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Everything posted by MinimalMinmus

  1. It would allow to have a self-imposed penalty for CO2 pollution, by wasting funds.
  2. What you could do in stock is estimating each month/year your "impact" over the ressources, and have a corresponding "sacrifice launch". Such a launch is basically whatever is expensive en masse, and fling the whole on a collision course with Kerbin.
  3. Even then, science labs aren't a magical science piñata. You actually need data from somewhere, and this somewhere obeys to the same rules as more conventional ways to gain science. (think as if you recover the data, minus the "recover" part) I think you could grind your science points at a horrendeously slow speed if you were to complete at least some contracts based on kerbin ("Test X while landed at/flying over Kerbin), but still, I guess it would be very, very tedious, and anyway I don't think those contracts appear before "launch your first vessel". TL;DR: I think the challenge is indeed impossible. A variant, though not as impossible would be this: Do the whole carreer while saying "Screw you!" to both of Kerbin's moons, and collect no science from them.
  4. Then again, keep this in mind: Kerbin and Laythe are approximately as massive, so if Laythe is within Kerbin's RL, then Kerbin is probably in Laythe's RL. So, the two bodies would probably be somewhat both torn open before fusing, cracking tectonic plates and causing mayhem on both bodies. Ouch.
  5. Some of the bigger ones are visible from space, notably the mun arches. In fact, back in it's day, the elusive magic boulder was somewhat of a reverse: with keen eyes, you could see it from the surface of ike.
  6. Well, there is always the hard way, namely replanting it... the again, if said flag is on eve...
  7. What I meant was "The first may exist but I doubt the other does".
  8. You can, simply go in the options, then click the button that displays your difficulty, and ajust what has to be ajusted.
  9. There may be a xenon-rich planet, but probably not what you describe then. Also, remember, radium only boils at an infernal 2000 K... so the planet would be "quite" close from it's star.
  10. Hmm... @The White Guardian Could you please put the biomes of the remaining moons on the PM please? This way, we'll be able to complete the reports hopefully before the release date.
  11. It's not. Iltan's athmosphere has less argon and more CO2 From WP: Earth is 78,08% N2, 20,946 O2, 0,9340 Ar, 0,0407 CO2,and some other little stuff
  12. Er... there is methane everywhere? Iltan's precision is impossible to reach? Iltan's athmosphere is breathable?
  13. Well, you just need to do a list of biomes in the PM (maybe rename it?), as I invited @SAS123 on it, and we'll work, powered by a very efficient extract of hype and oxydizer.
  14. So... any plan for 1.2? 'cause it looks goodandawesomeandIwanttotryitnowANDITSBEATIFULPLEASPLEASEPLEASE *gets hit* More seriously... do you have a plan for CKAN compatibility?
  15. Thanks! Maybe @The White Guardian could post a full list of moons + biomes on the PM, so that we can create a "to-do list" for a really premium science report amount.
  16. whoops, I'm terribly sorry. If you want, I'll show you my work on Infernas For the other moons, we may try to split more efficiently.
  17. What are those blue dots on the right side? EDIT: Infernas' reports are finished. Phew, I did an unique one for everything, even the stock planets don't nearly have so much details.
  18. Okay @The White Guardian, I need to know something to finish Infernas' science defs: does it have an athmosphere? I already PMed you everything about space around it.
  19. I can't wait for the picture, it's probably going to be my wallpaper or something.
  20. Cyran has a strange color here, it seems not to be as red as on other pictures...
  21. I may try Infernas, I think I have a thing for !!FUN!! things. Do you have a biome list?
  22. It could also be fun if there was a "sample of cyran's ring" experiment. "You take a sample of Cyran's ringAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH IT'S HOOOOOOOOT"
  23. The how about: "Cyran's athmosphere appears to be 82% Hydrogen, 15% Helium and 3% Methane. Strange, you were expecting at least traces amount of refined bad idium and doomium." P.S. bonus point if the guy that does the crew report ACTUALLY resigns.
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