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Posts posted by smotheredrun

  1. So... Rabbit, meet Hole.  Kinda had a thought this thread may head that way.  

    @Vanamonde must also be a Carpenter or something.  Nail head, meet Hammer:

    5 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

    If we get into what we did, didn't do, should have, or shouldn't have done as individuals, this thread will quickly go bad. OP's purpose seems to be to raise awareness rather than try to come to a solution ourselves, so please keep the discussions away from the personal. 


    Also this:

    42 minutes ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

    And a forum about a video game has now turned into a discussion about a topic that people can go on for hours over.

    Hence posting in the Lounge area.  And yes, this is a forum for a video game, so this may end up being problematic.  I hope not.


    Per some suggestion from another user via PM, I did reread my OP to attempt to clarify some wording.  That is complete, for now.  

    Not intending this as a place to share stories of woulda coulda shoulda.  More like an awareness post.  


  2. This is quite long.

    Pre-Preface Edit: Per some discussion with another user via PM, some wording has been changed, slightly, for clarity.

    Preface:  Moderators, if this is deemed to be inappropriate, please close and let me know.  However, based upon many of the stories I've recently been told by many individuals I've known and remained in contact with, I feel this is A) the best/least bad place to put this topic, B) a good time to at least have some kind of acknowledgement to what is happening in the Real World, and C) it doesn't look like it violates any forum rules that I can tell.  At the very least, if this proves to be too much of a hot button, please lock the thread, but allow users to read this.  Thank you.

    Users:  Keep it polite, please.  Also, I realize that this may end up opening a colossal can of worms and uncovering quite a few rabbit holes.  Please remember to keep politics or anything similar out of this.  If anything, this is essentially an editorial or Op-Ed piece.  To me, the world is made up of many forms of grey, but this is a simple black and white topic:


    By now many of you have probably had your facebook and twitter feeds bombarded with posts bearing the MeToo hashtag.  As these stories from many people I know or have known over the years fly through my feed, I have been consistently shocked by what I'm reading.  Coupled with what I've seen from time to time over the last 25 years, and you can get the sense of how truly wide spread the absolute horror is.  SPEAK UP.

    I'll start with the basic stuff:  I'm a male, in my mid thirties, have a wife and a daughter.  I wear 2 hats, well one hard hat and one set of headphones.  In both of my professions, I treat everyone I work with or for like adults - I'm direct, to the point, diplomatic when needed, but I don't pull punches.  I expect to be treated and spoken to like an adult by those I work with or for, and drunk idiots aside, for the most part I am.  I'll therefore speak to all of you like adults here:

    I've been a carpenter for 10 years.  I have, upon reflection spurred on by these stories, seen a handful of instances where the few women whom are in the trades are subjected to this BS.  In each of those cases, for a variety of facts/circumstances/terrible excuses, I was unable to do anything to prevent or intervene.  Now, in each of those situations, I realize I should have at least tried something to intervene.  SPEAK UP.

    I've been a mobile DJ for almost 20 years.  Again, until literally last week, I could only think of one situation of clear attempted sexual assault.  Fortunately, being the DJ at that particular wedding (having the power of not playing the song the despicable man wanted me to play in order (according to him) for him to try to court the much much younger woman and assault her further), and working with other professionals at that wedding (bartenders, caterers, wedding planner, whom all were witnesses) and having the bride and grooms' families both witness it, the matter was quickly resolved.  From what I've heard, the man has been ostrisized from his family.  Now, upon further reflection, again spurred on by the stories I see scrolling across my Facebook feed (no twitter for this guy), I see several more instances where I should have done somethingSPEAK UP.  Whether it was a coworker at the bar where I first started DJing being groped by patrons - I had a microphone to call them out and have them removed.  I didn't.  I was too new.  Too shy on the mic.  Didn't know the bar's policies on harassment - it was the early 2000s... they didn't have one.  SPEAK UP.

    Or one of the many times I've seen a girl at their high school prom or woman at her university grad all dressed up, getting chased by that guy who think she likes him because she once let him borrow her notes.  Ah... boys will be boys right?  NO!  SPEAK UP.  

    Or any of the times I didn't see something, and therefore didn't realize something had happened.

