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W. Kerman

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Everything posted by W. Kerman

  1. There! I have visited 7 biomes with it! Has some small issues... Anemic thrust... High center of mass... A tendency to tip... Not enough power to keep drill+ISRU running at the same time... No Kerbnet connection... Etc.
  2. You know your science threads?

    I have a nearly all out Dres mission going on, and I could get you some of the data for your theories.

    1. cratercracker


      Well, i always appreciate when someone can share their knowledge (use personal messenger please)

  3. Not according to the KSP wiki... " Biomes Dres has 8 biomes. Biome list Dres biome map as of 1.2 Poles Highlands Midlands Lowlands Ridges Impact Ejecta Impact Craters Canyons"
  4. Yo, I looked on the wiki, but in it's biome map, I can't find the "Impact Ejecta" biome. Does anyone know where it is? On Dres.
  5. Still No Response From Dres lander-Scientists fear the worst. Over two year ago, contact was lost from Dres-1, a lander designed to hop from place to place. The comms on board were supposed to hold a steady stream of data, but top scientists claim errors may have lead the design crew to chose the wrong comms dish. If the Kerbonauts are still alive, hopefully they are to return soon. -Bobon, reporter for the Rocket Gazette
  6. Mission Update: Landing 60 tons of lander on a crater ridden dwarf planet is HARD. Also, if someone could tell me which color is which biome on this map that would be nice... 600px-Dres_Biome_Map_1.2.png
  7. I've gone there. It's boring. But real.
  8. Dres, does it exist? Lots of people say it doesn't, and that's why I'm launching a lander to examine EVERYTHING about Dres. (In my science save) This is a one way trip. Equipment: (Science) -GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector -SC-9001 Science Jr. -Mystery Goo™ Containment Unit -PresMat Barometer (forgot it) -2HOT Thermometer -Atmospheric Fluid Spectro-Variometer -Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2 (No seismic detector due to it not being unlocked....) (Refueling) -'Drill-O-Matic' Mining Excavator -Convert-O-Tron 250 ---------------------------------------------------------- The mission will prove if Dres exists, may luck be on the side of the five fine Kerbals embarking upon this mission.
  9. Wait? I thought that was for IRL science not KSP science theories? Was I wrong?
  10. Learning which button is for thrust increasing.
  11. I'm guessing that you're wrong. I think that @goldenpeach shall appear!
  12. A science team of forum members should be assembled...
  13. It seems we are in the same boat, my friend... I'm also playing with Kerbal XP in science mode...
  14. *When you have a biome hopper on Minmus with a lab. I just don't like that you stay inside Kerbin's SOI with it in terms of science. But whatever floats people's boats!
  15. But you get a pretty flag on Duna if you go there, whereas you only have a lab by the end of your time warp of a MPL.
  16. The lab is unbalanced, and while you can grind all the science you need with it, that is boring! Ditch the lab, use the saved delta V to get to Duna!
  17. When, before launching your craft, it destroys half the KSC.
  18. My space stations are glorified science labs/relays. Really.
  19. But if Squad did this, people would want a larger diameter fairings to cover up those unsightly landing legs and then they'd want a bigger diameter engine/fuel tanks to go with the fairings! And then, people would want landing legs for the new largest pieces, and the developers would cry, knowing the cycle cannot be broken.
  20. Was tired of waiting to land. EVAed out of craft ten meters above the surface. RIP Jeb. (Who has survived 500 meter drops....)
  21. This suggestion... has had little evolution over its many iterations. I think KSP IN MULTIPLAYER could become a meme.
  22. Serious infection of Wall-of-textia here, calling the CDC But really, I think 1.3 will be awesome, even if nothing is added, having a less broken game in terms of crashing is always nice.
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