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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. OPT Reconfig 1.3.2 un-broke OPT ARI-75 quick response (2nd engine mode) in vacuum. DOWNLOAD - OPT Reconfig Well that was kinda dumb.
  2. airbrakes too! Whose idea was that? It makes sense.
  3. @navot @linuxgurugamer Well I'm hyped. And I know a few players who'll enjoy a current mod that handles both elevons and engines.
  4. @scottadges KSP is a software that is not aging well, and is rather incapable of using the GPU to do graphics-related processing and rendering, and has poor or next-to-no multi-threading. As a result, everyone who brags about their powerful GPU does not know mow much their words become merely hot air. KSP mostly uses the CPU to render EVE's volumetric clouds, dealing an immense performance hit that you tend to not expect in a good-looking game these days. A powerful system that can run KSP needs to have fewer and faster CPU cores and just enough RAM and VRAM to hold textures, and just enough GPU power that KSP can run smoothly alongside a web browser and other things that do need GPU.
  5. That'd be nice indeed. Two things stand in the way of a good regolith-covered base parts mod, however: Providing an easy way to match the given terrain color where deployed. Positioning parts before or during deployment in-situ, which Pathfinder does well but represents in an odd way (they are as a huge backpack on a camper's back)
  6. I'm not at liberty to say if such a parts pack is coming, but imagine being able to deploy a craft file containing pre-attached, pre-inflated giant stuff with the conveniences this 3D Printer Arm will bring.
  7. Are you playing on KSP 1.5.0? Because 1.5.0 has unplayable broken aero. Some do consider FAR to be cheaty when used on stock-scale. On the other hand, planes become more difficult in their own way due to the atmosphere seeming thinner due to the reduced drag-- the weights of parts in KSP are great (as in "a lot" not as "that's an awesome thing" ) and will cause planes to require even more wing or more runway for liftoff and landing. Stall speeds will be higher due to lift vs weight problems provoked by FAR. @Aeroboi The problems with the drag cube system (and not necessarily the Mk2 fuselage) are much greater than "What fuselage you use and how you use it." I often find that a disturbing large source of drag occurs at the cockpit, the first part after it (usually a cabin in my case), or otherwise somewhere forward of the first cargo bay (often placed right after that cabin).
  8. The atmosphere haze effect without scatterer is an EVE effect. The only thing that happens when you install MM is that mods will work.
  9. That's where cryo-sleep comes in. It's implausible to have the crew be awake the entire time unless the vessel is utterly immense with (appropriately vast) an agricultural facility whose ecosystem can persist without a crew. You're looking at a generation ship. In addition, IRL, we would have to consider processing our dead to refill such things as Fertilizer because living things are full of good nutritious stuff and it would be a waste to leave it buried in an onboard cemetery or to cremate the dead and keep them in urns. (Uh oh, here come the ethical dilemmas with this idea. ) A device that enables fully closed loop life support instantly defeats the purpose of a life system mod, and therefore should not be done. If you don't want to do cryo-sleep you'll have to start looking at sci-fi propulsion-- anything that lets you sprint or skip steps between the stars. USI Alcubierre Drive will need to be equipped to a discreet station part (with unimaginably large warp bubble settings), and will need to be accompanied by incredibly OP rocket engines for fixing your orbit after warp... Karbonite is one such mod, part of USI, and contains Karborundum and its engines. FTL Drive Continued or ESLD Jump Beacons (and appropriately immense storage for EC or Karborundum) will let you teleport to wherever you place a beacon beforehand. Kopernicus Expansion enables wormholes...but nobody has released a wormhole "pack" or a visuals plugin for wormholes as yet. Invent an OP resource and its ISRU for your personal use, and add tankage for it to the station parts.
  10. @Thanatos9 Your log was sufficient. You have OPT_Reconfig inside of Contract Configurator. That's the cause of your B9PS problems. You may want to check other mod folders for accidental copies of other mods inside them, starting with DMagic and Universal Storage. If you have Universal Storage 1 and 2, try to phase out version 1 ASAP. The remaining mods that break likely have plugins which are expecting to be an a specific position within GameData. Also, delete your ModuleManager 2.x dll. Try to keep only one version of MM -- the latest for your version of KSP.
  11. @Duck McFuddle Always assume the OP avoids mods or is new to KSP. If either condition is true then the answer remains no. Now, obviously, if the OP knew KSP well, they would know that the NERV is not even good for planes on Kerbin. You quoted the right person for your answer, but the wrong part of their post. In my experience, though, nuclear turbojets cannot get you to space. Neither the Atomic Age jet engine (in your linked video) nor the equivalents in Mk2 and Mk3 Stockalike Expansion are even Whiplash-alike in performance. I think they are Panther-alike at best.
  12. There's no real need to post updates. GPP is feature complete and there are no critical bugs. It works just fine in 1.5 and 1.6.
  13. I'm not in position to offer you an MM patch to strip out the need for radiators. If I was to offer one, it would be such that it keeps the spooling (warm up) functionality of the reactor because that's an awesome feature, but reduces the radiator requirement to just 50kW (covered by the smallest stock radiators). The most convenient option (without messing with config files, that is) would be to install USI's Karbonite and use that just for its very potent Karb-Electric generators (The small one takes 0.1/s for 30 EC/s and the large one, 2.5m inline, takes 1/s for 500 EC/s). It's easy to get to self-powering on a fuel cell-alike system on Karbonite, granted your base's location is rich in it or you can manage a logistics hub for it.