    I have lost friends due to this kind of terrible behaviour - as in, I have confronted a couple friends about what they were doing to someone.  "Oh, it's ok, I'm from 'x' place, we do this all the time.  It's normal."  NO!  "Oh, it's ok, she wanted it." NO!  "Oh, it's ok, we're at the bar.  Everyone does it." NO!   Fairly certain at least one of them is no longer allowed anywhere near any of their own family's events.

    It is absolutely infuriating that as parents and educators we have to teach our daughters and sisters "How not to get assaulted" "How not to get violated" or "Ways to find out if he slipped something into my drink".  Instead, we should be teaching everyone, our sons, brothers, daughters, and sisters, "No means bloody 'NO!'" "Don't grab/grope."  "Don't harass." "Don't rope." "There is NO EXCUSE"

    Instead, we need to be teaching them "Do SPEAK UP!"


    Thanks for reading.  It took a very long time to write this. And it's late here.  And I have to be awake again in less than 4 hours.  And I'll spend most of those less than 4 hours watching my kid as she sleeps.

    And it was necessary.  So damn bloody necessary.

    SPEAK UP!!

  3. On 10/13/2017 at 4:06 PM, panarchist said:

    Those containers were originally in KSPI in the early days - they were created by zzz and released to Public Domain. If you look around, you can still find the models and textures. They're parts with no animations, so they'll work perfectly well under 1.3.1 so long as a cfg file is created for them.

    Nice... something to add to my list...  

  4. @Angel-125, it's been a while since I've even logged on, looks like CONGRATULATIONS DSEV!!!  are in order.  And you have a Kopernicus?  *goes and dusts off neglected gaming computer (my gig laptop... I know... I really need to separate work from play) and installs 1.3.1 *

    I could have sworn I've seen triangular KIS containers somewhere a very long time ago...  Anyone know what happened to them?

  5. Wha.... wow!  It has been a very long time since I looked into this thread.  Love it!

    3 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

    More progress:



    In the interest of not killing frame rates, I'm seriously considering not adding the upper floor garden. Because it will kill your frame rate to make something that looks reasonable...

    Maybe just spray paint the garden in a very Kerbally style?...  or you could add a sign reading "End user to install garden.  No warranties inferred or implied by Wild Blue Industries regarding Ranch House building performance when said garden is installed."

  6. On 10/3/2017 at 1:47 AM, panarchist said:

    I got back to looking at the legacy parts after a long time away, and found my old 0.90 install, which has both the patch file and the alternate textures for the Dauntless / Resolute *and* the Ascension.  I modified the config file so that all 6 alternate textures are available through FSTextureSwitch. (same license as the OP) You'll need Firespitter .dll installed to use as-is.  Zipped file can be found here. Side note - the textures are still available on the first page of the 0.90 v.413 KSOS thread - you'll need to convert the links back to "real" download links (i.e. "www.mediafire.com" instead of "www.") in order to download them that way.

    If anyone needs to find the fstextureswitch2 code in the old 0.90 thread, it's here: 

    Thanks @panarchist!  Is there a way to convert these .tga files to .dds "to make them smaller and use less resources?"  Or is there an issue with licensing or something else?

    In other KSOS news, I have been away from KSP and my gaming system in general for the last few weeks.  Wedding season is far from over for me and Hallowe'en parties, college/university parties are back into full swing.  Combined with my other career an family, it has been a crazy month and a half.

    @shdwlrd has a new set of patches for me to test and has done a fantastic job bug hunting with RPM and a laundry list of others (if memory serves, the vehicles also got a good once or twice over).  Hoping to have Friday off before my gig to do some serious testing of pretty much anything and everything in the mod pack in both 1.3 and 1.3.1.  The next phase is to pass on these fixes to the OP and the original testing team (out of respect).  Once blessings have been secured and any boatmen appropriately bribed, the KSOS can officially live again.



  7. On 09/18/2017 at 11:46 AM, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

    Computer is broken, and I've kind of lost all motivation to continue modding KSP:(, so this mod probably won't change for a very long time. Maybe in the distant future I might make some sort of "grand return."

    Nnnnnnooooooooo!!!!!!!!!  This is such a neat planet pack!  Maybe a break will be a good thing to get the juices flowing again, but I hope that one day you do get back into it.

    Even if you currently lack motivation, please know that it is modders like you that make this game keep its appeal over time; there is always something new to discover around that next hill, across that lake or sea, and behind that next planet.

