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W. Kerman

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Everything posted by W. Kerman

  1. I added two other mods since then, EVE and Distant Object Enhancement, but the results seem to be the same. I noticed one thing which looked wrong in GameData/SSRSS/configs/DisableOblateBodies.cfg: @Body[Saturn] { %cacheFile = RealSolarSystem/RSSKopernicus/Cache/Neptune.bin Changing that to use Saturn.bin didn't seem to make any difference, either. The module configuration cache is ModuleManager.ConfigCache.zip . Thanks!
  2. Alright, by the way, the polar hexagon looks awesome- I teleported a plane into a 90 degree orbit of Saturn, and yup, it's there!
  3. Yo, I tested it... The wonky planet effect is gone (never saw it) However, about Saturn's rings... I'm not sure what to make of that.
  4. How about, instead of adding multiplayer, just make it easier to share save-files. Like really, built seamlessly into the game level save-file sharing?
  5. ----------------------------------------- Wait, F2 doesn't disable the UI??? Oh wait. I'm playing Civ. ----------------------------------------- This happens to me all the time.
  6. I think because they're is so much science floating around, we just need something else to do with it. (Not just converting them into funds.)
  7. Fudge, I'm on mac... Another question- Does this mod have multiple launchpads scattered across the earth?
  8. Removes orbital mechanic? I tried the "magic engine" stuff by having a tiny probe core, and a vector, plus some infinite fuel. The Jool encounter didn't happen.
  9. Perpetual motion you mean? Yes, RTGs have infinite power, and a reaction wheel would turn that into motion. Boom. Broke physics. ('course, physics isn't like that in real life. )
  10. What's the worst thing that can happen if I don't install FAR with the rest of these mods?
  11. In classic, everything but the capsule blowing up, fashion.
  12. I tried using parachutes on a mün lander once!
  13. They are useful if your landing site is not an ideal, flat, surface.
  14. I'll ask that mod creator now... One of the craft blueprint creators if I remember correctly.
  15. Thanks! I do, but there's a mod I want to use that only works in 1.2.1. I'll definitely be using these mod!
  16. Yo. Is there a version of this mod for 1.2.1?
  17. THANK YOU SO MUCH! This hit me so hard when it went down!
  18. What mod are you using for the rocket diagrams?
  19. I want to buy.... Except on the KSP webpage I can't find where it is? Was it even released yet? Does it have moar boosters? SO MANY QUESTIONS!
  20. To fully power an ion cluster of 4 out at Eeloo, you would need... 3.666*4=14.66 electric power per second. 14.66/0.8 (RTG output) You would need 19 RTGs. I guess the thing is that we need bigger nuclear power parts.
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