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Everything posted by NSEP

  1. NSEP

    The Travel Thread

    Whoopsy daisy. Bus trip extended to 10 hours, because the bus driver has to take breaks i geuss. Oh, and the driving time is 7 hours, not 6. I understand why the bus driver has to take a break now and then, but 3 hours in total is way too much for a 7 hour journey i think. 1 hour in total is probably enough to recover, maybe even half and hour. The journey starts at 6AM, so i do get why he probably needs a little bit of rest, but i think 3 hours is way too much. After all, the 3+ extra hours could also include traffic, but i don't see how there would be many traffic jams, at least not ones caused by tourists. Most tourists from Europe go south, not so much east, in our travel direction. Most Europeans seek for the sun and go to the Mediterranean.
  2. Everything that respects the forum rules is accepted here! I would like to see it for sure!
  3. How did nobody link this video?
  4. The Saturn V is a flying skyscraper, and i really can't wrap my head around that. The things humans can do is amazing.
  5. Banned for stating @RealKerbal3x's post has no likes, wich is false, because i just now liked his post, and your statement has become invalid.
  6. When you reference your favourite nerd-website in the things you make.
  7. My first fully digital drawings that aren't really meant to be low-quality for extra meme quality. Im quite happy with how they turned out. They don't take me that long to make, wich is a good thing for my upcoming project.
  8. NEMO Science Museum, Amsterdam.
  9. Looks alot like Iapetus, it has the ridge thing, even the eye.
  10. NSEP

    The Travel Thread

    I will be entering Germany July 10th. Im going to Berlin on a school fieldtrip. Its like a 6 hour journey, not that much compared to the 13 hours to Bristol in will take in August to visit family.
  11. This? https://www.bbc.com/news/av/technology-37928806/shooting-stars-from-space-for-2020-olympics
  12. SpaceX is working on the BFR, it may not be as big and simple as the Sea Dragon, but it can still do the job of getting massive payloads to Mars and beyond at a relatively low cost.
  13. They can probably turn the entire BFS into a web workshop, wouldn't that be cool? Does the BFB also function as SSTO? If so, we can probably make a big space hotel out of it.
  14. Ice vaporizes at -60C in a vacuum, wich is a problem, but remember, there is ice on the Moon in some craters and maybe even in some of those giant caves, so we can learn how to build a base and colony in those creaters to see how it will be done.
  15. Middle Button: The first thing is to get to your life support for a new one day or even better to do look like it would also be nice if it was a good idea of having to go back down a few times when I tried making it easier for you all of my stuff and it turns off on it when people do not speak african or something else to say I don't have any connection problem to use when it does work when it comes out when it does it all is very cool to see how many times it is actually possible for me that to use a little bit more than I can do think it does not have a space First Button: I don't think so they either have to become a permanent person to be a part of the game or the game is not completely different from the other worlds most likely not impossible to get to the game or the game is a problem when it comes to the game and the game is a great game to play with the game or the game is a problem when it comes to the game and the game is a problem when it comes to the game and the game is a problem when it comes to the game and the game is a problem when it comes to the game and the. Third Button: This makes sense for a person who uses it on an iPad or not working properly for an iPhone and iPad app are the only one to do with this one of course and if I have the iPad for my future the universe would have been better to just say about this one is an iPad app for iPad too much fun to plat with my fellow humans as the game and I also would have to use it all the time I was not sure would like it if the only thing I was able of is a bit cheaper and I also have the same idea and a space game and I also think.
  16. I had a dream that was pretty much identical to real life, with some extremely odd thing happending here and there.
  17. Or a speaker to play Despacito all the way through the mission, because from what i know all transportation methods here on Earth do that through all of their journey.
  18. *1 Cool, it can build an ISS in one launch, but do we really need that right now? If some space colonization company like SpaceX or Blue Origin wants to revive the Sea Dragon, i have nothing against it, but i don't think its the right choice for NASA. Remember, NASA is all about exploration, not colonization and launching huge things into space. They built the ISS together with Russia, Canada, Japan, Great Britian and Europe not act as a space colony but a science laboratory, and to be fair, do we really need a bigger one? The ISS works fine, and if it aint broke, don't fix it! Sure, we have the LOP-G/DSG that is going to be built, but the Falcon Heavy can and the New Glenn can carry the components there for a low cost just fine. Im not saying Sea Dragon is useless, im just saying there is no need for it now and we will have to wait a few years untill space colonization becomes a thing and we need a rocket to carry such large payloads. There is more to rocket launches than just the launch cost and payload capacity.
  19. I agree. People always want to choose the most Earth-Like planets/moons to colonize, but i don't think that is the best option. The Moon is a pretty harsh place, and if you know how to live there, you know how to live in like 97% of all other places in the solar system. And the best thing, its only 3 days away from us!
  20. Every mission begins at LEO, but won't necessarily come back. For routine missions Its probably more fuel efficient to stop by at the lunar Lagrange points near a spaceport of some kind, rather than to capture at LEO. Aerobraking might be an option, but that makes the craft alot heavier.
  21. Mining the Moon for resources to use here on Earth might not be that practical, but, say, mining water on the Moon for deep space missions might be cheaper than launching it all the way from Earth to the spacecraft.
  22. Leggings? There are probably many different ways to keep skirts in their in place, too. Its not rocket science, the 'problems' of playing a violin with a big dress are absolutely nothing compared to the probleme of the heatshielding, landing maneuvers, radiation, etc. You know, the stuff we are supposed to be discussing on this forum.
  23. There is more to developing a rocket than just the rocket. If we were to build a Sea Dragon, we also need workers to build it, tools for building it, a ship to carry it, an ISRU system to fuel it, et cetera, et cetera. And if the Sea Dragon was to be built like a submarine, it would probably take something like a year or two to just build one. Remember, Sea Dragon maybe a simple concept, but its also huge.
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