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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. B9 HX (in my screenshots near the top of this page) feature parts mostly in the scales of 7m ~ 15m. That pack has been around the entire time.
  2. @theJesuit Almost there. Unfortunately the windows are a bit small.
  3. We're waiting on that mod to mature and preferably be absorbed into Kopernicus. Until then, there are no plans to tilt'em. (baddum tish)
  4. What in tarrrrnation??? Umm I mean, this is wicked. Giving Jeb's Junkyard some direct competition is a great idea, and the models are awesome.
  5. @LtWilliamManuel TweakbleEverything is the prime suspect. It has broken OPT for other players.
  6. OPT works just fine in all KSP, at least over KSP 1.3.0, but it has had a few messy releases in its past, and craft made with these older versions can cause the SPH or VAB to lock up (so just delete them and remake them). I'm suspecting any combination of the following: Your download of OPT is corrupted Your KSP install is corrupted You have a mod installed that somehow really messes with OPT. Once you get OPT to work, be sure to install this. It prevents craft containing certain parts (the J inline docking ports and at least once Legacy cargo ramp) from spawning 1km in the air. For increased compatibility with other mods see OPT Reconfig linked above.
  7. I take it you haven't seen the battery tank type in any OPT part yet. I'm pretty sure it's got you covered. Lol. Considering the two statements (above) perhaps a compromise may be in order? On a related note, tank volumes are in need of another balance pass. I've seen for myself (and I've been informed) that some parts hold much less or much more than they should. The sentiment is correct that a plane part such as of OPT should not be able to store adequate amounts of cryofuel to make SSTO very easy and that OPT parts are supposed to be heavy (because stock mass balance paradigm) in direct opposition with the great capabilities of OPT engines. A proper hydrolox tank usually needs to occupy quite a lot of volume (and is intolerant of great heat) and plane parts waste this potential with all of their ability and requirement to be sleek, lean, heat tolerant and aerodynamic. Re: being designed to be high pressure storage, I've seen some anatomy images for OPT parts, and some of the older parts clearly hint at large cylinders within a given hull piece. Pressurized tanks can always fit or be represented by these cylinders, but how effective can their volume be?
  8. With some wonderful help from the amazing @blowfish the OPT Legacy cargo parts have received further fixes in the aero shielding department. It now properly works for all Avatar and Humpback parts (except the ramps for unknown reasons). Shielding will also be provided for things clipped into the Avatar-Chimera adapter and the Stail Utility bay. Kerbodyne tanks (with Tweakscale) simulate a 4m and 4.8m sphere. Cargo shielding is spherical. Shielding and new attach nodes for the Stail Utility Bay.
  9. There is no changing that. Everything orbits the central body (Sun). That's how KSP works. They way things look and work wouldn't be much different if it could be changed (without adding problems to gameplay).
  10. @Jso Duuuude. Concerning the Beam plume, I assume you mean an issue of clearance that results from the length of the plume emitter area? Or does it need to be offset less or more to not clip far through an RCS thruster? Interesting idea there. I don't make engine plumes in the color gradient I use for RCS. There's an update coming for the RCS plumes. They'll be less opaque and a bit speedy. See MP4 video. And about hypergolic engines, I came up with this palette after watching a video or two and learning about yellow Nitrogen Dioxide gas... The blue and white represent the extreme heat in the moment of ignition of a hypergol mix.
  11. The reason for that is that the J cabin's recycler there is set to support 12 kerbals (more than the 8 that can be seated in it). This is for it to support crew in a cockpit that doesn't have a recycler, such as any of the J or smaller cockpits. In addition, I think a lower efficiency recycler is more EC demanding per kerbal. I've lost my source for balancing these things. I'll nerf this and give the J cockpits some recycler ability.
  12. @AmpCat That was intentional. My reasons were that the engine and its plumes look dumb when scaled up, and that I had a logical based feeling that a single plasma aerospike (with such a basic look) couldn't be that large. I've changed my mind on that and I want to provide a 2.5m aerospike. But I've given it low priority due to other matters and other modding work.
  13. @Foxxonius Augustus There's plenty room for this in SSPXr. Won't you agree?
  14. OPT is entirely based in sci-fi, maybe year 21XX ~ 23XX tech. I don't remember well but most of the engines, including this, should be in Aerospace Tech and beyond. In the case of the J-60D, I justify its Isp through the length of the engine body having ample room for technology we can't make yet for commercial use, and the majority of a very long vacuum optimized nozzle concealed within the hull. In fact, most of OPT's propulsion tech falls under a hybrid plasma propulsion tech (so I make such engines consume EC, and push the player to include beefy power sources in their OPT spaceplanes). This tech is called S.C.O.O.P. and is conceived by the original OPT dev. Conversely to the engine performance, the OPT body parts may be very massive (dry or wet) and can get very draggy (due to their cross section sizes) and will at some point in your career, warrant a superior approach to the usual spamming of stock engines. These engines are also like this to make them very worthwhile on planets that don't have Oxygen. Why should OPT "Orbit Portal Technology" be limited to Kerbin Orbit? Your late-game, year 99, Eve SSTO is waiting for kerbalkind to eventually build it.
  15. @TonyC I guess that's normal, by which I mean, I cannot and do not guarantee every star and gas giant in KSS will have a Helium presence. All of these have to be manually added to the config for it all, and for that to happen, more players need to get around, test, and give feedback.
  16. @TonyC The KSS scoop works in low orbit and atmosphere of nearly every gas giant planet, and somewhere in low orbit of nearly every star. When you click Deploy, the scanner module should activate and give you non-zero values if you're in the SOI of any of these worlds.
  17. Hmm, I didn't think of antennas and science. Actually I was anticipating their use with life support mods and other mods that make high use of EC.
  18. I'm liking the idea of this mod but I'd like to suggest you buff these to playable amounts. Compare their surface areas to those of the stock solar panels and you'll see something like: Small EC = 2/sec. Medium EC = 10/sec. Large EC = 24/sec. 
  19. It's very much worth a shot to delete everything but the parts folder within Making History. A parts pack alone isn't going to threaten the usability of a planet pack. No one is going to know until you try it, and it's very safe to assume Galileo's not going to do anything about it. This is a very old and likely very unpleasant issue to him.
  20. Ah, well in that case I may fully consider the 50% thing, however, I'd imagine that not all of the plants in the greenhouse are in the windows and visible to the outside. While the 3.75m is not as tall, it's still wide. My memory is fuzzy so I'd like a third voice to speak up concerning this balance... I have this obligation to adjust the configs for the other life support mods after this and that may not be much fun.
  21. @LatiMacciato I'm setting the 2.5m greenhouse to 0.02 Ore, 15 EC, 0.03 Snacks. But I don't want the 3.75m greenhouse to be so much weaker than it. That grinds my gears. Are you okay with 75% or 80%?
  22. @LatiMacciato Just the two SSPXr greenhouses, right? I'm completely lost about the 3-seat lab. I know not of such a thing. (I's been a long time since I've played KSP) Wait a minute. This doesn't make sense. The inputs are the same but the outputs are different. And I'd expect the 3.75m greenhouse to be modestly larger/more capable.
  23. Cool, I'll work on that. I provide compat with angel-125's mods so this is on me, and it's overdue, I guess.
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