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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @maculator Ah, well, knowing this you won't allow that tragedy the chance to even happen.
  2. The thing is the mining (stock feature) will work in background. Everyone knows that. Folks are getting tied up with the part where logistics does not work in background. This is beautiful and I fully intend to avoid KAS piping and add this to my base designs with USI LS + Simple Construction + Mark Thrimm's Planetary Domes.
  3. Thanks for catching that. Scatterer is not included and must be downloaded separately.
  4. Someone who posted a few pages back their easy landing and takeoff from Tellumo and later Catullus did just that. They had a modified Eve lander that carried Rapiers and used Tellumo's oxygen on part of the way back up. For establishing a base there you may want to involve utility rovers with big wheels and strong jet engines in order to move any significant weight in that gravity. Or as @Norcalplanner suggested, take advantage of the ambient Karbonite and use its jets or rocket engines for mobility. You might also want to depend on Extraplanetary Launchpads rather than Ground Construction if it'll be too much of a pain for you to haul a big, heavy DIY kit from wherever it landed to the construction site in that environment. There is finally an official update coming to the Karbonite mod, arranged by myself. The engines buffs are all around much better or more complete than GPP's patch which will become obsolete when RoverDude publishes the update. Well this is a case where scramjets are absolutely necessary. Mk2 Expansion has one and has compatibility with a real scale mod or two... But you just might need to further configure it to be more useful on Tellumo. That mod's engines are overly heavy. Or since you build so big you can get away with the super-heavy engines from the old mod Mk3 Hypersonic Systems, but those might need even more tuning. I've never thought of how far/fast they can take someone on an oxygenated planet bigger than stock-scale Kerbin.
  5. Here's the update preview. Try it out and let me know what you think. 0KB copies of config files with original names are temporarily included so you just have to drag&drop to install. If you will @Norcalplanner I'd like you to try this as well since you've done a lot with Karbonite. Scroll up a bit for my post with details and pictures.
  6. Those are not on SpaceDock so they don't qualify. I also believe GitHub doesn't have a place for tracking downloads. If it really does I'd like to know where that is.
  7. Yes. Maybe it's worth a look into TAC Life Support? I believe it adds resources to EVA kerbals.
  8. A few popular and active ones have HazardousOcean. These include Galileo's Planet Pack, Planet Cyran, New Horizons, Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul.
  9. I have just one question. What should the upper limit for the turbojet's performance look like? Currently its expected TWR at Mach 4 is 0.5 and to cut out at Mach 5. Should I extend its power curve to end at Mach 6? Given how the exhaust port looks, with all that grill stuff, I held back. @Kielm @goldenpsp Suggestions?
  10. Yesterday... I finished a little project. All of the air-breathing engines in Karbonite finally got the overhauls they've been missing forever. There's a lot more to it but they're all now reasonably powerful.
  11. @The Game Colonel The install instructions are here. Delete EVE, Scatterer, SVE and everything GPP-related before installing. Letting old files exist at all can mess you up.
  12. HyperEdit the planet.........Write down what you like.
  13. That's right. I've only changed the config files. BUT. I renamed some of the files themselves to so make sure to delete every KA_Jet_* and LFKA_JET_* from the Parts folder first. On another note: I haven't had any problem with Karborundum. I've written several locations for it (not in the stock solar system) and found screenshots of success rather than read of any complaint.
  14. Pull Request #239 Ladies and gentlemen... and @RoverDude The long-overdue performance overhaul of the air-breathing engines has finally arrived. Updated titles make them easily assorted in the parts list. Their crash tolerances are sane now. The actual Karbonite versions finally have practical amounts of power and their LiquidFuel versions are pretty okay for use on [Kerbin] too. Renamed the remaining engines according to a pleasant, type-specific convention some of them already had. Left column has specific performance envelopes: Turboprop is strong at Mach 1 for low end acceleration and utility vehicles. It holds the highest Isp of all the engines and (the LF version actually) remains in harmony with its CTT node as the first and weakest engine you'll unlock. Turbofan is strong at Mach 2 for shuttles/airlines. They hold a median Isp. Turbojet is strong at Mach 3 ~ 3.5, enabling a new breed of SSTO for/from the likes of Duna. Right column: The UHBs are strong at Mach 1 like the 750 turboprop but because the description for one of these says "three times the power, three times the explosion" and the other says "for folks who like to pretend they can outrun a Karbonite engine" they have been OP'd accordingly and can actually endanger the craft they're attached to. Their LF versions are not OP. Blame whoever wrote those descriptions or find an inventive use for them. The power is yours.
  15. Umm... I'm just looking at injecting a module into a KIS item and inject a temporary resource supply for it into the kerbal. Suits don't switch like that in flight.
  16. Now that's an idea seriously worthy of Squad's attention. One-click VAB access in order merely to create or update a vessel's design.
  17. Ah. You found me out. A vacuum planet can be borderline lava or radioactive and still emit a lot into the space immediately around it. I'm also indeed entertaining an idea for a potential KIS cooler feature. The Atlas low-profile engine is from B9 Aerospace. Nertea's cluster engines might not match that. TextureReplacer can't add functionality to a suit as far as I know.
  18. Kopernicus and solar panels generally have arguments but maybe those particular ones are bugged. Check its maker's thread?
  19. I planted a flag at sea level on Icarus and my kerbal didn't die. Granted, I was still as worried as anyone. What are you guys doing so long? Taking selfies? No. This is not sea level. Apparently I lost my screenshot of that, if I even took it.
  20. I had the same idea. What if Tellumo orbited Grannus? I can't say anything about that but I can say that OhioBob's never written anything afaik that suggests Grannus could have been anything other than a main sequence star. I can also say that there's something out there to make it worth your time, especially if you're an avid USI fan.
  21. @CatastrophicFailure No point in redacting Grannus' name anymore. Those cursed early Grannus survey contracts ...bursting the bubble even harder than it already should've. Max is right. A capture burn will cost you a finger or two because it has about 37.8g iirc. That's a lot more than Ciro's 25.8 g.
  22. @Gordon Fecyk There's no point to adding IntakeAir as a propellant (making the total into 3) at this point. The next step for your mod: directly controlling engine performance, lies in adjusting the velCurve node in each engine and/or adding a machCurve inside the harvest module. I don't know if machCurve works for the harvest module as it works for the intake module but it's quite worth a shot. Respectively, each of the values in the keys of these curves are Mach, Thrust/Effect Multiplier, Tangent In, Tangent Out. You should be fine with setting/leaving the tangents at 0 or just deleting them.
  23. About the code snippet I dropped for you in the CRP thread to add ModuleResourceHarvester to the intake parts, that solves part-- maybe most of the problem here. You are meant to keep both ModuleResourceIntake and ModuleResourceHarvester but if you want to amp up the realism you can decrease the Efficiency value or raise the ElectricCharge ratio value. There's no need to add IntakeAir as an input resource. Altitude or atmosphere pressure already affect(s) the amount of ExpVapor generated by a harvester. The cutoff for all atmospheric resources tends to hover around the midpoint between sea level and vacuum.
  24. 70km/s....that's the nastiest thing I've read yet on this forum. xD
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