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Everything posted by NSEP

  1. I am thinking of making a story about life in a generation (?) ship, and colonizing exoplanets. Its not really a generation ship, the ship only travels for 50 years. Maybe im not going to make it a story but i will for sure do some cool math.
  2. I just yesterday watched that movie, thanks.
  3. Everyone else: *well made HQ drawings* Me:
  4. Russian/Chinese space station segments are litterly their own spacecraft. They have to be launched, generate their own power, radiate their own heat, move themselves to their own orbit, etc. This increases the mass of the segment and, thus, it also has to decrease the pressurized volume to compensate for the maximum payload mass. The Americans on the other hand, because of the Space Shuttle, didn't need to launch separate spacecraft, because the shuttle provided all the necessary power and propulsion to sustain its cargo. This allowed to Americans to make much simpler and roomier modules. This is why the non-Russian segment of the ISS consists of a bunch tin cans and a giant truss with solar panels and radiators. And yes, the Shuttle-Launched modules are really oversized tin cans, i hope these images are convincing enough. So to anyone who ever wondered why Russian modules are cramped and the non-Russian ones are quite roomy, here is your answer.
  5. I like to imagine the 4th Dimension as time, and 4 dimensional creatures are able to see the passage of time like a stack of animation slides, expect the slides are 3D rather than 2D. I think about the 4th dimension alot when im supposed to do homework and i have come to understanding it better. The hypercube is bassicly a stack of cubes the same way a cube is a stack of squares.
  6. Im back from my Berlin school trip. It was alot of fun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp

      Cool! How was it?

    3. NSEP


      It was awesome and very fascinating.

      We visited the big TV tower, the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag, the Wall, the Holocaust Memorial, and the Kaiser Wilhelm church.

      You can say we went to pretty much all famous landmarks in Berlin.

    4. eagle92lightning


      Furthest I've been from home is either Disney World in Orlando or the US Naval Academy...

  7. That didn't happend in Berlin that happend at home in The Netherlands.
  8. I finally arrived at Berlin! Alot off fun things happend today. The hostel we are staying at was full of nice people that want to interact with us wiht broken Engish. We also went to the TV tower, wich was awesome, but we had to walk, and now my feet hurt alot.
  9. Apparently even closed-cycle nuclear turbojet things spew out tiny fragments of nuclear waste. Not sure if its true however, but i don't think it will eject enough nuclear waste to turn us into super alien zombies, unfortunately. One dust particle is enough to flip out environmentalist.
  10. https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2018/07/x-spacex-raptor-designer-has-ready-for-development-designs-for-nuclear-rocket-that-will-be-2-7-times-better-than-bfr.html?utm_source=quora&utm_medium=referral cool ntr
  11. Today i used a credit card for the first time, im going to Berlin tomorrow, and they told us that carrying around cash isn't the best idea, so i had to get my hands on a credit card. I decided to try it out at McDonalds, so i went there by bike, and ordered a Cheeseburger and a small Coke using that big touchscreen thing. When the things were ready, i noticed the cup for my coke wasn't inside a bag, so i asked the employee for a larger bag, and he comes up with a holder . I decided not to ask again. At that moment i also realized i left the credit card in the touchscreen thing, so quickly pulled it back out again, and at that moment everyone was looking at me weird because they probably thought i stole it. Anyways, i went back to my bicycle to go back home, and now we have a little bit of a problem, see i have this thing on the front of my bike were a basket is supposed to be fitted on, but i don't have a basket. I tried it with bags before, and bags, even the small ones lock right into place without falling, now however, i have a cup of coke and a holder that i have to put on there, that will make everything unstable. So i just put it on there and just went for driving carefully instead of finding a better position for it. And yes, shortly after, i dropped my cup of coke, in the middle of the road while driving. So what do i do now? Do i leave it there and forget about, and risk getting it thrown at me by one of those diehard anti-litter pals, or just run towards it and put it in the trash can like an idiot? Well, i decided i would put it in the trash like an idiot, you know, doing good things to save the world i geuss. After that i went home and ate my burger while reading AtomicRockets. The lesson of today: You can just cycle with one hand idiot, oh and don't for get your card!
  12. Nice to see China join the reusability game, and are planning to join the fun in 2020s, rather than waiting for too long. Also great to see that they are lowering down on the Devil's Venom.
  13. What do you people think would be the most common method of surface-orbit transportation on Earth, when space colonization becomes a thing? Discuss!
  14. Yes, sort of, its been a problem for like a week now.
  15. Its either a funny coincidence or a hidden joke. I think its most likely for it to be a coincidence, but i hope thats not true. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_(moon)#Naming
  16. I don't get why bombing celestial bodies in the name of science is strange and new to you guys. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lander_(spacecraft)#Impactors Also, don't get 'bomb' and 'nuclear bomb' in a twist. Its like mistaking a fireworks rocket with an ICBM .
  17. I have a simulair problem, every now and then the forum just doesn't work, while everything else does. I can't acces the forums via my PC like 80% of the time. Don't know what it is or where it comes from.
  18. I meant both. Bombing Venus is great for collecting dust samples.
  19. Im not sure if it was with 30 'knot' winds, but they did launch in a full on blizzard wich i assume has a wind speed of 30 knot winds. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soyuz_TMA-22#Launch Its not just the wind thats the problem, there is also temperature, rain, etc that plays a role in this. Soyuz can launch at -5C and can apperently go down from -40C and up to 50C. Im not sure if any other rocket can do that. Also, keep in mind that BFR won't or at least isn't intended to launch/land from the US sites only. BFR is intended to go everywhere, from Shanghai to Mars. Not saying it will do that, not anytime soon at least.
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