.com/Why-doesnt-India-have-any-involvement-on-the-ISS-despite-ISRO-being-one-of-the-top-space-agencies The capsule seems to have a docking hatch on top suggesting it will dock with something. Im suggesting India will make their own space station but this is just a wild geuss. Its a 3 seater according to WikiPedia. The capsule is about 3100mm in diameter, (according to the graphic), for perspective, the Soyuz is just 2200mm in diameter and can fit 3 people. I think that the ISRO capsule can probably fit 5-6 people if they stacked seats on top of eachother, but i doubt that would ever happend. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISRO_Orbital_Vehicle
  7. A reusable SLS is bassicly an Energia II. It needs to return at orbital velocity, and thus, need space-shuttle grade heatshielding. This will be different for the boosters however, they can probably use Falcon 9s as boosters. But im not entirely sure about that. Cons? Well, SLS will be delayed even more, probably to 2040. By the time its 2040 im pretty sure the SLS will be even more useless. Pros? Well, if you make an boostershuttle, what you essentially got is a kind of BFR-like spaceship. All it has to do is switch engines and intergrate a payload compartement, maybe include landing legs for vertical landings on atmosphereless bodies, and badabab-boom-pow, you can join the crazy-asteroid-moon-mars-whatever frenzy the future is all about. I doubt SLS will ever be reusable however. NASA isn't much about making launch cost lower themselves, commercial companies can do that just fine. ...wait this is the spacex thread.
  8. You need to make sure your orbital velocity is perfectly still, a tiny nudge off-course and you would need to go back for another round.
  9. At least you can easily extract a variety of resources on Mars, rather than taking a dive into almost litterly hell to collect a little bit of Iron or Aluminium for stuff.
  10. It will be darker at night, and i have nothing to look at with my telescope, so i will probably sell it and might use that money to buy a drawing tablet, and one thing i will tell you guys is that i NEED a drawing tablet! My stuff will look so much better if i were able to draw using a tablet. And i HATE drawing on paper, because its so limited and you need alot of supplies, and they got lost constantly. Its also really hard to color stuff the way you want, but when you draw digitally, you can make very clea.... oh wait, am i getting a little of track here? This is a thread about... black holes? Oh. Maybe scientists could probe/crash into the thing, for science, you know. Probably going to be hard considering the 'hole' would be the size of a grain of sand or something.
  11. NASA, SpaceX, Blue Origin, Roscosmos, Boeing, CNSA, ISRO, Moon Express, bassicly everyone else *working on Moon spaceships and stuff* Meanwhile at Arianespace:
  12. We are getting closer and closer! Pretty confident the Crew Dragon Demo will happend within the next 4 months, can't wait!
  13. I did the Drawthisinyourstyle twitter challenge, lots of fun and a lot of happy faces. I also watched Salyut 7 today. Amazing movie, i loved it 9/10, would recommend. The last scene though, im not going to spoil it, but its hilariously scientifically inaccurate.
  14. NSEP

    The Travel Thread

    In the Netherlands we don't have alot of castles, but rather too many traditional windmills. Windmills are pretty much useless right now other than attracting tourists . People who lived in them actually complained because there were too many drones filming them and making alot of noise. Its crazy to think that so many people go to visit our country to see something i see everyday. Imagine if i went to the US to see their urban neighborhood lol. Tell em about the 600 450 year old house that got straight up vandalized and demolished (i think its still up and standing). This is a document about the poor thing. Its in Dutch, unfortunatly, so you might not be able to read it, but it does contain some pretty pictures. http://www.hgmk.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/LB35-Kloosterstraat-34.pdf
  15. NSEP

    The Travel Thread

    This post is from the LEM thread over at the science and spaceflight section but i still want to mention this here. I agree with @Gargamel on this one. One cool thing about Europe is that most 'traditional' buildings are at least 100 years old, and it isn't uncommon to drive by a building that is even older. This includes normal houses. One of the churches that i sort of took for granted most of my life was built 400 years ago. (restored here and there, obviously, but heck, the last time the building got restored was 94 years ago). There are also alot of gravestones inside these churches, just look at the dates, and you know these churches are pretty darn old. Fascinating stuff. There was one building that i think they took down recently, that was 600 years old, it was a small house, but it also was heavily vandalized. Because of those damned teens . So to anyone who wants to travel to Europe, we got alot of old stuff here!
  16. Whoop-tee-doo! Its not like people say that to me every week or anything!
  17. This was supposed to be an ironic meme but i decided it looked better than it was supposed to be.
  18. Unfortunately its not a myth. Im not sure how frequently it happends, but i do know that it is a harassment tactic that has been used fairly often on people subject to trolls like 'living memes'. There are many ways people can harass other people online but swatting is by far one of the worst. As for funny/interesting things that happend in my life today, well, i contributed to a few twitter drawing challenges, and we finally bought soda after a whole damn week. All there was to drink was water and tea.
  19. No, i meant block 3, i know this was the last flight of block 4.
  20. Will it only be Block 5s from this point or will there be more B3 launches?
  21. Tory is just another KSP player.
  22. Im glad i was wrong on that! *surfs the internet*
  23. The Russian 'TKS' and the American 'Manned Orbital Laboratory' were intended to have hatches going through the heatshield. Not just any holes for landing legs or something, hatches for people. Big Gemini got cancelled and never flew, but the TKS flew, penetrated the atmosphere and landed back safely, not with people inside, but it still had a hole inside.
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