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Posts posted by smotheredrun

  1. On 4/22/2018 at 9:59 AM, The-Doctor said:

    He made it closer with the 1.4.2 update?

    There are instructions somewhere way back in this thread (I had asked about moving Valentine back so that OPM would function) to move the star.  

    Do a thread search for "mov Valentine" (yes, missing e is on purpose) and it should search for move or moving Valentine...  I think.....

  2. 2 hours ago, Director Kerman said:

    1.4.3 + expansion

    That explains it.  1.4.x changed all kinds of stuff with smoke/plume effects.  They won't work for now.

    If you're going to use them in 1.4.x you'll need to head over to the smokescreen thread and see what's new over there. 

    There are a couple of us working on it, but speaking for myself, my time is very limited right now.


    So to be clear, there is no official or unofficial support for the shuttles in 1.4..... yet.....

  3. 1 hour ago, shdwlrd said:

    You can use it for all instances of moduleRCS. They should be in the KSO25_cabin and super25nose sections in the patches for the super25. In all honesty, I'm using my patches. I don't know which community patches to apply it to. If none of the patches used :Final, I'd write a quick patch for you.

    Ah, Ok.  What I'm thinking is that I'll load the comm patches into 1.4.x and try them out this weekend.  To keep everything organized, I'll make a new archive of patches (copy paste) for 1.4.  The RCS fixes can go right into the new archive, and I think I know which file, but I'll need to test it.  Can you also send me what you have for your patches?  I want to take a look again at whatever your most recent changes are.


    2 hours ago, AlphaMensae said:

    @flart Thanks for the heads-up!  :)

    OK, with the new method of putting the animated retracting hold down arms in the base component of the American Launch Stand, additional new options present themselves.  Since the hold down arms (or clamps :wink:  ) retract as part of ModuleLaunchClamp and not AnimatedDecouplers, this means the base can be used by itself as a bare-bones one-part "launch clamp".  So I'm going to add an option for a "no tower support" switchable option, which would turn off the suuport structure for the tower.

    The tower configuration is still evolving, now I'm going to have all the variants as switchable options,  withdifferent heights, styles, with and without the crew arm, and angled or straight arms all in the mix.  The separate arm assembly will be switchable as well, varying in the number and type of arms.

    I may just add the Atlas V "tower" as an option, and the SpaceX strongback as another (that idea still needs much thought). :)


    This all sounds good, especially if it will drop the number of parts showing up.  

    Regarding the SpaceX towers, have you seen this mod?


  5. 3 hours ago, Capt. Hunt said:

    ok, so I am having trouble getting the super25 to launch with Gravity Turn or Mechjeb.  MJ immediately flies it into the ground after liftoff.  GT gets to the end AP hold time and then flips out and goes into an irrecoverable tumble, no matter what I set it to.

    hmmmm...  Still working up the courage to update to 1.4.x.  Going to wait until 1.4.3 comes out to be honest.  Buuuuttt....  I'll have some time (maybe) this weekend to do an update for a test save.  If I can, I'll look at it.  Never really flew with either Autopilot though.  I've used Mechjeb just for the readouts.

    That said, let's start with Mechjeb:

    When setting up an ascent profile, how does MJ deal with the throttles?  Does (or can) it throttle down at a certain point?  I ask as I typically have to drop the throttles to about 1/3 shortly after booster separation, just to keep the crazy reaction wheels from flinging the shuttle around like a rag doll

    On 4/16/2018 at 8:17 PM, shdwlrd said:

    @Capt. Hunt Here's the fix I'm using for the Super25.

    	channel = Ship
    	transformName = RCSthruster
    	clip = sound_rocket_mini
    	volume = 0.0 0.0
    	volume = 0.1 0.0
    	volume = 0.5 0.025
    	volume = 1.0 0.1
    	pitch = 0.0 0.75
    	pitch = 1.0 1.5
    	loop = true
    	modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
    	transformName = RCSthruster
    	emission = 0.0 0.0
    	emission = 0.1 0.0
    	emission = 1.0 1.0
    	speed = 0.0 0.8
    	speed = 1.0 1.0
    	localRotation = -90, 0, 0
    	name = ModuleRCSFX
    	stagingEnabled = False
    	thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
    	thrusterPower = 1
    	resourceName = MonoPropellant
    	resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
    	runningEffectName = running
    	key = 0 240
    	key = 1 100
    	key = 4 0.001

    All this was fixed in my rejected patches for KSO... :mad:

    That fix, which config are you dropping it into?

