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Posts posted by smotheredrun

  1. @nightingale welcome back!  And again thanks for the hard work.  We all do appreciate it.

    Just as a quick note with respect to my post above on 20 May, I am still having that "contract progression reset" happen in all of my saves in that career I mentioned.  Not sure why, but it's still happening.  Tried to reproduce in a clean install with no luck... not really sure what else to do at this point.  If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please let me know.

    Thanks again!

  2. 11 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

    Totally missed this but yes there will be an 800 unit tank. I want the ability to retire the stock 2.5m tanks in my game...


    @Space Kadet Looking forward to watching the latest when I get home. :)

    Just a heads up that next update will be a KSP 1.3 compatibility update. I may need to make an additional patch when KIS is updated. With luck I will have the update done over the weekend. Next month I anticipate working on the Odyssey Two release, which has the revised tanks and a new inflatable mk3 Homestead module. That will finish out the Kopernicus.

    Would this compatibility update remain 1.2.2 friendly? Or will the Kopernicus be a "You really should update to the latest version to enjoy all of these great features" kind of thing?  Basically just wondering how long I can hold off a giant update :)


    22 hours ago, Raptor22 said:

    It's the infuriating "waiting without any word of what's going on" sort of scenario, where you can hear noises behind a door, but you can't tell what's going on inside.

    That one made me laugh actually.  That door was supposed to be sound proof!  I'm gonna have a chat with my contractor and supplier regarding that :wink:  


    I'll point to the OP here where Nazari1382 indicates that Helldriver is working on the KSO EX.  So pinging Helldriver regarding the two existing shuttles, station parts and vehicles may be unnecessary.

     @Damaske said it best in their response above.  Thank you, Damaske.  And to provide another example to Damaske's point, head over to Alexustas's Alcor thread and take a read through that one. There have been periods of several months at a time where there were almost zero status updates from the testers or the modder.  And that mod is still kicking.

    EDIT:  Also remember how Blizzard operated regarding Star Craft and the old Warcraft games.  They totally followed the "It's ready when we say it's ready" rule.  I personally don't have an issue with that.

     @DStaal@Damaske the station parts work in 1.2.2, however the categories are not up to date.  That is fixed in a patch, and I want to get that into the wild "SoonTM".


    I'm still on 1.2.2 in my main save, but IF I can get a few hours this weekend to grab 1.3 and try it out, I'll see what happens with the last batch of patches. 



  4. 2 hours ago, jonpfl said:

    So, if I am trying to figure out if I can get into orbit on Kerbal, how do I determine that?  Look at atmosphere AND in space and ?


    Simplest answer:  click on that little book icon in the bottom right of your screen.  There should be something titled "Planet Wiki" or similar.  Click on the planet you like (Kerbin) and it will have all of the delta V info you need..... approximately.

    So, to build orbit capable rocket, look up "delta V needed to orbit" on that planet's page, and give your rocket a bit extra  (I add 200 dV minimum).

    After that, trial and error (loads of errors) are you best friends!

    Once you are good with that, there are many other tools that you can use to navigate throughout the Kerbol system. You'll find that math becomes your friend!

    Good luck!

  5. 8 hours ago, minepagan said:

    You have to change them manually. IIRC there was a mod that added in the ability to toggle gimbal with action groups but I can't remember what it was.

    Not at my comp right now, but pretty sure @Pak has the SSME gimbals set up in an action group already - with no mod

  6. Trying out MOLE while I wait for some answers in my main save....  When I select some of the prebuilt craft in the VAB, the TITANS specifically, if I then decide to select a different craft, the new craft loads "ontop" of the old one.  The craft selection/loading menu doesn't disappear, and the Exit VAB button doesn't work. (Screenshots incoming)

    Work around:

    Load craft, decide naw want a different one.  Hit "New Craft" button.  Then hit the Load Craft button = Things work as they should.

    Has this happened before?  So far my thread search hasn't found anything.

  7. Alright will do.  Just using another install ATM.  Ran into a fairly big bug with my main: Both my CactEye Contracts just failed (no clue as to why, was a long way from expiry) and my entire SETI contract progress was reset.... :( So I am waiting on some feedback.... If I don't hear anything back from Nightingale within the week, I'll try your fix in another install... or sooner if I get bored.

