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Posts posted by smotheredrun

  1. 17 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

    Despite a lot of burnout last month, I finally got the Mk-33 cockpit done:


    Stock flight controls; my policy for this mod is no external dependencies, including my own. MAS support could happen at some point but not at initial release.

    That looks great!

    Instead of wasting time doing a number of projects around the house tomorrow, I am going to be productive and spend time with this mod.  :D

  2. 2 hours ago, Emilius73 said:

    While a pad could be made with Tweakscale and the VAB gizmos, I think it would be amazing if custom parts were made in the KSO's artstyle, maybe even using a different tower layout.

    Hmm never tried to make one with Tweakscale.  I just used different attachment points and lowered the number of tiers in the tower using the context menus for the launch pad parts

  3. @Emilius73  and   @Misguided_Kerbal It can be done, please see here.  (warning, you'll need many mods for this to show up in your VAB).  You'll also need the community patches from here.  You may also need to tinker around a bit to get it to work, but it does.  It's made for 1.3.1, and has the handling of a bucking bronco, but it's fun to fly.  No clue if this version will work correctly in any other version of KSP (I expect not anyways).


    You just need to change the placement of some of the gantrys and other "things" but it's possible.

    Here is a video I made using this sort of layout:





  4. Hi @Kerbal enginner bird boi!  Just thought I'd throw in some of my 2 cents too:

    I've tried those shuttle mods and many others over the years (and enjoy them all).  I'm not sure how much you already know about modding KSP, so I'll give you as much info as I can.  If you already know what follows, then no worries!

    One of the biggest things that will help you out if you have issues with the textures is to look on that mod's forum page.  You can use the search bar in the upper right to search for keywords of your issue.  (click on the magnifying glass and select in the options "search this thread").  Also make sure to read the thread's first page as there are frequently dependancies (i.e. other mods that are required) in order to make the mod work.  I don't use CKAN, so I can't be 100% sure, but I "think" it is supposed to do the checking for you and get all of the dependancies, but "sometimes" that doesn't happen.

    Bugs or issues with mods sometimes require time to track down (and hours of reading).


    I noticed you typed the names of some forum users when you were asking for information or thanking them.  If you type the "at" symbol ( @ ) and then their forum name, i.e. "@ insert user name here without quotation marks" , that user's name will show up in blue and they'll get a notification that someone answered them.


    Cheers and happy modding!

  5. Hello community,

    Once again, it's been forever and a massive number of updates to KSP, but I'm back. 

    If I necro my own thread, does that make it a revival/resusctitation instead?  (Moderators, I'd really like to keep this thread going for continuity if that's ok)

    Episode 4.5:  Where am I and What am I doing?



    The emergency repair probe is here:

    Mass On Pad:  2 276 727 tons

    Cost: 105 901:funds:

    Parts On Pad: 67

    Crew Capacity:  0

    Crew onboard:  0



    The 3rd refueller is here:


    Mass On Pad:  2 844 984

    Cost:  224 950 :funds:

    Parts On Pad:  106

    Crew Capacity:  0

    Crew Onboard:  0

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