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James M

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Everything posted by James M

  1. This is good.
  2. Maybe but I feel like there's so much stuff you could do to improve reusability in the game, that the subject kinda deserves it's own update.
  3. There isn't enough science equipment (I want all the toys to play with darn it!). The science equipment doesn't provide useful information. (Heck, I find Kerbnet info more useful than the info I collect from most of my science parts) "Progression" shouldn't be dependent on science alone. Science could make stuff more efficient and/or provide alternative better options. I kinda derailed my train of thought while typing there, but that's about how I feel on the subject. Also the current tech tree is garbage.
  4. I find landing boosters more fun than timewarping past planets and pressing buttons to collect "science" before rinsing and repeating. To each their own I suppose.
  5. I read what you said and you could be right. If I was a betting man, I wouldn't bet on it but still. There is a possibility. If this is their "goodwill" project as you called it, I could see that. A sad but undeniable truth.
  6. Gonna have to try using this later Thank you!
  7. "Kerbal Space Program will be one of the first titles published under Take-Two Interactives's 2017-launched Private Division, a publishing label aimed to support mid-sized development studios." Even back in 2017, T2 (And Private Division by extension) never considered KSP as some "Unknown" IP. To corporations like T2, KSP is actually a "Triple-I" game. Not quite "Indie", not quite "Triple-A". Furthermore KSP is supported as of now by NASA itself, ESA, and even Space X to a certain degree. (Flyback booster reference in the scenarios + Elon publicly stating he loves the game.) The game may be small when compared to some of the largest games ever released on any platforms ever. Of course it is. To compare the two is like comparing a Watermelon and a Grape. But even then KSP is no "risky cashgrab". The game has huge upside potential and T2 knows it. The knew back then. Then know it now. The question is HOW they intend to make more revenue from the game than KSP1 made. Make the game better? Be underhanded and cut corners? Microtransactions, Loot boxes, DLC's? The list goes on. But only one of them respects the consumer AND the developer. (Unless of course you also factor in crunch) Also consider this, KSP has sold over 2 million copies, the same amount as Outer Worlds. People have praised that game as being a "Stellar Success". Mind the pun. And I'm not arguing with them, it's great! But in that same mindset, so was KSP1. (Ah I do love my space games.) KSP2 is not only supposed to be it's successor but also it's future. If we're being honest there's a good chance there won't be a KSP3. Not at least in the next decade. So all of it's fans want to see the game done right. Quit giving them ideas xD They might take you seriously.
  8. Literally googled the guy. Business school, law school, business degree, CEO of an investment firm and the largest shareholder of T2. This guy sounds like he totally gives a [snip] about video game quality.
  9. I know cx I was just teasing. On the Kspwiki it says most people think it's green but that the devs would never say
  10. Anything is possible with Moar Boosters and a high end PC.
  11. Hmm. I don't believe Mystery Goo was ever confirmed green... Is there something you're not telling us?
  12. I was told that since there is a known "temporary fix" for the fuel transfer issue, that Squad would have no reason to prioritize fixing it sooner than other issues. Right. Well. In a game where every vehicle that isn't powered off electricity alone has fuel, you'd think the ability to manipulate fuel MIGHT be a priority. That's just my take on the whole thing. Really disappointed they didn't resolve the problem.
  13. I imagine Kerbals are like Pikmin in where they come from underground and primarily gain energy from the Sun. They just don't grow plantlike features as it is their skin that is photosynthetic. I dunno. Something like that.
  14. Even with Elon being a fan of the game? Honestly there'd be almost no reason for them not to.
  15. I read the whole thing but this is not what I did. I said in the past that based on the habits of corporations LIKE Take Two, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones in the wrong. Once again no one knows, but my point was that I don't trust the middle-man (AKA every video game publishing company) to do the right thing in the end because they're money-hungry. Every. Single. One. Now I get it. Every company is out to make it big, but some.. like a lot of (If not most) Indie game developers are only trying to make a good product that their customer will enjoy to the fullest extent. I'm not saying they're all 100% innocent. But for the most part I don't have any evidence to believe otherwise. However there is an ABSOLUTE ****ton of news every other week about what shady things this-or-that video game publishing company did or has done. So to wrap it all up. I don't have all the information. Never have. Probably never will. But based on what I KNOW about companies like Take-Two Vs. companies like Star Theory, I'm "inclined" to believe Star Theory was innocent. Once again! NOT SAYING THEY ARE FOR SURE. But it's what would make the most sense based on what information is out there. Yes, I'm fully aware that I'm making an assumption. But at the end of the day, who knows? Maybe Take-Two's Intercept development team will surprise everyone with an absolutely out-of-this-world creation and we'll all sing their praises? But until that happens, I will always remain skeptical no matter what "principles" you intend to beat into me because time and time again...
  16. Yes I believe what you've said there has been repeated about 10 times back at me. Thank you. Once again to reiterate, I do not disagree with you. They are not and never were OBLIGATED to say anything. I only said that if they didn't want to look so bad, they should've said SOMETHING. From a PR perspective, I believe their silence to be a mistake. (Unless they were legally bound not to speak. Then it'd be understandable. Of course we don't have any information regarding that either.) That's just me. You're free to disagree. Regardless, that doesn't make me inherently wrong.
  17. While I don't disgree I also hate the fact that being honest is also a path to condemning oneself. Unfortunately that's just the reality we live in. I'd have taken T2 seriously had they said something, but because they didn't I guess I should just be indifferent. Better that than a fool.
  18. Could be related to the fuel transfer issues from the New Horizons update. There's a known bug there and they're working on it.
  19. Well you could. But then you too would be making assumptions? Regardless interpretations are going to vary from person to person so in the end none of it really matters. We'll just have to wait and see what comes of KSP 2 in due time. Also you should read the whole statement before you quote me.
  20. The orbital scanners are used specifically for finding out the general ore concentrations from place to place. It's the surface scanner that really tells you what the true concentration is where you're standing. Unfortunately, to answer your question, you won't really know for sure until you touch down. Lol dang it. You beat me to it xD
  21. Do you see why this is weird? Why bother going through the trouble of firing the guys you're planning to hire? If they're so incapable of completing the project, why hire them again? This is the part of what happened I don't really think makes sense unless you think of it like this... Clearly the problem happened with the negotiations in the contract and the only reason T2 would have to fire them from that is if Star Theory demanded "too much" in the eyes of T2. So we can say all day that Star Theory may have been the bad guys for demanding more from T2 for this project, but who's to say T2 weren't undercutting them from the beginning? Both parties KNEW this game would be of high demand. The only difference here is that T2 also knew that this game was Star Theory's dream project. That'd be a perfect reason to cut them loose and then turn around and offer them jobs again under their own demands full well knowing they couldn't really refuse. Regardless of who was doing what or why, we don't actually know the details of the contract and we probably never will. At the end of the day, as a customer, my only job is to look at the details and determine if the product is worth buying based on the little information that leaks through the cracks. God forbid I be skeptical about the situation. Also don't bother calling me a bully again. You don't know me. So quit assuming you do. I take offense to that.
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