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Everything posted by DaElite101

  1. Do the moons have varying amounts of ore? Also, can you collide with the rings or are they purely aesthetic?
  2. Wow, all this over the little black band on the NCS adapter that barely anyone talks about. gr8 db8 m8
  3. I'd like to see a Laythe with volcanic activity. Make Vall into another Io because right now, as other people have said, it's a boring place to visit.
  4. So I guess that since there are basically no rules besides only refueling once, that means that such things as infinite fuel and HyperEdit cheats are allowed. Nice and easy challenge.
  5. I extracted the OPM folder and then put the contents of the folder into the KSP GameData folder. That fixed it.
  6. Okay... I fixed the problem, and now the OPM planets have textures and moons. I just started to realize how far away these are from the Sun. God, it'll be a pain with solar panels. Luckily there's fuel cells!
  7. Decoupler launch it with about 200 separators and call it quits.
  8. So, I decided to mod KSP for the first time, with OPM. I downloaded Kopernicus first, then OPM. After it was done, I could see Sarnus, Urlum, and Neidon when zoomed far out. However, when I zoomed in, their textures were blank. http://imgur.com/a/dTaiG Is it that the tracking station view is not right or did I do something wrong? Also, those were the only additional planets I could see. No additional moons around them. However, the stock planets were fine. EDIT: For now I'm removing the mods and trying them again tomorrow. I'm sure I did something wrong.
  9. Could you give me a link, please?
  10. Any good visual mods that add clouds and improve KSP's looks? Sorry, I don't really know where to look or which mods to use. This is my first time trying to mod the game.
  11. Could you provide pictures of the base? That would help a lot so we can see what's wrong with your base and help you.
  12. Ah. Okay, thank you. Also, does reaction wheel torque stack? Will more increase the total torque?
  13. So, I'm thinking about launching a mission, not sure if it'll be manned or unmanned, but I wonder if there are any good transfer windows here. http://imgur.com/a/nFiMY How do I determine a good transfer window? Where should the planets be relative to Kerbin?
  14. After trying out docking again, I finally did a rendezvous successfully and got a small refueling tanker near my SSTO. But it didn't have enough fuel. The next module for my Minmus mining station had plenty of fuel on hand, so I got the module near my spaceplane. However, it has no sideways control (As in, no going sideways without turning the ship) and all of the docking ports were on the sides. So I used the refueling tanker to transfer fuel over to the spaceplane. Still not enough fuel. So then I sent the module to Minmus, as planned. Now I'm sending yet another tanker to rendezvous with the SSTO, and I'm fairly sure I got the hang of it now. Thank you!
  15. Truthfully, if we wanted to destroy the portal in a manner that will keep the parts reserved and the "rift" from the deconstruction safe and secure, I suggest putting it on some faraway planet like Eeloo. Since kerbals can't be trusted as they can be easily susceptible to Bill's persuasive and lying ways, I suggest building an AI to handle the rift. You came up with warp drives and interdimensional portals and doohickeys like that, right? Building an AI should be easy. And since you have those warp drives, delivering it to Eeloo should be easy and quick. First, I to dismantle the portal, gently pull on the side's with Klaws. Keep increasing throttle until it breaks. Then use a grabber arm to grab the rift and store it in a spare goo container. Instruct the AI to not let any kerbals within 5k meters. And done! Bill can't really influence machines themselves, right? Sorry for the long post and possible grammar errors, I'm on mobile right now. If you're fed up with the portal, simply give it democracy. Nexter's Lab has some democracy-based weapons.
  16. Easy. Shoot it with a Mass Relay. Else, pull it apart with Klaws. Or, use paradoxes on the portal. This one should work. "If you teleport stuff to that dimension, shouldn't you teleport yourself?" Unless Bill built it with paradox-absorbing crumple zones.
  17. If the Science Jr was made smaller, where would the baby glowing Kraken go?
  18. I'm just wondering, is there any benefit to closing an intake during flight? Does it reduce drag or anything? I'm building an SSTO and I want to know if this helps when ascending and if I should assign an action group to the intakes.
  19. So I'll probably need twice as many radiators, or static ones?
  20. Are you playing on the demo or do you have the full game? Nothing related, just a question I had since you said you could only go to Kerbin, the Mun, and the Sun.
  21. Yo dawg, I herd you like fairings, so we put a fairing in your fairing so that that fairing in your fairing gets drag while in your fairing. Fairingception.
  22. I attached the first module on my Minmus refueling station. Kind of a mess, to be honest. I drove the habitation module around for a bit to locate a good ore patch in Minmus's flats, then stopped there and got my hub module down for a landing. Because I didn't attach solar panels to the hub or any sort of power generating equipment, I was left with nearly full tanks of fuel, a trickle of EC left, and a habitat module to dock to. I landed the hub, detached the tanks, and docked the modules. Now to setup power generation, fuel storage, and an ISRU/drilling module.
  23. I'm setting up a refueling base on Minmus and I want to know a few things before I go and design the ISRU and drilling module. Right now I have a central base hub (Not much of a hub, it's just 2 docking ports attached to a lander can with a cupola module ontop), and a habitation module connected. I am testing their alignment in the VAB/SPH, because I'm a rebel. Or that I'm just too lazy to actually test them on Kerbin first. So, do mining drills need to be attached to an ore can to collect ore? How less efficient is the 1.25m Convert-O-Tron than the 2.5m version? What size radiator panels/TCS should I be using for say, 2 large drills and a 1.25m Convert-O-Tron? Yeah, probably not the best setup for a permanent mining base, but it works in the mean time. That's all. Thank you! EDIT: Have one last unrelated question. Where do I find the screenshots folder for KSP? I'm running Windows 10 if that's important.
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