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Posts posted by smotheredrun

  1. 6 hours ago, Patrick_the_big said:

    Also, can I add a comment to the original mod page that this is a thing? I'm sure people will be very happy this mod is available

    Erp... I believe you can... Maybe just make sure to say it's an "Unofficial update" as even though the original license doesn't say you can't fork it, you (as far as I can tell) haven't received permission from the original author to do it....

    Someone like @linuxgurugamer would know best how to word something like that.  If memory serves, he's taken on like a billion mods that were "dead". 

  2. @Nazari1382, @LawnDartLeo

    I just did a quick zero payload launch and return with the Super 25.  Aside from some "texture load errors" being thrown with RPM (missing NavBall or something) and some errors about "additional passes" on a few of the patches, whatever that means, this buggy flies fairly well!  


    Turing down the reaction wheel authority in the R-click menu for the fuselage to about 65% or so seemed to help with control issues...

  3. @LIPLOOP  Hi and welcome to the forums!

    When you unzip the files that are linked in the OP, you should have something that looks like this:

    On the left is the zip file opened in Windows Explod..Explorer: (click the spoiler link)




    Then copy the KSO file (the one on the right side, it has been unzipped) into your gamedata folder.  The file structure should be:


    Then download the community patches.  Open the zip file.  Copy and past that GameData folder into your main KerbalSpaceProgram folder.  If you're asked to overwrite something, do it.  




  4. 22 hours ago, Kosmonaut said:

    @SpaceMouse Well scientists calculated that to induce a 1-g spin at a rate that wouldn't produce Nausea, you would need a radius of 45m. Since the Kerbol System is 1/4 size, we can say that the Centrifuge was just downsized to 11.25m. Kerbals are 1m, and the average Human is 1.6-2m, so we can half that again, making is 6.625m. By scaling the Centrifuge to the Kerbals, it's about 7.5m, give or take, so I think windows are OK on this one.

    This is why math is cool.


    @Angel-125 like how it's going.


  5. 20 hours ago, SpaceMouse said:

    @Angel-125 Love the new centrifuge. I'll at least mention many scientists don't think windows in a centrifuge would be a good idea, because the rate it's spinning would be very disorienting. We don't really know about Kerbals though... :D

    The way Jeb flies for me half the time, EVERY crew compartment should have the windows boarded up.  I can get sea sick watching him fly - and  I grew up spending most of my summers sailing...

    @Angel-125 those new parts look amazing!

  6. Hello all!

    For those whom are looking for some help with launching the KSO Super 25 (and the Dauntless)  I have posted a video below.  It's long (32 mins, still need to learn how to do time acceleration in editing, but I think I have that nipped - next time I guess) and it covers the launch and some of the rendez-vous with a polar orbit (300 km) station (thanks for the M.O.L.E. mod @Angel-125).   @Avalon304 also posted a video in this thread detailing the usage of mechjeb.  I mention this as my entire flight is done under manual control.


    I'll post the landing video (hopefully shorter) later this weekend.


    NOTE: this was done in 1.2.2.  Although when testing the current community patches posted by @Nazari1382 in 1.3.x, the basics were the same.  Following the instructions contained in the PDF provided with the KSO download will give you the best results.  I only deviated my launch profile as I was going to a high altitude polar orbit.



    Questions?  Comments?


    Thanks to @Nazari1382 and @helldiver for the mod.  Thanks again to Nazari for getting the 1.3 community patches out.  Thanks to @Avalon304

    , @shdwlrd, @Capt. Hunt, @Deimos Rast, @linuxgurugamer, @panarchist, @Red Iron Crown, @Vanamonde, @Angel-125, @Pak, and many others whom have helped get this mod going again one way or another, whether they knew they were helping or not.



    EDIT: The landing portion of my recording is laggy as h$%%.  I think I was getting about 1 frame per minute.  Will try to shoot another one with just a landing.

  7. Holy cow!  It has been a while since I've checked this thread or even logged in other than to randomly like something in other threads.  I had thought doing night shifts during the week would allow me more time during the day to do KSP related fun stuff, but.... nope!  Apparently (I willfully ignored this fact when I was younger?) working night shift doing carpentry is very different than doing gigs, i.e. less adrenaline.  That translates to falling asleep as soon as I get home from work.  :(  I love doing door hardware and finishing carpentry, don't get me wrong, but the only bit of adrenaline I get from it lately was when my cordless drill caught fire (well... started to smoke/smoulder like an Industrial Revolution factory smoke stack) while drilling some holes in some plywood.  Said adrenaline rush was quite small though as I took the smouldering drill outside the mall concourse and set it on the curb, walked the 300 ft to our storage suite in the mall and walked back with our fire extinguisher, a bucket, a broom and dustpan (concerned much?).  One shot into each of the 3 sides of the motor casing later and my excitement was over.  Who says night shift is boring right? :)  3 hours of paperwork (yay overtime!) and I got to go sleep.

    Ok, to answer a couple questions:

    @BlaZe119 : nope, not a KSO dev.  @shdwlrd is correct in their description of my role.  Also, I have zero knowledge of the EX other than what was written in the 0.90 thread and the early pages of this thread.

    @Angel-125:  landing gear and COM offsets in 1.3:  erm.. I am so out of touch with KSP, but if memory serves, @shdwlrd did a whole bunch of tweaking with offsets and such with a tonne of parts.  

    I keep telling everyone I'm "going to test 'x' this week/weekend" and well, it does happen a bit, but not enough.  Work (2 careers) and family are always getting a bigger slice of my time pie lately. 

    @panarchist has joined in testing and helping with the fantastic efforts of @shdwlrd in getting the KSO updated.  It looks like we're all having difficulty finding the free time/drive to get this mod up to date, but it's getting there.  


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