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Posts posted by smotheredrun

  1. 4 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

    My suggestion is to take half your mods out of your game data folder, and see if the problem occurrs. If not, put them back and take the other half out. Keep repeating that until you can isolate the mod(s) that are causing you problems. I don't see the issues that you're describing.

    Already started.  I looked through the log and can't really see anything that says "HEY!! This is the problem!!" I just eliminated KIS and KAS. (yay!)

    I was able to replicate it in both my career and sandbox saves, so doing the binary search looks like the path to take.

  2. @Angel-125

    Here are some more details:

    When using the V-22 sample craft or using a build similar to your rescue Buffalo you posted in the KAS Beta thread ( very cool :) ) I had the gas turbines running, and of course the rotors running. This is true in both my installs.

    In my vanilla install mentioned above, both worked perfectly - compressed air was being generated at a constant rate based upon gas turbine throttle, usually about 50 - 60% when using the ascend/descend functions in the VTOL manager or 20-30% when using the 0 - middle button - setting (not running KSP atm)

    In my modded install, with with turbines running at same throttle settings, the compressed air starts fully charged and then when using RCS controls the charge completely depletes, and begins recharging at a much slower rate.  Each subsequent RCS input depletes the air "charge" again. Shutting off RCS the air recharges again, but still slower than in my mostly Vanilla install.


    Here is the log from my modded install:


    If you need any more info, let me know. 

  3. @Angel-125

    I have been goofing around with Buffalo and Heisenberg for a few days now in both my almost vanilla install and my modded install.  In the almost vanilla (HL Airships, Buffalo, Heisenberg, KSO, Airpark, Firespitter, CRP, Mechjeb, KER) everything appears to be functioning within expected parameters.

    In my modded (heavily) install, both the Buffalo RCS Compressed Air and the bigger Heiseberg Compressed Air RCS continually drain to zero with only one press of an RCS control; which makes fine maneuvering next to impossible.

    With my vanilla install I can park on the roofs of  KSC and even make some landings on the Macon Airship! The RCS appears to function correctly.  So, my question is, do you know of any obvious mod conflicts?


    KSP info and Mod list:


    KSP 1.2.2 Build 1622 Win Player x64

    [x] Science

    000 Filter Extensions

    000 Filter Extensions configs



    Auto Screenshots

    B9 Aero

    B9 Aero Legacy

    B9 Animation Modules

    B9 Part Switch

    Better Time Warp



    Coatl Aerospace




    Contract Configurator

    Contract Packs - SETI Unmanned Before Manned

    Cormorant Aeronology

    Crowd Sourced Science

    CTN - MAV


    Custom Barn Kit

    Dark Side Tech

    Decaying RTGs

    Deployable Engines


    DMagic Orbit Science

    DMagic Science Animate


    FASA Lauch Towers 1.2.x fix


    Hided Empty Tech nodes

    HL Airships

    Interstellar Fuel Switch

    Janitor's closet

    JSI - Camera



    KCT dev






    KSP - AVC

    KW Rocketry

    Mk IV Spaceplane


    MK3 Crew Mid Deck IVA

    Modular Flight Integrator

    Monthly budgests

    Navy Fish DPAI

    NF Constructions

    NF Electrical

    NF Props

    NF Propulsion

    NF Solar

    NF Spacecraft

    Nebula Decals and Nebula Handrails

    Nehemiah Orbital Material Science

    Neried Final Frontier


    Persistant Rotation

    Precise Node

    REPO Soft TEcth Deep Freeze Cont'd


    Science Relay

    SETI Greeebhouse

    smoke screen

    SPD Hex Trusses

    Texture Replacer

    Thunder Aerospace TAC -LS

    Toadius Tools


    Trigger Tech KAC and TWP

    Universal Storage

    Vanguard Astrodynamics

    Vanguard Tech - Ejection Seats


    WBI - Buffalo, Actuators, DSEV, Heisenberg,. WBT, Kerbal Komets, Mobile Emitter

    Xenon Hall Thrusters from NF Propulstion

    Module Manager 2.7.6

    I'll see if I can get you a log "soon" If you;d like.

    Log in reply below.

  4. 3 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    That's very strange, because it references something called sound_decoupler_fire_quietkw, but I can't find any reference to that anywhere else. 

    I'll have to do some digging

    That is strange indeed,if I can get a some time tonight to look at that install, I'll see about playing around with that patch

  5. 3 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    I've never used this, but as I'm working on a patch (seems to be 2 lines which need to be changed), I'm trying to see how it works.

    Does it even work, or are the launch clamps just totally silent when this patch is there?

    On my install, the clamps are just quieter, which makes me happy (my daughter too)

  6. Do what you have to do when you have to do it, sir.  The majority of us would rather have something that takes a long time to do that is polished, complete, and usable anyways.  Waiting is half the fun.  Your development posts are always (for me anyways) very neat.  You have a very different take on interplanetary ship/lander/infrastructure design than most of the developers out there - and this is a good thing.  

    If we have to wait for KSP 1.4 to come out before this is ready, so be it.  It will be worth the wait.


