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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. All y'all who are bugging Damon to make his stuff shiny ought to wait until Elon Musk actually releases imagery... It's not even actually 2019 yet and it's hard enough on him with the expectation that the BFS design may change in shapes and sizes too.
  2. @Xd the great What you're looking for may be here. This should be the key for changing gee force tolerance. PART { gTolerance = 50 // default } This is not an MM patch, this just shows where in the part config it would appear.
  3. @Plane Crazy The lift fans are particularly ineffective in thin atmosphere. Duna's sea level pressure is too low for them. That's just FYI. As for saying it needs Oxygen (if it actually says it needs Oxygen) or any other possible problem I don't know. But what you described does not look like the Localization bug that breaks IntakeAtm.
  4. I'd like to see a community "part depth balance pass." This will make splashdowns so much more interesting, eh? And easier to use Ore tanks for ballast. And would make things such as Angel-125's submarine parts more useful. They feature upgrade-able pressure limits. I'd rather it not be derived from cost and mass. Cost should be irrelevant. This seems like the kind of thing you have to look at from all angles and judge whether it could float. So pressurized things like tanks and cabins; whether it's a wing piece or otherwise have a very great blunt surface area; whether it's hollow and open-ended like a girder or the Mk1 hollow fuselage; whether it should be particularly dense for its size like a landing strut or engine. So this is where you start. These are the undeclared keys and their default settings. PART { name = abc buoyancy = 1 // You'll see a great difference by dropping this to just 0.8 so be cautious. maxPressure = 4000 // in kPa. This means 40 atmospheres where Kerbin is 101.325 kPa } The pressure scale in Kerbin's sea is 1 atm per 10m I think. To find out how deep you can go in a given planet's ocean with a certain pressure limit, this is the formula (from OhioBob): [depth limit = maxPressure / (ocean density * surface gee * 9.81)]. The depth limit on Eve should hence be 239.9m assuming that all oceans have a liquid density of 1. (In GPP, this is not so. The oceans of its moons have lower densities.)
  5. All parts in KSP have maximum buoyancy because there is no line in their configs to tell KSP otherwise. Just like everything can survive up to 400m below if you turn on part pressure limits. The setting exists that you can give it to parts, but nobody has used either of these, not even in a mod afaik (except maybe RSS). This is very likely due to the oceans not being very important to Squad. It just works/is simply there and ready for use, but that's it.
  6. I played some science last night in 1.4.5. I actually spent all my science gathered so far (it's not much. I'm only at tier 3 in the tech tree and I'm not farming the KSC. I've reasoned that the KSC is as horrible a cheat as Minmus science and the stock science lab). However, I did have to cheat the plane over here a few times as I could not be bothered to legit fly it over. That's time I don't need to spend watching the same scenery pass repeatedly and so close to the KSC. And this happened while drifting on the beach. The surface FX reached all the way down there from exactly where the plane is as you see it.
  7. The link in my post above yours is currently the closest thing to "Yes"
  8. See, now this is the approach casual players at large should be taking. You have won +1 free internets.
  9. I spent all day in KSP and Unity.....just to make [your] pre-launch moment look this much better. The smoke is entirely my work but the rocket is Tundra Exploration by @damonvv No plugin will be required in order to use this smoke. I know this should not be allowed to happen but just in case......
  10. Install a base parts mod and either Global Construction or Extraplanetary Launchpads. Then colonize Laythe. And then. Colonize Tylo with only anything produced from the Laythe colony.
  11. I feel like everyone who has posted thus far has missed the point. Two mods are tied for that spot for me. OPT Spaceplane Parts: The first parts mod I met when I was introduced to KSP (1.0.5). Right away I wanted to build very large DSEVs that never neded to refuel, and sail in space between the stock planets (granted, I only knew Kerbin and Mun existed and I have no memory of using the Tracking Station before KSP 1.1.0), and OPT is very fit for that with its large cabins and cargo bays, and the Dark Drive. Galileo's Planet Pack: I hadn't yet gotten to fully colonize Duna, do a Jool 5 proper, land on Moho (much less return from there) and I yet had no nerve to even graze Eve's SOI edge, but GPP was the first planet mod I encountered that really caught my interest. @Galileo had only just started and @OhioBob and @Poodmund were with him, and the GPP dev thread was still very young. I had no idea yet about "realism" and the pursuit of it in mod-making, neither did I know that there was glory and fame to be had in owning a mod, and I had no mods of my own yet-- so I didn't care about all that but I hung around, loved the texture work and the idea of replacing Kerbin et al with worlds with a greater tier of textures, with more personality, and were supposed to be alien and different to what everyone knew and would expect of a planet mod. I had fun all the way: learning mod-making and setting the stages for great and novel gameplay once I joined its dev team; and helping to pioneer with what has become imo, a legendary planet mod since OPM.
