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Mark Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mark Kerbin

  1. 1.3 release works fine. Seriously i had a 1% drop in explosions, (Im a bad pilot)
  2. If you can mod your game, get kerbal joint reinforcement. Works well enough at keeping heavy craft alive.
  3. See this is why I use VTOL aircraft and or Blimps. Oohhhhh Idea... Plane that drops rover in midair and rover lands on mountain under a parachute.
  4. Gonna be honest mate.. You are kinda, well, krakened. Ie. your computer will probably nope out as soon as you attempt to run this game, even at low textures. Don't even get me started with part count... If I were you i would just start saving money for a good pc. (Large amount of sarcasm, slang, and slightly snarky text incoming. Don't take anything in a bad way, no harm was intended) Also heres a long winded general and basic explanation for computer stuff. Maybe this will help, maybe its totally useless and just stuff you already know. These are my specs (for about $850 USD in 2016-17, can't quite remember) Seems to run KSP at a reasonable speed at high texture detail. Also yes its a laptop I am no computer expert, but I know enough to give some basics. Take with grain of salt. To check your specs try hitting Windows Key + R then typing dxdiag and hitting enter. Should open a dialog detailing whats inside your laptop CPU GPU And RAM is what you need to worry about, those are the basics. Motherboard isn't a problem if you aren't building it yourself, and Storage is just.. storage. CPU is your processor, basically it does all the math, as ordered by the programs you run. It is the computer part of your computer. Faster it is, the faster your computer is (usually, see the RAM part). Its speed measured in MHz (mine is 2600 which would look like 2.60 MHz shorthand). I have a quad core i7 processor from intel. Thats about as far as my knowledge with that goes. RAM is the data that the CPU uses to store data it needs for the calculations it does. The more stuff a program needs your CPU to do, the more RAM your CPU is going to need to do all that stuff (at a reasonable speed). More RAM (Usually) = Better and Faster. Your actual data and files aren't keep in here, your hard (or solid state) drive deals with that. I find that 8 GB does it for me, but my game is high texture and modded. GPU does graphics, determining what actually shows up on your screen. Im a bit limited here knowledge wise. My computer technically has 2 graphics cards. The Nvidia GPU (as shown) is a dedicated graphics card, meaning it does graphics only and has its own ram (not included in the 8GB i mentioned earlier). The other card is part of the i7 Intel CPU, called a integrated graphics card. It runs of the RAM the CPU uses and is part of said CPU. Motherboards i know basically jack about. dont ask. Pretty sure the hold and connect all the bits and bobs together. Maybe do power distribution too. Not something I know, or something you need to know if you aren't building your pc yourself. Storage is storage, where all (and i mean all) your files are stored. KSP's program would be in there, along with all the folders along with it. The Storage is usually called the C: drive, which is what your files are saved under in Windows file explorer. I have about 1 TB, but some of that is taken up by my OS. Any how your storage is pretty easy to manage, if you happen to notice you are running out of space, and you will notice because most computers will warn you, you can simply go buy an external hard drive, plug it in, and drag some of the files you dont need on over. This is not to be confused with RAM, that is something entirely different. Ok I'm done. Ill be happy to explain more, and /or you can google stuff. Since you managed to post here, I assume I dont need to explain that. (That last sentence was sarcasm, and not intended to offend, merely a playful joke... I have alot of very technically challenged family members, but you found a forum to ask for help, so you are already well ahead of the game) Best of luck figuring all this out, and as @Greenfire32 said you can't go wrong future proofing, especially since the cost of good GPUs is probably about to crash, so if you wait a bit a high end pc could be at a reasonable price. Its a long story involving bitcoin and bitcoin mining. Also any of you more technically literate people reading this, feel free to fact check and say something if I was wrong. I probably screwed up somewhere. Its really sad when someone who really wants to play this awesome game can't, through no fault of their own or the devs...
