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Everything posted by eagle92lightning

  1. What about accelerating in a vertical climb one of the main advantages of the airframe
  2. Interesting possible catapults for CATOBAR launches...
  3. One question does it preform true to the real thing?
  4. "We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too." - President John F. Kennedy 

    The man who inspired me to dream.

  5. How does a air launched rocket work during an abort situation?
  6. Just a disclaimer, that is what all the Fanfiction writers do.
  7. In all actuality it was designed by General Dynamic which was bought out by Lockheed which became Lockheed Martin who currently maintains the USAF F-16C Fighting Falcon fleet for full combat readiness.
  8. 1: Tri-propellent engine and no the rapier doesn't count. 2: real fuels emplemented to stock (For number 1) 3: Military contracts. any space agency worth its salt is going to be asked to deliver spy satellites if not MIRV's.
  9. @Lo Var Lachland I challenge  you start a new science mode and try to beat me to the Mün! And I have never landed with out mech jeb.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kerbinchaser


      And sorry to break it to you but NASA wasn't first to the moon OR Venus. That record goes to the Soviets. 

    3. Kerbinchaser


      One more question:


      This is stock, right?

    4. eagle92lightning


      I will message you about that

  10. I usually get it to the point where you could put your finger in between each bell and they look pretty good I wish I was on my computer cause I could throw one together and shot you
  11. It depens on what you are looking for in that first stage most heavy lifter designs I use have about 9 KS-25 "Vector" rocket engines which allows for a better and smoother launch which are also smaller. But I have one design (My Lybria V) which uses 5 Mainsail rocket engines and is basically a Saturn V replica. For help with this you can message me and I can elaborate further. I usually shrink mine in...
  12. Do I want to know how it how it got that name?
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