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Garrett Kerman

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Everything posted by Garrett Kerman

  1. THANK YOU. This has annoyed me for sooo long.
  2. I orient both. The docking ports on both craft line up.
  3. I actually put off docking for awhile. In fact I spent ~ 700,000 funds launching a massive station to minmus orbit because I couldn't dock. It took me ~30 min to get down docking. However, I still have to orient my stations so I can dock (mostly)
  4. That's what I call my polar scansats (because they have never failed to summon the Kraken. Gotta love part clipping). @TheEpicSquared I love this story! Keep up the good work!
  5. @StupidAndy banned for two explanation points.
  6. Reminds me of a rather good story by @CatastrophicFailure Prehaps Parka could fight it? (Sorry for going off-topic)
  7. Come visit Kraken Station, and experience the wild shaking and tremendous flexing firsthand! Be awed as the very thing that keeps you breathing threatens to break in two! Be shocked as you gape at the impossible angles! Be amazed at your pilot's ability to dock with the warping station! Once your death defying very safe trip is over, come buy some gifts to remember your trip by! NEW! 50% OFF! I survived the Kraken (mostly) shirts are on sale now! Get yours today! (Forgotten Space Program takes no liability for injuries, deaths, or kraken posessions obtained within or in the vincity of the station.) (If you are expecting, weak of heart, recovering a recent operation, a mortal being, or have any sanity, you should should not attempt this trip.)
  8. @Kuzzter so you still can tell, those continents don't seem reversed. However, you could orbit in a really funky way... (insert maths)
  9. @greenTurtle1134 This is Kerbin. Kerbulus is like Kerbin, except all the continents are backwards. Methinks the lack of connection between the two... parties will have somthing to do with it.
  10. Fly by the mun and collect science. Repeat with Minmus. That gives about 1000~ish science. If you require moar, go land on them. I filled out my tech tree this way. Also, some contacts reward science as well.
  11. When someone stops you in the middle of a conversation to ask you what "prograde" means.
  12. Mars mission rules: 1. Somthing catastrophic must occur. 2. No rescuing may happen. 3. Explosives must be brought.
  13. Nooooooooooooo... You could end it it with Val's mission to the moon, because that's where Whispers ends (right?). Then the glorious Ussari Union falls apart.
  14. Therefore, we must conclude that Edgas and Val are siblings.
  15. What is the biggest or coolest base you have built? I would love to see the bases other players have made.
  16. Wut? (quickly google translates) I've heard a lot of bad things about it on the 1.2.1 announcment thread (in spoiler below, because I can't forum formatting).
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