  14. Maybe this should be in the Addon Development sub-forum since you're implying that your release version is 0.1 or lower. As an experienced modder I'm going to say up-front that this is bad practice. It tells me that while you're honest about how much a WIP this is, you're a little impatient to get something out the door. And rushed goods don't last long. I will also say that your mod is indeed interesting but has a long way to go, just from looking at it. For instance, color patterns tend to be closely tied to the heightmap and geometry, but the disconnect in some of your worlds is so strong that it seems like the heightmaps came from the East and the color maps came from the West. Lastly, I helped make GPP so I'm going to urge you out of pure prejudice and provocation, lol, to deal with Niven. Also, try not to wave your email address around. Anyone on the forum can start a private message to contact you but you're inviting spam-bots and trolls to reach you too.
  15. Saw it before you fixed it. I was now gonna call you out. Lol
  16. @Friznit I've been getting into scaling down the M700 for that reason. It's annoyingly large for its purpose and how close it needs to orbit its target, especially when I disable the stock scanning method. @Stone Blue I forget if SCANsat has a resource scanner. If it does, it's likely the multispectral one that also reveals the biome and slope maps.
  17. @Chilkoot Yeah............ That crap is why I made that suggestion. I remembered one of those was broken. I'm glad you can enjoy it now.
  18. @Chilkoot It's unfortunate that Karbonite is not appearing for you. Have you tried all of the individual scoop parts and not just one of them many times? Karbonite is supposed to always be available in Gael's atmosphere. Sure, you can go ahead and make and share videos but they may not always embed into a forum post. Is your craft moving while the scoop is running? They are known to require some amount of velocity in order to work better or to work at all. IntakeAtm is like IntakeAir but is used by air-breathing engines that don't need Oxygen, such as all of the Karbonite-fueled ones.
  19. You're using the "low altitude scoop" right? And not the "particle collectors"...? Did you use the Deploy button on the scoops? You need to use the separate Deploy function before you can turn on the Karbonite filter. The scoop doesn't simply pull Karbonite like an intake.
  20. So investing science like a resource into a converter? That would be just as neat. Unfortunately, your idea for what compares to Space Engineers or possibly Simple Rockets is the core of a game all its own, and won't happen except that KSP be rewritten to revolve around the intricacies of building an individual part from sub-parts. Such parts would likely be procedural in nature, and there's no escaping the need for modders to be present, if only to provide better-looking sub parts and more families of sub-parts, and more things like materials and propellants to contribute to the industrial phases of gameplay. A game is great and has long life if it is moddable, and modders make the game much better by not having the corporate burdens and restrictions that the game dev has as a company, by having the ideas, capacity and freedom to make something personal to themselves a reality in the game. Hoping for modders to cease is hoping for KSP to die. The limited package (parts and features) that the game dev supplies you will only remain fresh for so long if the game doesn't allow you to expand upon it. Some people can play the same game in the same state for 5...10... years, but a lot of people also rather parts, environments and timeframes that can be related to but aren't locked to what the game dev will put out, that they exist and can be picked out from somewhere and installed when ready, and not be forced to improvise with stock parts and fill in the rest with just imagination. The idea of hoping to lessen Squad's workload is an illusion, sadly, and should be cast away. Instead, hope for Squad to have the privilege to do their job better and to deliver the things that matter to the customer.
  21. On the other hand, science shouldn't be so plentiful to begin with. The KSC biomes should not exist, the outer stock planets have too high science multipliers, Minmus alone is a giant heap of science, and the science lab is more OP than any mod. Using science like money to open a facility is actually a decent idea. What if I told you there was a mod for spending science to upgrade parts? (I know y'all probably don't want to be pointed to mods. This should still work. Many mods made for 1.4 work fine in 1.6.)
  22. This is a bug feature. If you're familiar with Nertea's Far Future Tech, this feature is exactly why Nertea sidelined that mod. At a certain height of timewarp, KSP stops calculating heat. When you stop warp, the heat catchup spreads the accumulated heat throughout the craft, endangering all parts that have low heat tolerance or would otherwise be overwhelmed by the sheer bulk of heat. Supposedly you can dampen this by attaching powerful radiators that cool only their parent and grandparent parts but I know not of any mods that provide such radiators. Other mods are not a cause or related to it. It's a flaw in KSP.
  23. OPT Reconfig 1.3.1 Nerfed leading edge drag on all OPT Main Wing elevons. No more open airbrake levels of drag at zero AoA / zero deflection from these things Revised USI modules config thanks to @Nicky21 Changed default tank setting on droptanks (in WBI mode) from Oxidizer to LiquidFuel DOWNLOAD - OPT Reconfig Well here's another notable boost in fuel economy in OPT spaceplane design. There will be that much less unreasonable drag to deal with. The Stabilizer fins are unchanged, however, as they're not meant to blend in behind the bulk of a wing. Since nobody has reported a problem I assume that USI config is just fine now. The stack nodes for elevons have not been released. Maybe next update.
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