  6. 12 hours ago, Delay said:

    That's why I stick to 1.4.1 and I won't update to 1.4.3 until I hear actual opinions on it. Then I'll decide if i stick to .1 or switch to .3. In any case I skip .2.

    I follow that logic with paired Windows releases... :D Windows 3.1? Yes! Windows 95? Yes!  Windows 98? NNOOOOO!!!! Windows 2000? (Yes, because it worked better than NT for what I wanted it to do) Windows MIllenium? NO!!! Win XP? Yes! Win 7? Yes! Win 8? $%@$@^@^%$& ??? you kidding me?

  7. 23 hours ago, Capt. Hunt said:

    awesome, I was wondering if you got this working again.  Does it have any issues in 1.4.2?

    Edit: I checked it in 1.4.2, it works, but it does suffer from the same annoying RCS bug that everything else had when 1.4.1 was released.  From what I've heard there's an easy fix to that.  Also, I'm not sure if this is a Smokescreen issue or a KSO issue, but I'm not seeing any rocket plumes

    hmm...  Haven't tried it in 1.4.x yet.  Just did a quick forum search for smokescreen and saw your post.  I'm wondering if it's just simple renaming of the model names?

    erm nope..?  Here is what I have in the "Engines_with_comment.cfg", located in the KSO/Configs/Patches - Super 25 folder:


    // Low atmosphere exhaust expansion effect
                        density = 0 8
                        density = 1 0.7
                        density = 10 0
                        density = 0 8
                        density = 1 0.7
                        density = 10 0


    Now in the KSO/Parts folder, the "omskso.cfg" has this in the "EFFECTS" section of the config:


                    name = flamethrust
                    modelName = KSO/FX/omslow
                    transformName = smokePoint
                    emission = 0.0 0.0
                    emission = 0.05 0.99
                    emission = 0.75 1.21
                    emission = 1.0 1.25
                    speed = 0.0 1.70
                    speed = 1.0 1.65
                    energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy
                    energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy
                    fixedEmissions = false
                    channel = Ship
                    clip = sound_rocket_hard
                    volume = 0.0 0.0
                    volume = 1.0 1.0
                    pitch = 0.0 0.2
                    pitch = 1.0 1.0
                    loop = true

    As you see, "MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST" is in the omskso config.  Does the patch "Engines_with_comments" not tell KSP to use smokescreen instead?  Or am I waaaayyy out in left field here?  (This is a whole new thing for me.. used to music and power tools :) )


    EDIT:  "MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST" is also in the part configs "super25enginekso" and "super25boosterkso"


    Have you tried Real Plume yet?  Does it overwrite anything that Smokescreen would do?

  8. @Nazari1382 ,  @BlaZe119, @panarchist, @Capt. Hunt, @shdwlrd and pretty much all others :)

    Thanks to some help in (no particular order) from @blowfish, @DStaal, and @Apaseall we now can have zero Module Manager errors upon KSP start up.  

    Here are the updated MM configs for the KSO Community Patches, nothing else has changed.  The updated patches address some syntax issues relating to parts from both Orbiters.  I don't believe there were any MM errors with the station parts, but I've been wrong before - let me know if there are!

    There is a "Quick Update Instructions - Read Please" file included in the archive.  Please read that before doing anything with the GameData folder.  I've also included a ChangeLog for 1.3.1 file in the KSO/Configs folder.  Please have a look at that and let me know if anything should be addressed.

    I have been using the Super 25 in 1.3.1, in both clean and modded installs.  So far no problems. 

    (Still haven't solved the "texture load error" regarding the "blank0.dds" file that gets thrown in the KSP log on start up.)


    Thanks and again, let me know if there is something that needs attention regarding the configs and I'll see what I can do.


    EDIT:  I saw that there was one file that still was throwing an error.  I have fixed it.  Restored the link.


  9. 6 minutes ago, DStaal said:

    This would run it *before* either of the two choices above (since mods are done in alphabetical order), but it would run *after* the KSO mod's own patches.  If the point of the 'z_KSO' is to run after KSO, than this should work.  (Assuming the patches in KSO aren't using ordering of their own.)

    Alright, I think that is what happens..  I haven't seen anything in the other patches for KSO that do any ordering.  They add functionality for kerbalism, snacks, etc...

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