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Mark Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mark Kerbin

  1. Check your control points, reset mechjeb to the factory default settings and try a clean install of mechjeb and MM. If all else fails, sacrifice 2 kerbals to the mohole.
  2. This is a very general question so I’ll take a very general answer. Im planning to build a gaming pc this summer to replace my off the shelf gaming laptop. (8Gb ram, i7 quad core 2.50 GHz (usually hangs out at 2.8-3.2 GHz tho) and a GeForce Gtx 960) Runs at about 30 FPS with my current install, which I explain more below. New build is not going to be just for ksp but I figure it’s a good target given it’s the most demanding game I have. What would you guys consider an optimum setup for running 64 bit on high everything, with 70+ mods and a couple high def visual + background mods on top at about 60 FPS / whatever is “normal”. As I said very general. I’m trying to keep it in the 1000 USD range but I do have some buffer. I also want it to have a decent life span, and I don’t want to do any overclocking shenanigans. I’m really just looking for stats, but if there’s some specific parts that would be nice too. Thanks! This is a very general question so I’ll take a very general answer. Im planning to build a gaming pc this summer to replace my off the shelf gaming laptop. (8Gb ram, i7 quad core 2.50 GHz (usually hangs out at 2.8-3.2 GHz tho) and a GeForce Gtx 960) Runs at about 30 FPS with my current install, which I explain more below. New build is not going to be just for ksp but I figure it’s a good target given it’s the most demanding game I have. What would you guys consider an optimum setup for running 64 bit on high everything, with 70+ mods and a couple high def visual + background mods on top at about 60 FPS / whatever is “normal”. As I said very general. I’m trying to keep it in the 1000 USD range but I do have some buffer. I also want it to have a decent life span, and I don’t want to do any overclocking shenanigans. I’m really just looking for stats, but if there’s some specific parts that would be nice too. Thanks!
  3. That had not occurred to me. Thanks for letting me know. Boot camp is getting a complete rebuild and will be spawning the kerbal as part of the contract, so exploit while you can! And when I say spawn, I mean I suggest you get good at landing at the island runway.
  4. Did it end up crashing that time? I didn’t see any errors but I may have missed it
  5. To sum up me KSP experience, and contract building today; The Everything... Was On Fire....
  6. Thanks for this mod @linuxgurugamer Even if it is a little broken atm. In the mean time Jeb will have to channel his Major Kong the old fashion way. Weeeeehooooooooooooo
  7. Yeah. What they said. Change the authority limiter in tweakables to a negative value to make it go the other way.
  8. Honestly. No clue. Check the console (F12) Also a output log would be helpful. That can be found by following instructions on the pinned threads.
  9. Yeah, you can’t really mix and match metafiles as far as my experience goes. I guess reverting to an earlier save fixed it?
  10. Well first thing I noticed is that your MM is out of date. Clear out all MM’s stuff, update to 3.0.7 (or whatever it is when you see this) then reload. That kind of thing usually involves MM breaking something accidentally. Usually just happens once. If it’s still broken and you added /updated a mod shortly before it broke, remove mod, clear out MM’s configs, and try again. If it’s still broken go find your output log. We can work off of that.
  11. @tonimark I would suggest you make a new thread since you have a entirely different install. @KerbOrigin First off, I think I had something like that happen to me. I think reinstalling MM entirely, ie removing all its configs, fixed it. That being said we still need an output log. @tonimark this is for you too; How to get an output log. Step 1: do whatever you did the first time Step 2: shut off game after it finishes breaking Step 3: find log using these paths; Windows:KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt (32bit) or KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (64bit) or %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log.txt Mac OS X: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log ) Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log Since neither of you have attempted to sell me a new operating system I’ll assume you have a windows PC. If so just hit Windows Key + R then paste in this; (Just navigates to a file in your directory, it’s safe) %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log.txt That will open ksp’s log file. Delete the output_log.txt part of you just want to see it in the file folder. Upload it to Dropbox or Google drive so you can share it with us.
  12. Well to do that we would have to know what mods you have installed. Get a list of mods, picture of your game data, and maybe an output log. Then we can help out.
  13. Hmmm Probably a kraken. Are you sure you didn’t hit something? Planetary bodies are pretty good at sneaking up on people.
  14. Set SAS to stability only and or get mechjeb and use its rover stability assist
  15. I’ll investigate a bit and then give you the beginings of a pull request. Edit Actually, not sure if I know enough to make a new behavior. I would greatly appreciate if you could just tack on an “add to roster” option to spawnkerbal. In the mean time I have a work around for what I wanted to do with it, so don’t feel like I am waiting on you. (Yeah I’m being vague to avoid over promising on Kerbal Academy’s next update) Sorry for any spelling weirdness, school WiFi and autocorrect are not a good combo.
  16. Your mechjeb has derped out. Turn off all mechjeb functions. Then try again. Also maybe turn an autopilot on and off again. That works for me.
  17. LMAO. Sorry that just so funny. #SubmarineBase (No Im Not Sorry) Come to think of it there should be a cave that leads from that hole into the ocean. Would be a neat thing to run across.
  18. @nightingale Am I correct in assuming that the SpawnKerbal behavior can be used to immediately add a kerbal to the roster? Or is there another Behavior I should be using?
  19. Damn stole my idea and I didnt even notice.
  20. Version 1.3 Or 1.2.2-3 Info; As I plan to be completely rebuilding several contracts, this will likely take a bit of time. If you feel like helping, pay attention the the github repo and test out any new uploads. Thanks! A highly unfinished Kerbonaut Boot Camp contract will be uploaded to github shortly. (Unplayable) Check for new branches. It is intended as a replacement to the current Boot Camp but will have very similar mission profiles.
  21. #WhenYouSpendAllDayBugfixingAndYetStillMissSomethingThatObvious You know how to reactivate those right? Settings menu > Difficulty settings > Contract Config Thanks to the report, Ill investigate.
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