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James M

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Everything posted by James M

  1. Thanks man. You're the real MVP.
  2. So dok_377 mentioned the fuel lines are still not fixed... Can anyone else confirm this? I'm not saying he's wrong but I'm not exactly close to my PC to check. I'd like to play KSP again if they are fixed as I have a DOMA mission postponed until further notice no thanks to that bug.
  3. HA my uncle told me that when I was in middle school.
  4. Finally someone who doesn't just throw what I said out the window without thinking first. If T2's hands are tied on the matter as far as speaking the truth, well.. Maybe we'll never know the "truth". Which sucks. I'm not saying they or anyone else is "In the wrong" and never have. I just would like to know what happened from their point of view. Of course that might effect my purchasing the game so.. Yeah. Guess them saying nothing at least raises those chances to "After I see it streamed first". I know it's a logical fallacy. I'm not stupid. They're just a big publishing company with an agenda. But thanks for that anyway I guess.
  5. It most certainly does. The few satellites that used this tool can attest to that.
  6. If they didn't do anything wrong, then they shouldn't have any reason not to tell the community what happened. To give out a formal announcement about the situation outlining why they pulled the contract. They don't have to of course. But they should have if they didn't want to look bad. Yet they didn't. Now they look bad. Not our fault for thinking they have something to hide when they act like it.
  7. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/195250-how-to-spawn-more-comets/
  8. lol too bad. If that one ever comes up for me, I'm doing it so I can post that ridiculousness here. xD
  9. My god. The real question here is... Did you do it?! Cause' that'd be crazy. I don't think I've ever gotten a contract for more than like 4M. And that was for some far out surface base I think.
  10. Pretty sure that's the only way. Same as asteroids.
  11. haha just had a funny vision of a flea booster being used as a parachute cannon meant to smack into the falling probe to slow its velocity mid fall.
  12. Well with the spider engine it might work, but the whole idea was to reduce mass. Fuel is one of the heaviest mass per volume things in the game. Omg I didn't even see that 0.o That's awesome.
  13. An extra oscar b weighs more than a mk1 parachute so it's pointless to do that.
  14. We need more information. Could you give us a better example (Or even better than that a few examples) / pics? That would help us to isolate the problem. Stock Support & Bug Reporting Guide Did you read this before posting?
  15. Just tossing ideas here. Perhaps it's got something to do with the longevity of your lander craft. The fairing is equally as long and thus any thermal advantages gained from aerobraking retrograde are more or less offset by the fact that the heated plasma just rides on the sides of the fairing? I dunno. Eve is hard.
  16. Wonder if he's got fuel left over in the oscar b after interplanetary flight?
  17. Well you'd have to have the wings placed more rearward from your center of mass. Once you're falling at terminal velocity, you'd wait until the last second and flare up using your reaction control systems. The wings would provide some lift and then you'd do this a couple more times until you've slowed down enough to land. The only issue is if you flare too much and actually stall out. At that point, you'd nose down and just slam into the ground. Obviously not ideal. What you're trying to do is really challenging but I believe it still could be done if done right. You're basically trying to land a mini space shuttle with no wheels. Guess I should also mention, the engine of your craft would need to act as the front of the probe upon landing as it would be the first thing hitting the ground. Activating them won't provide any thrust but they would take the impact. Also, I'd recommend using all of the fuel in the oscar-b tank before attempting landing as lighter crafts are affected by aerodynamics more.
  18. i'd try a single Pocket Edition I beam as an impact leg with a couple basic fins used specifically for flaring upon final approach.That would come in at 80kg. Wait no. Math is hard. Anyway that's the process I'd go along with. There's no way you can slow down to landing speeds through impacts alone with less mass that a mk1 parachute. Flaring on wings is probably the most weight efficient way of going about pulling off a lithobrake landing. (That is until we get airbags if ever)
  19. Probably not. Lol I think I might have posted this in the wrong discussion though xD
  20. Just thinking here. You're going through the tech tree.. you get to the thermometer... Go into the R&D center and click on the Experimentation and Data Collections section... There's some new experimental objectives available.. "Passively plot Kerbin's temperatures at different altitudes and at certain "anomalous areas" (Volcanic areas, shore lines vs over the open ocean, etc.)"... as you go to those places, the data gets progressively plotted in thermometer section the Experiments tab on the right side of your screen (Similar to the fuel/craft/etc tabs). There would be a similar section for each unlocked experiment. When you open one during flight, you can see your current progression and upon getting certain amounts of data from different experiments and celestial bodies, you'll unlock new tech. How's this sound?
  21. Compare KSP to I dunno.. Elite Dangerous. No Man's Sky. Ace Combat. That's flying. Of course two of those things don't use realism space flight whatsoever, but my point is you're actively controlling what you're doing the whole time. You might take a second to plot your next point of interest, but generally you are piloting said ship with your hand on the stick. Half of KSP isn't like that because that's not how space flight really works. From a normal person's perspective, spaceflight is actually pretty boring The only fun part is takeoff and landing really and those things take like 2 minutes each. Regardless of the planet. (Circularization not included)
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