  8. @Angel-125, I am trying to track down the problem with IFS.  So far, I cannot find any sort of entry in Community Resource Pack, or in the Buffalo/Heisenberg folders that say for example "Here is the density of CompressedAir, Here is the recharge rate", etc.  I did find this in the IFS "ResourcesFix" config though:

        abbreviation = Air
        name = CompressedAir
        title = Compressed Air
        density = 0.000001283
        unitCost = 0.00015
        hsp = 2175
        flowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
        transfer = PUMP
        isTweakable = true
        volume = 1


    Could anything here be the culprit?

  9. 4 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

    Also, heads up, I think I accidentally enabled the AirPark in the latest update. It is NOT ready for prime time and is still in testing. Use it at your own risk.

    So far I haven't found anything explody.  Are you thinking of adding that into the Heisenberg mod?

    Update regarding the Compressed Air RCS:

    Issue is with Interstellar Fuel Switch for some reason.  I just deleted it grabbed a V-22 from the SPH, activated SAS and RCS, opened the VTOL manage.  Activate the Gas Turbines, throttle up, use RCS and WOOOOO!!!! no recharge issues!

    Now what? lol



    I'm getting beer!

  10. @nightingale

    So I think I have found an error.  It seems like it may be related to the issues brought up more than a year ago here.  This is very strange because it seems you corrected this  This literally just happened today.  It happens with my career save.  It also happens when loading the persistent save, and when loading my backup quick saves (#s 80 and 81 so far).

     Repetition steps:

    Load career save.  Click on Tracking Station.  1 or 2 of my CactEye contracts (neither of which are close to expiry) fail with the notification icon. Appropriate Penaties are applied as the contract(s) have failed.  All of my completed SETI contracts are reset with no penalty: Go to Mission Control, shows SETI contracts available at 28 (should have been 0 at that point in my save).  3 of my active SETI contracts remain unharmed i.e. still active and still able to be completed.  1 active Grand Tour mission (no contract pack added for this, these are just what is available by default with Contract Configurator?) is also unaffected.  All of my other contracts (build base here, recon scan here, do a flyby of 'whatever planet' are all deactivated with no penalties.

    Click to settings menu, Load Save, select closest to current date (happens to be Quicksave 81, created at Space Centre).  Repeat steps.  Same result.  Load next closet QuickSave. (#80).  Repeat.  Same result.

    Here is the section in the log where I first noticed something that didn't seem right - note, it's from near the end of the log as I started from the bottom and worked up; and I can't remember why I did that.... sorry...  Here is the specific error I found within that section.

    Here is my KSP version and Mod list.



    KSP 1.2.2 Build 1622 Win Player x64

    [x] Science

    000 Filter Extensions

    000 Filter Extensions configs


    Auto Screenshots

    B9 Aero

    B9 Aero Legacy

    B9 Animation Modules

    B9 Part Switch

    Better Time Warp



    Coatl Aerospace




    Contract Configurator

    Contract Packs - SETI Unmanned Before Manned

    Cormorant Aeronology

    Crowd Sourced Science

    CTN - MAV


    Dark Side Tech

    Decaying RTGs

    Deployable Engines


    DMagic Orbit Science

    DMagic Science Animate


    FASA Lauch Towers 1.2.x fix


    Hide Empty Tech nodes

    Interstellar Fuel Switch

    Janitor's closet

    JSI - Camera



    KCT dev






    KSP - AVC

    KW Rocketry

    Mk IV Spaceplane


    MK3 Crew Mid Deck IVA

    Modular Flight Integrator

    Monthly budgests

    Navy Fish DPAI

    NF Constructions

    NF Electrical

    NF Props

    NF Propulsion

    NF Solar

    NF Spacecraft

    Nebula Decals and Nebula Handrails

    Nehemiah Orbital Material Science

    Neried Final Frontier


    Persistant Rotation

    Precise Node

    REPO Soft TEcth Deep Freeze Cont'd


    Science Relay

    SETI Greeebhouse

    smoke screen

    SPD Hex Trusses

    Texture Replacer

    Thunder Aerospace TAC -LS

    Toadius Tools


    Trigger Tech KAC and TWP

    Universal Storage

    Vanguard Astrodynamics

    Vanguard Tech - Ejection Seats


    WBI -  Actuators, DSEV, WBT, Kerbal Komets, Mobile Emitter

    Xenon Hall Thrusters from NF Propulstion

    Module Manager 2.7.6

    Here is the complete log.

