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Everything posted by eagle92lightning

  1. Today I am designing a new rocket in science mode called the Dragon 1

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  2. Currently considering a new rocket to fail in my reusablity techniques with 7 engines insread of 9.

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  3. Intersesting cause I recently builta reusable rocket that doesn't land to well LOL but can get a 34,500 ton payload to orbit
  4. If only I had access to the Russian long range IR guided missile.
  5. Okay so pretty much apply every thing I have learned from Tape's FJS
  6. Okay I had been directly inserting the Gamedata folder into the game data section thank you. But I don't appreciate the sarcasm, but I do get it.
  7. I just wanted to have it started up so I can just edit it laterm on
  8. Will you add weapons and countermeasures if we tell the armament layout and positions of everything?
  9. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls... I give you Kerbin's first two stage heavy lift reusable first stage rocket... The Saber 9! (Pics and Clicks will be up at a later date and time, until they are up check in periodically to see if I have them up yet)
  10. My computer is very slow so what is it looking like, 150ish? Gulp 1700!
  11. My plan (when I finally have the guts) is a reusable system that I can simply use mods to actually reuse the rocket and leave it abonded until the next mission is ready to leave in which they will try to find the rocket (hopefully succeeding) and then thanks to KRE and my knowledge of super heavy launch vehicles (I have successfully gotten payloads in excess of 100,000tons to orbit) you could viably build something akin to a Falcon 9 and succesfully get off the planet.
  12. My Saber rocket family has finally gotten off the ground (both literally and metaphorically) with the launch of 34,500 ton payload to LKO on a Saber 9 with a fully fueled second stage and a half fueled first stage. after that we did another launch with only one of the four tanks on the first stage being fully fueled and the others being half fuel it almost soft landed in the ocean but unfortunately the  engines were cut a little early causing only the engines to survive (CURSE YOU KERBAL PHYSICS!).

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