  5. Oh hey neat! Gonna have to compare this to "wetter wings" @TortoiseBtw, Spacedock still has the default description for this mod My suggestion; This addon allows you to add and customize fuel types/quantities in stock wings, and automatically cross-feed between other parts! The intention of this is to improve weight & balance, reduce craft size, and increase aesthetics! Guaranteed 99% Kraken Proof. (Warranty Void If Used Outside SPH)
  6. Ok! Thank for speedy response, just wanted to make sure you know spacedock was saying it was "Out of date"
  7. @steedcrugeon Loved this mod btw, but you may want to go inform spacedock that its upto date.
  8. Today as I attempted to load KSP, I summoned the kraken. And not just any kraken... This was the feared Windows Defender kraken. Contrary to popular belief on kerbin, this kraken does not defend windows of any kind... This kraken scrambles game files. Guess what kind of files this kraken decided were of a Trojan horse variety that it had to eliminate at all costs? .dll and .sfs My entire KSP folder, The zipped mods folder, the gamedata, the save folder. Completely obliterated. It didn't even ask before torching everything. Unfortunately my backup SSD was also plugged in at the time, so thats also a broken mess. So now we get to see if steam can convince windows defender to chill out a bit while it re installs. Supposedly the kraken has been powered off, despite its protests, but we shall see how that goes. (Ie. Windows Defender doesn't pay any attention to steam folder anymore (in theory)) Now that Steam has the home field advantage... Im bored... Obviously. Hopefully your day has gone better than mine. Happy launchings
  9. Theres currently some visual bugs with the re entry fx, ie you can see flames thru the ship, seems to be mostly with the new capsule. Its just cosmetic, but can be annoying for some. Weird. If anything ive seen that KSP is less prone to krakening at launch now.. GIve KJR a go. Maybe just place the clamps on again, I sorta remember having a similar minor incident with a 1.3.1 vessel when i first updated (stock), replacing clamps seemed to fix.
  10. Happens, you likely managed to clip a part into something like the pad,clamp, or kraken and the game didnt deal with it before the physics loaded in. How big and heavy is this sucker? Again KJR may save your ship, but eh who knows.
  11. Hey Guys, for a simple fix with the landing legs download kerbal joint reinforcement. No config editing needed. Probably. Not only does that mod seem to mitigate the landing leg shenanigans, it also wards of the kraken for those of you who have a tendency to do so. Seems to work for me, but my install is modded, as is the fix, so
  12. I would go with the Jeb pushing method. Safe and easy. Just try not to let the ship rotate too much
  13. I think you just managed to over stress the landing gears.... Try adding more.
  14. *gravedigging intensifies* Found this in random spacedock mods. Still Alive? =)
  15. Awesome! And no problemo btw. Crafts still load in fine bc squad has our backs with that, but i thought warning now would be better than a painful awaking when the legacy stuff was scrapped.
  16. I'm glad I found this oddity of a mod... One might even say its a ... space oddity.
  17. Darn you. Theres only enough room for 1 rickroller in this thread.
  18. No problems here. Since those parts are now technically stock, they will survive and be kept in good working order for as long as KSP itself is. Plus it's not exactly like bringing something into the stock game hurts anyone, it just shows that Squad thought that was such a good idea that it should be incorporated, even if it is a DLC. Happens all the time.
  19. Ill have a look at it later, in negotiations with scatterer, SVE and EVE atm
  20. Sorry, I just jumped over from his AVC mod, and over there he says he doesn't have much time for keeping things up to date. (If I interpreted it right) Also the unofficial one is very badly broken for me, so I'm using the slightly buggy Official version
  21. You are going to have to be more specific. How is the mod installed? What does you gamedata folder look like? Did you make sure you have MM 3.0.6? etc..
  22. @SuicidalInsanity Can you release the ships from the OP? Why? Because they look cool and useful and I'm a lazy kerbal. Also, FREAKN NICE MOD DUDE! (Just rediscovered it, can't believe I've gone this long without it.) Oh and btw, speaking of nice stuff, the craft that come with this mod are now technically using legacy parts, so you may want to consider going through and switching out the older parts, (I might do this myself and could send you them if you ask). =)
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