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Mark Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mark Kerbin

  1. Ok. I don't feel like me attempting to change all that is a great idea. Oh well. Best o luck with the scrolling. Not sure how to fix it myself, but the bug seems to have stop now that I have relaunched, must have been a one time thing. Had another (hopefully more easy/ minor) suggestion; Can you make a way to "hide" the commnet ground relays markers? No offense but they are a little obtrusive, especially with a kraken ton of visual mods. =/ [Edit] After having a look at the settings to make sure I didn't miss a button, I noticed that they also show through the UI. I've got a similar system going now that I spent some more time refining it. Thanks tho!
  2. Ill check if I have that version of the plane, drop tanks had to be edited a bit to extend range.
  3. Seeing as it's been about a day... Best Comment Award Goes To...... @MaverickSawyer!!! Or was It @SpacedCowboy!?? You both went in the same direction soo +1 Like for each of you! Award For Actually Managing To Figure It Out.... @Teilnehmer!!! You get a like and bragging rights =P I was attempting to replace my old satellite relays. As for the engine stage, it theoretically was going to re enter and parachute after being decoupled upon completing the reentry burn. However StageRecovery decided it burned up... =( Well the satellite made it down, so no big loss. =P
  4. Congrats! You did the common thing that is fixing one major early mission problem, but causing several others that don't become major problems until you notice way after the point of no return. My friend, welcome to the club. =) May I suggest a checklist next time? I too have a tendency to forget mission critical stuff... Like that time when I sent a base to Duna without actually sending a base to Duna... While wondering how I managed to increase the Dv and TWR so much on the way there. Sigh... I only noticed after I landed, and that was after deploying the satellites...
  5. [Output log] From what me and my limited knowledge of Unity can tell, something can't find something. I noticed this when my fps plummeted and when I opened the debug menu Kopernius was just spamming null reference exception over and over again. The log should in theory show what mods I have installed so that should help. This is what the spam consisted of *I think* (Filename: Line: -1) NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.MeshCollider:get_sharedMesh () at Kopernicus.Components.ScatterCollidersComponent.Kopernicus.Components.IComponent<Kopernicus.Components.ModularScatter>.Update (Kopernicus.Components.ModularScatter system) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Kopernicus.Components.ModularScatter.<Update>b__8_0 (IComponent`1 c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Kopernicus.Components.IComponent`1[Kopernicus.Components.ModularScatter]].ForEach (System.Action`1 action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Kopernicus.Components.ModularScatter.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Send help. I've been krakened.
  6. Alright. Main idea here is someone posts a picture of a spacecraft + whatever else they think would be interesting and or useful. Then other kerbals/people attempt to figure out what the point of that mission was. We shall see how this goes. This is my mystery mission; Location: Keosynchronous Orbit
  7. I may have kinda sorta de orbited the wrong space station.....
  8. I figured out why I want it! So I can have a set of 3 sats for Kerbin Mun and Minmus (3 Each) On 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and then set 2 as the relay that connects the 3 bodies. Seems more organized.... and we alll know anyone here likes some good organization
  9. @nightingale I'm going to call that sorted and/or (does that abbreviate to a/o? I forget) workable, seeing as @Warezcrawler seems to have fixed, and the fact I can't begin to help yet. =P Sorry!
  10. @TaxiService Here's your image! (sorry for double post, cant seem to edit the OG) See at the bottom how the Kerbin System Relay is cut off? I can't scroll or drag any farther. This is a less severe case. But the bug seems to appear after creating, editing, or deleting a network or vessel. Also I have a tiny suggestion... Would it be at all possible to add the ability to use decimals? So instead of having say Kerbin System Relay be 21, I could set it to 2.1? Idk I just want to be able to do that. (also yes I am still in the process of setting up =P )
  11. @TaxiService Thanks for the update! Minor Problemo Tho. There seems to be some trouble with scrolling in the menus. Seems to think it is at the bottom but its obvious that there are more vessels/ ground stations below. Common bug and can sometimes be fixed by clicking that menu again. Will try to find screenshot.
  12. I've been attacked by the life kraken, but once i get that under control I will probably pick it up. How exactly did you break it?
  13. You will notice that the menu buttons kinda slide in at the start. Occasionally they seem to get stuck if you mess with them before that. As you mentioned, re launching fixes.
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skunk_Works Well, I guess it fits their MO
  15. Did not know that skunk works did startrek craft... Good to know. =P Neat.
  16. Minor issue with the super long runway thingy. Kerbin is "tiny" and the current runways are already obliviously sticking far out of the ground. I mean i suppose they could stick it in sort of a valley but.. actually no thats a good idea.
  17. GG Fam My happy accident was when I managed to parachute a rocket booster onto the top of the VAB. It was awesome. Well until it fell off and exploded.
  18. I think that the ability to repack should be given at lvl 3 for Scientists and Level 2 for Pilots and Engineers. Still all kerbals should be able to do it.
  19. My game is trolling me. Probably my fault. I get 3-4 Mini AVC alerts for outdated mods each time I open KSP. I looked at my gamedata folder and theres about 8 Miniavc's in there. Im thinking I only need one right?
  20. Can confirm that the link is broken. Neat mod tho, glad its still updated.
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