  8. On 9/10/2017 at 2:11 AM, DiscoveryPlanet said:

    does this mod work in ksp 1.3 ???
    why this mod not updated yet?

    It "works" as is... mostly.  Still working on some balance issues (cost, mass, output, etc) and some small bugs.  Station parts work -- just need some balancing (working on it).  Another user and I are patching (them) and testing (us) the shuttles.  Reaction wheels are bloody crazy.

  9. 4 hours ago, Just Jim said:

    Oh, please... don't inflate my ego any more than already necessary... lmao....

    But seriously, yeah, I love the idea of something potentially breaking at the worst possible time.



    Angel needs to beg the Evil Empi... uh I mean merciful Disney for special permission to have (slightly Kerbalized) Lando yell that every time something breaks.

  10. @ xyphos, I routinely launch sections of larger space noodles totalling when assembled an average of 200 parts, including landers, satellites, and kickers.

    So far I haven't seen any serious slowdown due to autostrutting - the only things that seem to slow my mid level laptop are the log spams from the WBI, FF and I believe OMS mods I have installed.... Most of those issues seem to be fixed in 1.3, and I'm just slow at updating - still in 1.2.2.

    In fact, autostrutting seems to be the only thing that keeps my nervas attached to my ships!

  11. @Angel-125

    While waiting for silicone to dry, I started poking around GitHub because I have run into the docking port issue Grumby referenced back in May.  So......

    If I understand GitHub and pull requests correctly, would I be able to take Grumby's DR 375 dock o tron fix and slap it into my (sorry) 1.2.2 save?  As in can I copy the Green text field into a new config file to overwrite/patch the DR 375 config in the DSEV 2.0 version I'm running? Or something to that effect? Sorry, not at my laptop, so i can't actually open anything, but it sort of makes sense in my head.....

    I forgot about the "not able to dock issue" until earlier today.... :confused:

    If that's not going to work I have a couple very Kerbal ideas for fixing my ship; using only a little bit of KIS/KAS explosives.

  12. 22 minutes ago, Sudragon said:

    Tiger Team: Group of engineers, technicians and scientists and one janitor. Assembled when Something Goes Wrong. The engineers analyse the problem and come up with solutions , the technicians work out how to apply the fixes and the scientists make the coffee using the space centers reactor and organise the donuts. The janitor sweeps up the donut crumbs and is the supply of common sense. They are issued black and orange striped overalls to override issues of seniority and jurisdiction.

    Haha. Yeah I did a google search after taking a look through Angel's wiki.  Seems legit.

    Don't forget the carpenter whom takes the safety key and a hostage enginerd down range so the carpenter can wedge the 2x4 with the igniter into the engine bell - before something goes wrong.

  13. 19 minutes ago, vossiewulf said:

    Is there a problem with this question? Do you need more info? BTW, I could not get it to work and gave up, switched the drills to metal ore mining and they're now feeding the Hacienda Iron Works, and I have an inactive ISRU.

    I've been horsing around with a Buffalo "Mun Explorer" using Buffalo Drill, ISRU, and 1 or 2 chassis pieces set as Ore tanks. This setup works well in KSP 1.2.2 for me with no issues, well not quite: the first version exploded beacause I overheated everything... So here are my notes and fixes:

    1- Buffalo ISRU processes ore (at low surface concentrations) way faster than a single Buffalo drill can extract it. Added more drills in Mun Explorer Mk iii.

    2- Heat is an issue!  have scads of radiators! Like Stock Mediums or several Hotplates from DSEV or grab a bunch from CX Aerospace. Like 2 per device seems to work. I prefer the Hotplates due to their size and they had a look I liked.

    3- Bring a S.A.F.E.R reactor (all of Angel's mods have it included).

    4- Are you running BARIS? I yes, maybe disable it and check to see if your setup works. BARIS thread has and awesome wiki linked to it.

    Let me know what happens


  14. @Angel-125  Thanks for reopening.  Also, thank you for updating your OP with the nice big friendly link to the manual.  Looks like I have some reading to do as there are now Tigers? - guessing that they aren't what I'm thinking of....  Upon reading a couple lines in the wiki and OP... Yeah not the tigers I was thinking of...

    I finally have a nice clean 1.3 up and running.  Going to drop this in with MOLE and DSEV..... ah I probably won't have it very clean after all, my essentials list is like 60 mods. :wink:



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