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Everything posted by smotheredrun

  1. @AlphaMensae Your making life difficult fun! Using a combo of the main release for KSP 1.3.1 and the Dev Branch for 1.3.1., I've been able to slice my Jool 5 mission Launch Vehicle from 400+ parts to 396 parts on the pad! It also looks cooler now. The large Saturn pad seems better able to keep my 40-something metre tall rocket from tipping much better than the smaller pads...
  2. Yeah, I remember DeGrasse Tyson saying something like it looked as if it was the Space Batmobile More of a Classic Batman and pre-Disney Marvel fan myself....
  3. Lol... now you've got me going down the rabbit hole... I need to look those other mods/utilities up now! Just look through more of this thread and tutorials.... Hmm... can one run this through a network? Sort of like the AvilaSoft EFB for FSX?
  4. Will do, thanks! I do have one: With a core i7 3Ghz, 16 GB RAM, 1 GB Nvidia graphics, What is this app like for memory/CPU usage? Especially if I'm running EVE, SVE, Scatterer, Pood's OPM VE, and a crap ton of part mods.... And video recording software
  5. @Arrowstar, Looking at this mod seriously for the first time to maybe have some fun with my Jool 5 attempt. So.. are your KSPTOT version numbers in anyway related to KSP versions? To be specific, can I use the current build of KSPTOT with KSP 1.3.1.?
  6. Jool 5 Mission Update: Resumption of vehicle testing and mission rehearsals. The long hiatus from testing due to scheduling and KSC renovations (read my office/workshop/basement ) have identified several mission critical issues: 1 - Laythe Exploration Vehicle doesn't have a science package. This has been corrected. Several test flight of the updated design craft have been scheduled. 2 - All food stuffs were not removed from the various crafts during the hiatus. Bill is still in Sickbay due to Snack poisoning. 3 - After multiple recalcutions and tests of the power plant for the main Jool Transfer Vehicle, it was discovered that there was actually not enough fuel for the reactors. Testing of the now modified vessel and its Launch Vehicle are now underway. 4 - probably something else
  7. Not at my machine at the moment, but I still use KSP 1.3.1. and I think I've had that issue in the past. I'll be able to check later today to be certain. Can you list all your mods in a spoiler? (To avoid a "text wall" for those that don't want to see it). To clarify, is this an error where you get a pop up saying your Kerbals are running out of Electric Charge (EC), usually while you're timewarping with another vessel or at the KSC/Tracking Station?
  8. Hmm... So I noticed that occasionally the shoulder would "jump" or "skip" around it's attachment location on the shuttle (had it attached to the sidewall of the cargobay), and that was right after decoupling the payload and grabbing it with the arm (don't think I whacked the payload into the vessel) After that I did try time warping with the grabbed object for a few seconds (noticed that the ore can separated from the arm), then went back to normal speed. Tried the physics timewarp (using ALT+ .) and everything seemed fine, until the shoulder started doing it's thing again. So I stopped. It was about 5 minutes later when the whole thing went poof.
  9. @Angel-125 Not sure if I should post this here or in Buffalo, (the only 2 of yours I have running in 1.6.1 atm.... Was using your Mk-1 Station Arm (very cool by the way), and was just cruising around at regular speed (for a while... like 10-15 mins) in orbit waiting to de-orbit and release my ore drum to burn up on decent. The arm's magnet was on basically the whole time as I used it to grab the ore drum after decoupling it from the cargo bay. The arm was deployed outside of the cargobay at a "normal" angle (sorry no pics of that). When suddenly this happened: Here is the log file... Ok.. now here is the log file... What a weird place to put that... KSP 1.6.1. Mods Hope that helps...
  10. Ok. Will try tomorrow. I haven't put that much time into this round of KSP yet. Thanks.
  11. @JPLRepo @SQUAD Just did a Google search for "KSP #autoLOC_8002212" and this thread popped up. I am running KSP 1.6.1. (just grabbed it today). This happens in both a modded and unmodded install. The only difference is that there are multiple #autoLOC_numbersinthispart in the Settings menu, as well as a few part RClick dialogue boxes and some in-game toolbars (I believe). Here is a screenshot (I hope) of the Settings menu. I'll add more if I can get them to show up. EDIT: Here is the Advanced Difficulty tab when setting up a new sandbox save: EDIT EDIT: Here is one from the VAB in sandbox with Cormorant Aeronology's Shuttle Lifting Body by @Pak (I know this is in the Unmodded Tech Support Thread, but I thought I'd show this anyways).
  12. @Angel-125 Grabbed the 2.6.12 version for KSP 1.6.1. Loaded 1.6.1. Got a message saying that this verion was unsupported by 1.6.1. Looked at the version file in th eWBT/Buffalo folder. It says version 1.5.0 and 1.5.99 for Min and Max versions respectively.
  13. Without seeing the particular part myself (neighbourhood is without power at the moment), I would suggest to use the Kerbal Standard Operating Procedure of using MOAR BOOSTERS
  14. Thanks. Love the eating kerbals part. I remember hearing about that
  15. @Angel-125 How different are the versions of KSP? (1.4.x to 1.3.x) I've been away from playing KSP for almost a year and a half now. Even if the version file for Buffalo v2.5.0 says "min version 1.4.1", will it actually "talk" to KSP 1.3.1? or will it just cause issues? I'm specifically looking at grabbing the Recycler Arm...
  16. IIRC, there is a method to that madness. It's been a while since I've used the mod, but I believe you need to have 'x' amount of one resource in order to have 'y' amount of another.
  17. Check the last few pages, I'm sure that's been covered many times. My guess around page 65-66 or so.
  18. Cool beans. If I can ever get some stuff done that I've been trying to finish in 1.3.x, I'll move up at some point...
  19. @Denko666 Glad you're doing better. That is a truly amazingly scary ordeal.
  20. @MOARdV Super excited about MAS. What you and everyone else have done with RPM and ASET is fascinating. EDIT: Radio Navigation?!! *Homer Simpson voice* OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!
  21. @JadeOfMaar Very cool! First time I've seen this (I've been away ) . Curious, how "backwards compatible" is this?
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