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Everything posted by smotheredrun

  1. @blowfish, @DStaal, @Apaseall : Ok, so if I have understood correctly, the proper syntax in the MM patch for a part named "ksoavionics" and another one named "super25nosekso" to have kerbal engineer functionality (at least that's what I understand this patch is for) should read as follows: If that is the correct writing, I'll start whacking the bugs. Thanks in advance people!
  2. Ah! Thanks. These patches were done back in KSP 1.2.2, and all I did was write explanations and test for Deimos Rast and Nazari. I'll go through them in the next day or so (if my gig ends early because playoffs! !!) and see if I can fix them up. Thanks guys, I'll be back if I have more questions or if I break something
  3. @blowfish and @Apaseall So what is the actual result of the syntax errors? Are they causing problems with or breaking anything? I'm just wondering if these errors will cause issues when using the shuttles (FPS drops or crashes or something?)....
  4. Before install: 884.7262s After install: 856.9284s I'll take what I can get!!
  5. If I can ever get around to slogging through the video I've shot the last week or so and editing it, I'll post some of my contrapto-towers. Thanks!
  6. Hi @sarbian I have some questions for you regarding my 1.3.1. modded install (the log is in the link for you). First though, my (fabulous) potato system: Intel Core 2 Duo i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60 GHz 8 GB RAM Intel HD Graphics 4000 Win 7 64 bit KSP 1.3.1 64 bit Here are some of the specifics that I get in my output log: In the output_log, I get this when Module Manager states it's done Patching: I also have some errors relating to OPM, but they are after MM has run, and if they start causing problems (if I ever get to Slate or some of the other moons) I'll post over in that thread.... So, here is the full log if you like. And here are the configs that MM mentioned in the log. I am guessing that something in those configs that @Deimos Rast and myself did that needs to be fixed. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you require any further info.
  7. @sarbian, would like to try this out, but wondering if this plugin/mod is backwards compatible to 1.3.1?
  8. See this is what happens when I don't check on some of the threads... You haz a C Krane? Yay!!!!! lol @Angel-125 you need to stop giving me more reasons to add moar mods to my game... My potato laptop takes 20 mins to start KSP!!!!!
  9. I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight - Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart
  10. I've noticed it moves very slowly. And then, of course, when you go and move the stick (at super-sonic speeds) your aircraft likes to do the opposite of what you'd like. I think some of my planes need some COM/COL adjustments more than I need trim
  11. Yay!! Thanks!! Apparently I have been missing this!! (but not my stations )
  12. It's been mentioned by the OP, but use the big arrows in the top left corner of the part menu to expand that menu (as if you were going to grab a subassembly). Down near the bottom of the expanded list, just above the 'plus' sign, you'll see the custom tab for Modular Launch Pads
  13. That is one feature I do miss, but when I do finally migrate (maybe) to 1.4.x (or version > x.infinity+1.infinity) I'll drop Scrapyard in too. It looks very cool
  14. Hmm.... I cannot seem to get any trim adjustments at all, even holding Alt and mashing an input key do nothing. Although atl and x cut my throttle. It's almost as if the alt key does nothing... Not sure if it makes a difference, I am using 1.3.1. and I have not installed this plugin yet. Is there an option that needs to be set in the main settings screen before going into a save game? I have yet to find anything in the Input screen for assigning keys to trim either. Thoughts?
  15. @magico13 oh my kod oh my kod oh my kod oh my kod!! Yay!!! I've started a 1.3.1 play through and I've noticed something missing: KCT!! I also vote for UPA, for all of the reasons above. Great work once again sir. Looking forward to seeing info come about the re-write.
  16. Are there some hot keys for trim? Or do I need a separate mod to actually set my trim in-flight?
  17. @AlphaMensae I'm going to run out of "likes" for my day!! I'm also "supposed" to be off next week. I'll try to take a whack at those node-things for the KW Rocketry parts. If I can get some success, I'll post the patch
  18. Have you tried double sided tape on the wheels yet? @Damaske Do the Advanced Solar Panels (the large gold ones) still randomly break or disappear over time for you? They did for me....
  19. Due to the above quote and this post from a while back, I decided to give this mod a good and solid shake at a Jool 5 run. First, credit where credit is due: After searching the Interwebs for some inspiration "KSP Mark IV cruiser/interplanetary/mothership/etc" I saw this post that had this picture of an interplanetary cargo ship. My version of a Mark IV interplanetary vessel is similar (lateral cargo bays with a central spine) but different (less and different engines, (probably) different central spine, longer, higher payload and mass, and VTOL (planned TO, the L is more crashing so far) capabilities on some airless bodies). Images/videos are to come, once I have an almost final build. With my landers and science kit, we're at almost 300 parts, probably more by the time the fine tuning is done! Many thanks to @Nertea and @Goomblah for the inspiration!
  20. I've been having intermittent Nyan Cats float across my loading screen for the last few versions of KSP. I can have them float across each day I load KSP for a week, and then not see one for a month. Nyan Cats..... What The FraggleRock is a Nyan Cat anyways?!
  21. They unfortunately haven't worked since the Great Wheel Breakage of 1.1.3. I will however say that THE KSO SUPER 25 (A.K.A. THE ASCENSION, A.K.A. EWBCL) ACTUALLY FLIES IN 1.3.1. !!!!! The max payload so far to about 200km orbit is 10 tonnes. I have still only manually flown it. If someone wants to test out the community patches and follow the instructions posted on this page for installing them and the Super 25, please post your results (with or without MechJeb's help). So far the 8 texture load errors haven't affected my flights. If someone knows how to fix them, that would be swell!
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