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Everything posted by MinimalMinmus

  1. Maybe but human =/= terrestrial, so, same kase case here, right?
  2. Hmm... the mission time is quite weird... 1 day, 2 hours for Kerbin-minmus? My heavy-duty lander takes about a week... Did you cheat? Or did you reset mission time somewhat? *edit before post* yeah, of course, well spotted guys, the terrier uses no fuel
  3. That's pretty much it. What do you think the adjective to describe [body]'s [thing] should be? Here's my personal list Kerbol => Kerbolar Moho => Mohite Eve => Evian; Gilly => Gillic Kerbin => Kerbian, Mun => Munar, Minmus => Minmal Duna => Dunian, Ike => [?] This one's tricky... Dres => Drian Jool => Joolian, Laythe => Laythian, Vall => Valic, Tylo => Tyloite, Bop => Bopic, Pol => Pollar Eeloo => Eelite So, what do you guys think? (I may update my list if you find good names for some)
  4. *Me, while my craft gets loaded on the pad* Hmmm... didn't I forget struts on the booster? *the whole 300 tons rocket EXPLODES before I even have a chance to press space* Okay, looks like I did.
  5. I see, and it's true that Nix would be smaller than Hale if ksp-ized (it's 50x35x30 km), but it has a very distinct red-ish crater, which makes it a cool body neverthenless: But as I said, that's not a very serious suggestion, just a "Hey, it would be neat if X" one
  6. Neat mod CaptRobau! I have a little suggestion, that isn't to be taken too seriously: how about Nix/Hydra/Styx/Kerberos analogues around Plock? They may be too small (except maybe nyx?), but it would be fun!
  7. That sounds about right. I still have a bit of trouble for interplanetary travel, any tip? I'm still not sure about what's a window...
  8. Eeloo Hello KSPers! Minmus here, I'm a fairly new french player of this very cool game (but I've landed on both of Kerbin's muns and back), and I'm starting to send try to send probes to other bodies, such as Duna. I have a question though: what is the next body I should be aiming to, after I build my Minmus base? (and it may be quite far away, as my plans for this base are quite complicated) I have 3 targets in mind: 1) Gilly Pros: -Gilly is very easy to land on -Gilly has tiny delta V requirements (in fact, less than the mun...) -Gilly is near Eve, which has an athmosphere and therefore quite a bit of science, and aerobraking is a thing. Cons: -Hard and frustrating rendezvous - 3 biomes, so not much science on Gilly itself - Eve is entirely inaccessible at my skill level 2) Duna and Ike Pros: -Loads of science -Ike helps for both insertions and ejections -Duna has an athmosphere, so aerobraking is possible Cons: -Ike doesn't only help... -Duna may ask for a very big rocket -Duna's athmosphere isn't that useful for landing 3) Jool Pros: -INSANE amounts of science to gather -Gas giants are pretty, that's it -Plenty of things to do, especially with some ISRU Cons: -Sending a manned craft to Jool is unthinkable right now -Jool needs quite a big amount of dV -The easiest to reach moons are also the hardest to land on (It's quite the reverse case for Sarnus, isn't it?) -Navigating in such a complex environement will be hard for me P.S. I'm pretty sure you have figured what is my favorite body in the kerbolar system by now!
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