  7. On 5/11/2017 at 10:55 AM, Fernir said:

    Hi there it's not working on my open-SUSE leap 42.2


    HI!!!  Welcome to the KSP Forums!  You've joined a fantastic community of users whom are always happy to help out others with any issues they have; but..... we need some more information from you:

    uhm... logs? details as in what version of KSP? other mods?

    Please, at the very least, do a Google search and type in: "ksp how to get support" (I just did this so it does work).  Click the first link.  Follow the instructions.  Post the information here and then.... Profit!

    I know that this mod works on my 7 year old laptop, and it also works on a much much older single core machine.  So if you can give us that information, we can try to help you.

  8. 6 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

    Two things that help me are the CompressedAir rcs thrusters and the VTOL Manager. I have landed aircraft without either, just takes practice. :)

    My issue with the Compressed air RCS is again a PEBCAK*, that being I keep misjudging their potency - which is the same problem I always have when trying out new RCS thrusters on orbit; I'll get it eventually...  VTOL Manager is the only reason I even hit the flight deck in the first place... And then I turned it off and forgot to kill my throttle first, which sent poor Doodford Kerman up, up and away, and then back down again, into the flight deck's control tower. :)

    So now the next test flight will be with Shurman Kerman and a rebuilt Macon IV (I have done some serious damage to the first 3 Macon's - think original Star Trek series and movies).

    On the plus side, I have managed several, well 2, successful landings with the V-22 on the ground, so go me!


    *PEBCAK for those whom don't know:


    Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard


  9. 25 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

    Try renaming the folder to 000KerbalActuators. Really grasping at straws here..

    Definitely doable. Check out my KEEP story for examples.

    Yeah totally know it's doable. I  just need more practice.  And more Kerbals.. .  Sigh.... always more Kerbals... they just keep dying when I crash!  My last attempt I at least HIT the flight deck, so improvement!

  10. 5 hours ago, magico13 said:

    And three, it's been almost a year since the last official update... Oops...

    Naw, don't worry.  Once again, I am happy to report no issues* with the dev build.... I guess going off of the dll it is build 1.2.3?  Probably out of date, but who cares... it works..... within expected parameters.


    *well, maybe one issue with Werner (Wherner?) Checker Continued, but I haven't had the time to test these two mods in my vanilla install yet... I have been meaning to for the last 2 months or so....  But who needs a reminder to install parachutes anyways, right?

  11. @Voodoo8648 I get where you're coming from, and (to me anyways) it doesn't come off angry, but........  it's been my experience since I started playing KSP that any time a mod is listed as 0.whatever.whatever one should be careful when using it in a career install.  Game breaking changes or just simply frustrating changes can and will be made, and often those changes may seem unwarranted or unnecessary to us the user.  But please bear in mind that the mod creators will do this to improve the mod via their own preferred road map, whether or not they share that road map.  They typically don't get paid, at least not by us, so they can do as they wish.  If they like the feedback/ideas, they'll make them work.  If they don't feel those ideas will fit, well, that's that.  If @StarCrusher96 wants to turn Kerbin into a giant floating spaghetti monster, (I challenge you to try StarCrusher!) then well, I guess Kerbin becomes Kerghetti.....  If we don't like it... we won't use it.

    To put my Kerbal funds where my mouth is, I use quite a few mods that are still listed as 0.whatever or in Dev in my current career save.  If they get updated and the changelogs state they will break saves/ships, or if there is little to no detail regarding the changes, I won't update, no matter how many fits KSP-AVC throws on startup.  I haven't updated most of my NF techs to their current versions because of this (detailed changelogs, but ship breaking).  I realize I'm missing out on things I do actually want, but I'll wait for those until my next playthrough.  Werner Checker Continued, the (not so current anymore) Dev build of KCT, and Kerbal Komets are but a few more of the many that are still undergoing some changes, and may/will probably unleash many fiendish Krakens into my save...  So, I'll wait....

    In reference to your specific points regarding celestial body changes, etc., it may be best not to update beyond 0.6 or 0.6.1... for now...  Following the "If it ain't broke, then don't fix it" or more specific to KSP "If it (KSP/mod) ain't summoning the Kraken (too much... wheels anyone? ;P ) don't update" seems to work for me.  I found out the hard way when I installed Kargantua and all of a sudden my OPM install was completely borked.  My closest revert was quicksave I had made 1 kerbal year before... :( <- 100% my facial expression!


    I am following this thread because @StarCrusher96 and team have done some kick@$$ work and I want to add it into my next playthrough....  whenever that happens.  At that point, I'll follow the thread and updates, but I won't update my career save unless first trying it out on another install, just to see what Krakens are freed upon my unsuspecting Kerbals.

    52 minutes ago, Voodoo8648 said:

    Perhaps you could instead post a survey and allow us to vote on a change that you might consider implementing in future version releases. 