  12. @Xurkitree I assumed air-augmented is what you wanted as the velocity curve is only relevant in atmosphere and with engines that rely on airspeed and pressure to rise in performance. (For turbine engines, fast air helps to push the turbine blades, making them spin faster and more easily, adding to thrust and efficiency within their operating ranges. For ram engines, air that comes in fast enough is compressed and superheated, then the engine just has to squirt fuel into it, or leverage the air pressure to produce thrust.) This is not how it works at all with rockets. Pumps and plumbing aside, what matters are these three details at the end of things: The propellant (which has the most significance in the Isp you get); The shape of the exhaust nozzle for that propellant and the desired situation; The ambient pressure where the engine is being used. TL;DR Concerning KSP physics and your request, there's nothing wrong and nothing missing, but your understanding of how engines work has only just begun. What you're asking for does not make sense.
  13. @Xurkitree What you are trying to arrange is an air-augmented rocket engine. Some exist in Mk2 and Mk3 Stockalike Expansion. Mods aside..... In addition to needing a float curve editor (linked above) for advanced curve tweaking, you will need to setup the following situation: MODULE { name = ModuleEngines(FX) // stuff atmChangeFlow = True // you might need this. you might not useVelCurve = True velCurve { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 4 2 0 0 key = 7 1 0 0 } } The four numbers in each key are: speed (Mach number); thrust multiplier; tangent in; tangent out. The zeroes for tangents ensure that (in most cases) the curve does not bend too freely and potentially cause large spikes or drops in thrust. Be advised that you will eventually experience the weird phenomenon where if you leave the atmosphere while your thrust is buffed by the velocity curve (depends on how steeply you ascend and your mach speed at that point) it will flatten out in a snap. The higher the buff, the more obvious it is.
  14. Bugfixes. All 1300+ of them. And then. More interactive features for planets, including better water physics. Mods will handle everything else.
  15. @kunedo from kottabos' video I observed the following points. It's all constructive and is meant in part to help you to see how parts may or may not work, and to aid you in developing a sense of balance, namely in tank capacity and engines. The floating flag transforms could be put onto the wing part itself since it seems that's what they're built into, once the Bus is fully assembled. And there are other flag transforms on the bus body anyway so that's cool. Your drill may need to have a rotation animation added, and upscaled. It's so small l don't think it can reach the ground. Similarly to the problem of the VTOL engine, the wing piece should be split into a forward piece and a rear piece. There can only be one center of lift and deflection in a part, and that's where your control surface momentum is at-- in the center of its model, and controlled by its position relative to the Bus's center of mass. Having it as is will greatly reduce its expected effectiveness as a wing, or rather, as 2 wings because it's actually 1 wing. (This I know from OPT wings that are both wing and elevon combined). Some of your mirrored parts (solar panel, radiator, airbrake, side landing leg, maybe the back or front leg if these are identical too) can have their clones be deleted, and their orientations tested to see whether they'll automatically fit in their slots on the opposite side of the bus. The resource capacities could be lowered to be much more proper and the engines configured to be much better (having much higher Isp and proper performance curves for their roles) assuming this mod is based in sci-fi.
  16. @kunedo @Isabelle.V.Fuchs The above statement is correct. The Space Bus VTOL engine cannot be used by TCA because the exhaust ports are all one single part and cannot be throttled individually.
  17. Your game is modded since these resources are showing up. The Community Resource Pack (just a library for resources) adds these. Beyond that, there is no purpose and other mods are required in order to make use of them. You have to know (or ask around) what mod you want in order to use them.
  18. @GregroxMun Two tiny mods exist that meet your need. GT Industries and Kerbal Actuators. The former allows multi-mode modules other than, and including engines but I have not used it. The latter has no forum thread but I have used it and it works just fine, and is an alternative to FireSpitter for empowering propfan engines. Kerbal Actuators [GitHub] ...
  19. Abandoned? Well yes...and no... But OPT itself still works just fine. The original modder vanished without advance notice, leaving this mod in limbo. I've been maintaining it indirectly through this mod of mine: If you're interested in the old parts, look for my update posts in that thread as I do releases for the OPT Legacy mod. If you're playing in KSP 1.4 or 1.5, be sure to install this too. There's a 1km spawn bug that's triggered by certain (usually animated) parts in various mods.
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