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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. I'd beg to differ. Atomic Age is incredibly easy and straightforward (has just 3 engines: the 0.625m KANDL, the large Nuclear Lightbulb, and a jet engine that doesn't need LiquidFuel). LinuxGuruGamer has absorbed it though. It's now part of, I think, SpaceTux Recycled Parts. Kerbal Atomics made by Nertea. It provides many nuclear engines. Although this is somewhat complex I do believe it contains a config to not make engines use LH2, so you can easily continue on your merry way with the LiquidFuel way of things. (Just ask around in its thread. Guidance for this won't be hard to take in.) But the mods you may want to avoid are: Near Future Electrical made by Nertea. As far as I know, the really popular nuclear engine mods integrate with this and become such that they have a nuclear reactor inside which responds to the throttle, and the cooling/overheat system is also connected to the throttle. KSP Interstellar Extended owned by FreeThinker. This mod is for people who enjoy diving into the deep depths of physics. .
  2. @Qwarkk The exact mod for you does exist. Look here:
  3. @Aodhan I need you to send me your KSP.log. I can't get enough context out of that. But if it means anything, I hope you're not using KSP 1.3.1 or older, or ModuleManager 2.x or older. Also I do hope you have Community Resource Pack installed. My best guess is that the resources for tank switching are undefined. I should make this clear in the OP.
  4. This is likely due to the new parts that replace the deprecated ones. I was not made aware that the TweakScale configs would become obsolete like this. Also the new maintainer of TweakScale said something about not broadly/universally targeting parts anymore so there's that too.
  5. @Lisias It's about time I came to this thread and scrubbed a bit to see what's up. I'm not aware of any releases since 1.6 (according to KSP AVC) and I don't mean to put pressure on you but I'd like to mention that it seems the new stock parts (including those which have a subtle part name change and their previous known form still exists as a deprecated part) do not get a Tweakscale module, namely the 2.5m protective nose cone Mk7, the Poodle, the fuel-bearing Kerbodyne adapter and (unless this is from a mod) the 0.625m "small blunt nose cone."
  6. The mirrorRefAxis key is all that you needed. That's the easy part. The hard part is getting anything stack attached to the wings to also mirror. I've been working at this but I haven't gotten it right.
  7. zip and share your KSP.log and your ModuleManager.ConfigCache Also, try installing without CKAN. Just to see if CKAN isn't getting something right.
  8. @smotheredrun They are very, very different. The Unity version under KSP changes at 1.4. That's big enough of an entry in the changelog all by itself. Sadly, no support will be provided for 1.3.1 but apart from his UFO mod, you can possibly get away with nothing critical breaking. If recycling is all you want, install Extraplanetary Launchpads, delete most of its parts, and change EL's recycler recipe to produce Equipment and not ScrapMetal. (And always be sure to turn off the recycler when you're not using it. It will eat kerbals and it will eat things when you don't want it to.)
  9. @RealKerbal3x You're saying the Snacks that are added to parts/craft already in-flight are inaccessible? You may have to write that off as a negligible issue and phase out/replace those craft at some point. But it's great that things are working.
  10. Nobody else has made this report recently. If your savegame is highly modded, try again in a new save or copy your KSP folder, delete most of the mods out of it, and try docking with BFR in that.
  11. It is known that contracts for WBI experiments will appear just by having any WBI mod installed (the contract configs should be in WBT, the core of all the WBI mods). These contracts generally suggest or require that MOLE be installed because that's the WBI science parts mod. So either install MOLE or just decline these contracts until they stop appearing (KSP learns your preferences in accepting/declining them per savegame).
  12. I took a shot at the mirror thing a few weeks before that thread was posted. It seemed to work right for the wing parts that I've made (not for OPT). And I think I have a clue how to fix this. I already intend to comment in that same thread if I confirm my clues.
  13. I've setup stack nodes for all OPT wings. No more need to rotate and offset their elevons to get them to sit right. However, I have a hurdle to jump to get the elevons to behave. As it is, the elevons cannot be mirrored if stack attached. The one solution right now is that the wings can remain mirrored but the elevons MUST be attached WITHOUT symmetry. Everything goes wrong otherwise. If I can figure this out, that'll be fabulous, otherwise I don't know if to release this...
  14. Kopernicus stopped using flight globals index to remember planets. It uses their names, yes. So vessels orbiting planets from a mod are in no danger if planets and moons are added or removed (as long as the planets being orbited aren't removed). Adding a planet mod is no threat to your save. Anything orbiting Eeloo is completely safe. When Eeloo is moved, everything in its SOI is untouched. If you have something on its way out of Eeloo at the time, though, you'll have to redirect it. Removing a planet mod will have anything destroyed that's in the SOI of the removed planets and will mess up contract spawning but is otherwise harmless.
