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Posts posted by smotheredrun

  1. 23 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    DSEV's fusion reactors have a different requirement. They don't produce heat. They require an investment of a few thousand EC as an oven needs a lit match before it can wield its larger flame. The PAW for them (at least in flight) will tell you how much EC they require. Once you know that, you know how much in reserve batteries or a backup fission reactor to bring along.

    This must be an indication of how long I've been away from actually playing the game/how much has changed since 1.3.1 (which I'm still usually using).  I could have sworn at one point the reactors did produce heat....  Although I agree the stock cooling system is shall we say... interesting...

    *goes to read DSEV changelog from 1.3.1 on*

  2. Episode 2:  The Refuellening!

    Still off of work, so more KSP for me!  

    The second and third launches to set up for the trip to Jool are covered here.  Found out that something was very wrong with the Vimy, and found some neat tools within my editing suite too!

    Episode 2:


    The vessels of episode 2:


    Jool 5 Refueller 1 is here

    Mass on the pad: 2901.285 tons

    Cost:  951 430.0:funds:

    Parts on the pad: 134

    Crew Capacity: 2

    Crew onboard: 0


    Jool 5 Refueller 2 is here


    Mass on the pad: 3 113 920 tons

    Cost:  431 704.0:funds:

    Parts on the pad: 91

    Crew Capacity: 0

    Crew onboard: 0

  3. 15 hours ago, GRS said:

    I think you'll have to bring 5 Kerbals for a Jeb Level, while i need to fix 2 Missions before my Jeb Level, and then finishing my Ultimate Challenge after another mission (That'll cover @5thHorseman's Kerpollo Challenge)

    Oh yeah... there will be more Kerbals going.  There are just 2 there to make sure everything works.  (Jeb's not there at the moment as things seem to explode when he's there).  I've already shot the refuelling mission(s) and am working on the final refuelling mission and the crew/food delivery... I accidentally did a dumb dumb and basically threw a bunch of food out of the airlock.

    At launch I was 45 days for my window.  With 7 days in between launches (my rule), there definitely won't be time to train a pair of Kerbals for the whole mission.  There will be at least 5 or six going...

  4. Hello all, it's been almost forever and several updates to KSP since I last posted a mission report thread...  Here is my entry into the Jool 5 Challenge, Jeb's Level:

    Episode 1 is here:

    The craft file is here:

    The mothership was inspired by this photo:

    Mass on the pad: 3 014.78 tons

    Cost: 1 825 046.0 :funds:(on the pad, no refuelling missions... yet)

    Parts on the pad: 410

    Crew Capacity: 33

    Crew on Mission: 2 of 6

    Snacks/not Snacks on board:  Loads... 


  5. 9 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    I had a slight issue when I didn't have the right parts to connect tanks together, but was able to work around that by using crossfeed through the asteroid :-)

    Amazing how asteroids come with built-in plumbing, right?

    Also... you mean there is another way to have Jeb bring an asteroid back?  I thought the chair riding was in his contract

  6. @panzer1b  Been looking at this for the last few days.  Love it.  Are there any legacy versions of this mod somewhere like Spacedock?  Wondering if there is a version for KSP 1.3.1, or if this mod is tied to EVE/Scatterer versions alone?

    Searching this thread lead me to believe that it should be tied to EVE/Scatterer, but I'm also unsure if I need both, one, or none to get this to work...

  7. 16 hours ago, smotheredrun said:

    I just tried out Power Director's "Screen Recorder" yesterday, we'll see how that looks

    Ewwww....  love everything else about that suite.....  not that though.

    Take 2!

    With PD, it took almost 90 minutes to launch to a 300x300 orbit.

    With OBS, (at 30 fps :( , nothing else worked) only took an hour! Yay??!

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