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  1. I personally don't mind that it is still there, I was just curious if it was intentional or not.
  2. You forgot to remove the raptor cluster part too btw
  3. Is this mod still being updated? (you might be able to tell by my pfp I'd be interested)
  4. Beale, does this rescale patch still exist? I'd never even heard of it. https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-Tantares-Wiki/issues/5
  5. I tried with a soyuz scaled to 1.35 (would post but KSP crashed my computer as I am typing this) and as might be obvious the correct scale looked the best. I didn't suggest it initially because I was responding to the previous mention of an upscale and because 1.375 is not a standard size. Personally, I would not mind the off sizing for soyuz such that it looks better but I understand beale may not want to do that (with either scale up Soyuz is no longer Tanares size 1).
  6. Beale, earlier in this thread someone expressed scaling up the new soyuz to 1.5m in diameter. A soyuz's main diameter of 2.2 becomes 1.375, which happens to be exactly in the middle of 1.25 and 1.5m. I believe 1.5 was suggested as a few parts in BDB use this diameter (Delta ii, Gemini capsule). I did some comparisons with other craft in ksp so people could share their opinions. Baseline comparison: Salyut: ASTP: Personally I think I prefer the oversized soyuz a bit more but the specific situation makes a difference in which looks better (I think the smaller one looks better on the rear salyut docking port lol).
  7. There's a mod called NAR MEM that has all of the parts, Still works in the latest version but obv isn't up to par with current BDB artstyle. Its a bit buggy as well, not all the nodes are alligned perfectly but for the most part it works.
  8. How do I access the development solar arrays the latest github download just has corrupted parts.
  9. I don't mean to be annoying by asking again but I don't think anyone noticed so IG this will be the last time I ask but I was curious about the possibility of ALSS as all the parts becides the habitat module itself are there. Its bascially a base built to the profile of the SLA petals but leaving the space for the LM descent stage. Update is epic!
  10. Reviving an old thread here with this question, but I am curious as to how you operated the canadarms for the construction of the ISS. Did you have some sort of program to run inverse kinematics on it or did you painstakenly orient the arm to each part yourself? Also I believe you've added a canadarm1 elbow yaw joint that wasn't there irl! I imagine that did help a lot...
  11. I guess technically a bug but it causes no problems. Placing the ground anchor using the stock construction mode gives it the ability to float.
  12. Did a fresh install and the Saturn I works now, but I was exploring the new craft files, why does MLV-V/4-260 have random S-IVB tanks on the SRBs?
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