    This could be a good idea, there are already a number of mods that do this already

    54 minutes ago, Voodoo8648 said:

    Warn us first of the potential consequences of the proposed change (potentially career mode breaking),

    Also a good idea

  12. 9 minutes ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

    Right now it only works on ModuleControlSurface which is all stock control parts other than the airbrake because the airbrake uses ModuleAeroSurface. Adding in the ability to affect ModuleAeroSurface is next on my todo list and I think I'll be able to get it done tonight. To check if a part uses ModuleControlSurface or ModuleAeroSurface right click on it in the menu in the VAB or in the SPH and if it says something similar to GqN5l7H.png then it uses ModuleControlSurface and if it looks like 4dYVIdv.png then it uses ModuleAeroSurface.


    So this has nothing to do with an individual line within the ModuleControlSurface like this one:

                  %transformName = obj_ctrlSrf

    it just deals with the ModuleControlSurface as a whole?

  13. 14 hours ago, Gumby1973 said:


    I've been having ridiculous issues trying to dock using DR-375 rings.  I can not get them to connect.  I've tried moving them and reattaching them with KIS on EVA multiple times trying to reset them to no avail.  Any suggestions?  The Hexport docking rings I never seem to have any problems with.

    Do you have a screenshot from the VAB/SPH while you're building the craft?  In particular, do you have (or can you go and take) a screenshot showing the docking port?  Is the "red ring" showing on either section you are trying to attach?  If so, it is backwards.



    Does it look like this?



    Or like this?


  14. 9 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

    Eventually. :)

    Haha, you should add a TM next to Eventually.  

    Fun story, was goofing around with the Buff and Heisenberg the other day...  I can't build airships (yet), but these are some cool things man.  It's been since 1.0.4 or 5 since I used Buffalo.  Big improvement to a system that already worked well.  Thanks.  I like that I don't need to strap a 2.5m teetering Science Lab to the flat deck anymore.  Bob kept crashing my prototype science rovers anytime he took a grade steeper than 2 %.  (He got his licence from a box of Kerb-PopsTM). 

  15. 1 hour ago, Raptor22 said:

    Thanks for the honest feedback.

    I'll do a few test flights with the shuttles when I get home. 

    The pitch problems might have been because of the weight of the cargo. What are the shuttles rated for?

    I'll try some clean (no payload) tests later on.

    If memory serves, the Mini was about a 2 ton max, or basically the heaviest part from the KSO Space Station Pack/whatever you can cram into the cargobay.  The Super 25 had about a 12 ton(?) payload I believe.  Using the testing patches, the largest payload so far was about 10-11 tons, which to me was perfect based on the size.  With that one, I've been able to launch some pretty bulky parts, ranging from the smaller SETI greenhouse, pieces from Orbital Material Science, and for no really good reason, a large Near Future fuel tank full of lithium (12 tons I believe).

    The test patches do work, but in orbit, the shuttles are kind of squirrely when it comes to stability, especially the Mini.  The current versions have both shutlles with tricked out reaction wheels, and it helps, but only really on ascent and descent.... under some circumstances, you'll use a dung ton of RCS fuel just to dock....  

    Reasons why I haven't shared any current patch files here:


    One big reason that I haven't shared anything that Deimos made yet is that the flight characteristics of the shuttles in 1.2.x are so different from 1.0.5 and 1.1.3 that users won't likely enjoy the steep learning curve that is imposed on them.... for now....  Also, some mundane things, like part sorting have been done, but why release a bunch on individual patches one at a time, when we could potentially drop out a whole suite of patches to complete the package?  

    Finally, the biggest and definitely the most important reason I haven't shared anything is due to the mod itself:  @Nazari1382, @helldiver have put a huge amount of work into making this project what it is.  The original testing team put in a dung ton of work into making sure that the suite as a whole worked together and was able to be integrated with other mods, almost seamlessly.  To drop a bunch of "not-quite-ready" patches on the community saying "here you go, it mostly works, have fun.." just doesn't sit well with me, and would be unfair to them.  It's getting there, but it's a process.


    As for the pitch issue you mentioned, yeah, the ETs get hit hard by Atmo drag in 1.2.2.  It's best (even without the patches) if you actually do the intitial 10-15 degree pitch back at 1000m, and then (mostly) let gravity do the rest as described in the pdf that is in the downloads.  If you stray too far from prograde your ET will become a ginormous (haha no spellcheck flag on that last word) sail/airbrake and "you won't be going to space today".  



  16. 3 hours ago, Sassenach said:

    My current career is currently based entirely around Mark IV launch vehicles (which is to say, if it takes off from the KSC, it lands at the KSC minus it's payload and fuel. Technically any space plane would do but time is more valuable than fuel so big is beautiful), I posted a picture of my first such earlier, but I've since iterated:

    It's capable of lofting a significant tonnage to orbit, my most recent mission has been to take 32,000 material kits to a low orbit space station (that I might find a loophole in my self-imposed limit) with about 1000dV left over. However here is what happened when I tried for 56,000 of the same:

    Which is not a complaint. This is to be expected of designing flimsy, load bearing joints even if they are aesthetically pleasing. Slowly falling apart on the runway without any explosions was just a comical means of failure. I've probably been pushing the bounds of credulity as it is.

    Apparently you need some Autostrut and KJR love

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