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Everything posted by danielboro

  1. wily it write [LOG 19:07:28.228] Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel [LOG 19:07:28.233] Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel [LOG 19:07:28.236] Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel [LOG 19:07:28.909] Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel [LOG 19:07:28.912] Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel . . . [LOG 19:28:15.378] Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel [LOG 19:28:16.039] Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel [LOG 19:28:16.040] Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel [LOG 19:28:16.043] Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel [LOG 19:28:16.672] [KSP Interstellar] GameEventSubscriber - detected OnVesselGoOffRails ther the game unfirizes and continuous (slower then erliar) it only happens on this craft https://yadi.sk/d/fUw_-o5y3GXn4R 8 rovers on a large fuel and KSPI- NUKE engen (closed gas cycle) it has Dmagic sci parts, RoverScience, bon viage,RemoteTech log file https://www.dropbox.com/s/d0m9hoiq12al1c6/‏‏KSP - strat.log?dl=0 second log file https://yadi.sk/d/OolN1VJh3GY3G8
  2. @MadJock i dont remember wat was the problem but i do remember it was a small thing and you can maualy install them boute and it will mostly work
  3. @MadJock it was reported, and for a wily ckan did not allow them together (conflict) perhaps the mark was removed edit: did i understand correctly that the conflict is in game? (thay cause problems if installed together)
  4. @kendov as far as i can see in the pics and description you gave, GT is doing wat you are telling him to do. the numbers i use for most of my lunches are 100 10 60 30 (or 20 if has more TWR) 0.1 80
  5. @RiverRat2800 it a KSP/KOS problem KSP lokes KOS out of control wen no contact chek if you are using the RT controller in KOS i was tols using al controllers will do this but didnt have the opertonity to test it my self
  6. @nightingale i have a [LOG 23:16:13.030] Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel spam in ksp.log. it freezes the game for so far up to 60 minutes but can be as low as 3 minutes this https://www.dropbox.com/s/d0m9hoiq12al1c6/‏‏KSP - strat.log?dl=0 and the game is extra slow (could be just the part count slowing after the game unfreezes) edit: its only 1 ship that has this problem https://yadi.sk/d/fUw_-o5y3GXn4R rover delivery- 8 rovers whit lander tug, full of sciance parts (including Dmagic ), probe cors, KOS cpu`s (MM in to probe cors ), rover sci and bon viage , and KSPI- NUKE engine (closed gas cycle) i have RT installed and USI/MKS and lots more thos i think are more relevant
  7. well maybe not exactly i had my fuel deliver landed next to my ISRU went to do a burn (KAC reminder) and wen i got back i just lunched the fuel deliver without filling it. seeing that its nearly empty i pressed the PL button and wily still gaining height i filled it whit LF and mono i had ships marked as landed wily in orbit but i dont think this is one of tham the fuel deliver was off the ground but not far yet (less then 150? maybe) edit: sorry for the late post i keep the page open and didn't see im so far bihaind
  8. This is an 8 kerbal ship that will go to urlum The burn is in 8 kerbal days The hub section going to minmus to join the drive section that is a bit bigger. You need to plan big for a small crew. Or get mks parts (I didn't research most of them yet)
  9. I'd like to give praise and glory to the program and programmer. this mod save function saved my career save and kerbals from bugs, general carelessness, design faults and forgetfulness. the screenshots function allows me to see wat my automated ship's do wen I sleep or at work (and by saving in a synced drive I can see wily I'm at work) and see wen the ship zagged wen it should have zigged
  10. @ElWanderer i deleted the m:dump so far its running considering it never run more then a second so far i think thats the fix. no need to use dump. thanks
  11. FOR M IN SciP {print m:part:name+" : "+m:inoperable+" " at (0,26). if (not m:inoperable)and ( not onlyrerunnable or (onlyrerunnable and m:rerunnable)) { if not M:HASDATA {M:DEPLOY.} else if M:Data[0]:TRANSMITVALUE=0 {M:DUMP(). M:RESET(). wait 5. M:DEPLOY. } i have this for to run all sciance parts in the ship but evry 2ed time it gets to GOO it fails on "GOO is inoperable" what am i doing wrong?
  12. @maculator use it wet cation (be careful) he started the sires in an older versions of KOS and KSP, and moved up. i spent 3 days debugging one of his scripts, do to a change in the way KOS do things bitwin the time he wrote the script to the time i used it. it was a nasty "no clue way it fails" bug. and press your name at the up right and chose profile you'll get the last comments you made and you can press "see my activity" to see all comments by you
  13. 14 day to window the crew going to minmus to meet the drive section originally I was planning to get the drive section back to kerbin, dock to the hub section and then go to urlum. but I Seen on YouTube someone using the fall from minmus as the first burn saving lots of fuel and time. so I changed my plan. the hub section will go to minmus. as will the return pods the kerbals use to go to the ship and land back on kerbin. small error i forgot to turn off the puff so all my mono propellent was burned in the node to minmus. ill need to fix it in minmus orbit the drive section is nearly full its time for the urlum sat cluster to go 12 local com SATs to cover the moons 2 long range SATs to connecte to kerbin and 2 scanning SATs the scaner SATs have all scansat scanners dmagic's imager and the polar resource scanner. it got an ion drive to go from moon to moon first burn didn't go well. mj pointed at the manover node but didn't start the burn. wen I looked for way I found the probe core that got the job of control was upsidedown. I relodad , looked for a probe core in right direction, and gave it a kos on boot script to be the control core.but I did the first of 3 (and a 4et for corrections) burns manually but all the rest I gave to mj the transfer stage started whit 12k dv I used ~ 6k of that for the transfer. every 1 of the 4 sat stacks has an lv-909 whit ~500 dv and the second PE kick this time MJ worked 3 days to finel burn the node was split using a kos scrips "MechVal" https://spacedock.info/mod/961/MechVal
  14. bummer wily i can install manually i relay prefer using ckan did you add AVC support? so i get a notice wen theirs an update even if i dont chake this tread
  15. 1 starts 2 after 1 sec 2 starts 1 in 1- stop count by setting active to false bifur it gets to 0 if the part stops, 2 wont start and the loop will stop (i cant test for a number of hours)
  16. bay pressing the active button wily in count down i think it will stop the count down
  17. @Kenny Kerman did you tray to press the button "active" to stop it? did you tray to set the second button (auto reset) to true on timer 3?(yes you did)
  18. @FutureLeak KSP deletes all ship that has phantom parts (KCT prevents that) you can only get the sats back if you have an old save ( [1.2] Automated Screenshots & save or Kerbal Alarm Clock or SAVE - automatic backup system )
  19. it could be just a change is air densety if that is hardwired in the mods formula do you know inaf to fined wat number are hardwired and wat the mod gets from the game? edit: i had a look and i think ther are only 2 number not from the game in stok AerodynamicModel/StockAeroUtil double liftQ = dyn_pressure * 1000; but i think its only for scale (K) and double dyn_pressure = 0.0005 * rho * v_wrld_vel.sqrMagnitude; in Trajectory.cs i found TotalForce += bodySpaceVelocity * (dt * 0.000015); // numeric precision fix well that all i can do but the line in Trajectory.cs looks promising
  20. this is not a bug but works as intended this was mentioned in a vid of 1.0x relish promo as a new enhancement of the kerbal UI
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