Today i used a credit card for the first time, im going to Berlin tomorrow, and they told us that carrying around cash isn't the best idea, so i had to get my hands on a credit card.
I decided to try it out at McDonalds, so i went there by bike, and ordered a Cheeseburger and a small Coke using that big touchscreen thing. When the things were ready, i noticed the cup for my coke wasn't inside a bag, so i asked the employee for a larger bag, and he comes up with a holder . I decided not to ask again. At that moment i also realized i left the credit card in the touchscreen thing, so quickly pulled it back out again, and at that moment everyone was looking at me weird because they probably thought i stole it.
Anyways, i went back to my bicycle to go back home, and now we have a little bit of a problem, see i have this thing on the front of my bike were a basket is supposed to be fitted on, but i don't have a basket.
I tried it with bags before, and bags, even the small ones lock right into place without falling, now however, i have a cup of coke and a holder that i have to put on there, that will make everything unstable. So i just put it on there and just went for driving carefully instead of finding a better position for it. And yes, shortly after, i dropped my cup of coke, in the middle of the road while driving. So what do i do now? Do i leave it there and forget about, and risk getting it thrown at me by one of those diehard anti-litter pals, or just run towards it and put it in the trash can like an idiot? Well, i decided i would put it in the trash like an idiot, you know, doing good things to save the world i geuss.
After that i went home and ate my burger while reading AtomicRockets.
The lesson of today: You can just cycle with one hand idiot, oh and don't for get your card!