  15. What mod contains the thingies with blue glow? O_O Also, I'm rather liking this thread. I've never seen Tellumo at sea level like you've shown. It's quite encouraging.
  16. Just entering each planet's influence and waiting a while is enough. The asteroid config might be bugged if you've been there a long time and you haven't seen any. Otherwise if the asteroid field around Ciro is too thick then they're much less likely to spawn at the ringed planets.
  17. @lunaris69 Nero's rings contain their own asteroid field, more densely populated than Tellumo's. There might be an exo-resource concentration in the general area of Nero's rings. In conjunction with Nero's moons you have the opportunity to farm those asteroids and gather them at Nero's moons if you're really creative with them.
  18. Ramjets and scramjets: The kind that are dead or lame in performance while under Mach 2 or Mach 4 and have low Isp (2000s, maybe lower) (great tradeoffs for gameplay balance) but can work at far higher speeds than any turbine jet engine. The RAPIER should not be alone as the ultimate stock jet engine for SSTO design. Ramjets and SABRE are in the same situation: experimental aircraft engines that can enable SSTOs irl. Propfans: Then you could clone them and change their propellants with just a little MM so they work on Eve and Duna. Mars may not have enough atmosphere for propfans to work but Duna probably does and this should be made available to exploit in KSP. While propfans may seem far from KSP's scope, they're actually very worth considering as an efficient form of propulsion for (likely small) off-world aircraft, specifically drones. A whole lot of people have been begging a long time for this one and imo this is well justified and should happen for KSP 1.7 and be the highlight thereof. Ramrockets/air-augmented rockets: Rocket engines with intakes in their bells (look at the Whiplash), enabling them to gain Isp with velocity and do wonders for Eve Ascent Vehicles. Exotic chemical rockets: At least one engine that can be very hazardous to use but is fueled by refined material from Eve's Explodium Sea or the dead kraken on whichever of Jool's moons. (Mods exist for both of these.)
  19. Nope. There are some utterly amazing planet mods out there. They do well to feed my need for more planets and higher-quality planets. This. So much. Some players can't be satisfied with 200 planets in their install (I know at least 2 guys who actually...) but it's disgusting how little there is to watch out for when you go to any. Kerbin, Mun and Duna are the only worlds with any significant amount of anomalies to find, and Kerbin alone has interesting geography and that's it. GP2 as a DLC would be interesting. As for environmental hazards... Cannot be done. Doable, but just being in such an atmosphere would be incredibly dangerous. Everything would simply overheat rather quickly and explode. Science parts and legs will go first. Then engines and everything else. The last things to go will be any mk2 parts, then the mk3 parts, then any fairings or heatshields (in increasing order of heat tolerance). Tylo. (I'm serious)
  20. I don't like the idea of a stock one-button thing like landing a craft. I rather like manually operating my craft (except when my ship is really complicated and I'll want the likes of Throttle Controlled Avionics to sync all my engine thrust limits and therefore CoT to the CoM for landings) and I reject MechJeb because I get the impression that it's overhyped, and that a lot of its users depend on it too much and are powerless without it. KSP will indeed start to look like Astroneer if stock automated launches/gravity turn, landing and docking do happen. 1.6 does make pilots a little more relevant now. Probe cores by default now may never have all the navball vector holds (or unless specified they do have all the holds which would be dumb), and if "require commnet for signal" is turned on, even better. But I do agree that still, there's a unique and somewhat vital ability that pilots are really missing, like only engineers can fix stuff and only scientists can reset experiments like goo and Sci Jr. Somewhat unrelated but answering a sentiment shown by the OP: The idea of feeling cheated when you can't play the game without mods and the idea that using mods is cheating are both very wrong. The thing is, KSP is made to be modded. If you play a certain way and need a certain feature, find or make the mods for it. The upside to KSP being featureless on its own is that the burden is not on Squad alone to provide everything players need. And as often shown, modders tend to do better at providing these features than Squad. If Squad was more transparent about why they do or don't add features, there'd be less hostility between the camps here (Squad, the Purists, and the Mod makers ) Example case: Squad: Okay. Let's be real. We're not bringing multiplayer. The way KSP plays cannot facilitate this feature. Mod makers: Okay, let's see how well we can compromise on that and make something. Squad: We wish you well. Go for it. o7 Newbies: Stock multiplayer when? Mod makers: Stock multiplayer's not happening. Squad said so for this reason.... Newbies: ok -thread locked- -everyone goes back to business-
  21. Nope. Yep. As maintainer of OPT Spaceplane Parts + OPT Legacy I've cast a vote and nominated the two part packs. OPT Legacy has little in the way of probe cores but provides an additional array of late-game engines. I mention this as I saw explicit mentions of B9's SABRE engines on the B9 chart.
  22. Just so you guys know. I don't want people finding and using Plume Party yet. It still has a way to go, just like ReStock.
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