    Please let me know if you require further information.




  11. 5 minutes ago, Merkov said:

    The way I understand it, TWP will write (and read) settings from that location, but it doesn't create the pathway itself for some reason. If you create a PluginData folder in TWP and put a settings.cfg file inside it, TWP should start using it properly. 

    But this should be unrelated to my current contract issues correct?

  12. @TriggerAu, while scanning through an output log looking for a possible problem with some contracts simply failing when entering the Tracking Station, and my SETI contracts being reset (which I'll post in the appropriate threads :wink:  )  I noticed the following lines in said log.  Here is some basic info:

    KSP verison and mod info:


    KSP 1.2.2 Build 1622 Win Player x64

    [x] Science

    000 Filter Extensions

    000 Filter Extensions configs


    Auto Screenshots

    B9 Aero

    B9 Aero Legacy

    B9 Animation Modules

    B9 Part Switch

    Better Time Warp



    Coatl Aerospace




    Contract Configurator

    Contract Packs - SETI Unmanned Before Manned

    Cormorant Aeronology

    Crowd Sourced Science

    CTN - MAV


    Dark Side Tech

    Decaying RTGs

    Deployable Engines


    DMagic Orbit Science

    DMagic Science Animate


    FASA Lauch Towers 1.2.x fix


    Hide Empty Tech nodes

    Interstellar Fuel Switch

    Janitor's closet

    JSI - Camera



    KCT dev






    KSP - AVC

    KW Rocketry

    Mk IV Spaceplane


    MK3 Crew Mid Deck IVA

    Modular Flight Integrator

    Monthly budgests

    Navy Fish DPAI

    NF Constructions

    NF Electrical

    NF Props

    NF Propulsion

    NF Solar

    NF Spacecraft

    Nebula Decals and Nebula Handrails

    Nehemiah Orbital Material Science

    Neried Final Frontier


    Persistant Rotation

    Precise Node

    REPO Soft TEcth Deep Freeze Cont'd


    Science Relay

    SETI Greeebhouse

    smoke screen

    SPD Hex Trusses

    Texture Replacer

    Thunder Aerospace TAC -LS

    Toadius Tools


    Trigger Tech KAC and TWP

    Universal Storage

    Vanguard Astrodynamics

    Vanguard Tech - Ejection Seats


    WBI -  Actuators, DSEV, WBT, Kerbal Komets, Mobile Emitter

    Xenon Hall Thrusters from NF Propulstion

    Module Manager 2.7.6

    Here is the section in the log I am referring to:


    5/20/2017 4:29:38 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Download complete:38
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

    5/20/2017 4:29:38 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Response Length:38
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

    5/20/2017 4:29:38 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Got Version ''
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

    5/20/2017 4:29:38 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Version Check result:Success
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

    5/20/2017 4:29:38 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Failed to Save ConfigNode to file(C:/Users/MASTER USER/Desktop/Non-Steam - Kerbal Space Program/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/TriggerTech/TransferWindowPlanner/PluginData/settings.cfg)-Error:Could not find a part of the path "C:\Users\MASTER USER\Desktop\Non-Steam - Kerbal Space Program\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TriggerTech\TransferWindowPlanner\PluginData\settings.cfg".

    Why is the log mentioning that it can't find this PluginData/settings.cfg?  Just to be sure, I downloaded a fresh copy of from GitHub.  It does not have a PluginData folder.

    While I doubt this has anything to do with my contracts messing up, will this cause other issues?

    Please let me know if you require any further info.  Thanks!

  13. @Angel-125, I have been slammed at work this pas week, and working in the wind outdoors while holding a jackhammer above my head is not what I'd call a great way to keep my energy levels up for evening KSP bug hunting. :(

    Buuuuttt..... I have nothing booked this weekend, and the munchkin is off at the lake, so all of a sudden, I have some free time! :)   I was doing some brain-working though and was thinking that'd I'd start with a slightly more targeted search.  I really only need to eliminate a few mods from my main install, as my test install has already eliminated about 1/3 of the mods I usually use.  Thinking it may be related to a resource issue... not sure why but I have a hunch, and well, I need to start somewhere.  Obviously CRP can be eliminated, your mods all use seem to work with it/almost require it for optimal exploration experience.

    I'll see what I come up with.

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