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Daniel Prates

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Everything posted by Daniel Prates

  1. @JadeOfMaar so the year is yet to finish, so why don't I bother you with an issue? So this is the thing: there is an excellent mod called docking cam kurs, imho the best docking cam mod out there. It automatically adds cameras to all docking ports, stock and modded. For some reason, on OPT's docking node parts, the cam does not work. Instead of a clear outside view, what appears to happen is that the outer layer of the skin is just slightly in front of where the camera looks from. I am not sure about this but but iirc the camera uses one of the colliders to 'look from', which in most cases works perfectly but here, it seems, the collider is slightly below the model/skin, so that when looking foward, it actually shows you the inner side of the skin. I am wondering if this can be changed easily, say for instance, moving the collider a millimetre towards the outside so that the cam actually looks outside from the outside of the 3d model.
  2. OH MY GOD WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE! I installed this thing and it already has configs for NAV UTILITIES AID! This is worth mentioning in the OP, it was the main reason I took this long to install this mod, given how used I was to the older Kerbin Side's airfields.
  3. Right @Fulgora. On top of that, I just checked and the vanilla repair mechanic is not something you can 'turn off' on the settings. Indeed @linuxgurugamer is there a way in which dangit remains the same but uses the new stock repair kit? It would bring together the best of both worlds.
  4. If I can't have a craft with hundreds of manned command pods, I rather have no craft at all! Changing the subject: has anyone played through the new vanilla failures + damage repair system? It has nothing going on compared to dangit. Seems dangit will remain as the best failure/repair option for now. If both remain active, one will have to carry provisions for both (dangit spare parts AND stock repair kits), so if the stock difficulty settings allow for it, I am guessing the way to go is to disable vanilla damages and use the mod. I am guessing there will be no conflicts.... right?
  5. Thanks mate! I'll say, it is a bit dissapointing. I expected something akin to "dangit". Seems that mod still has a lot of life in it yet.
  6. Well... what the title says. The promos only give a superficial explanation. I am specially curious of: 1. What parts are liable to break and demand repairs? Any and all? Engines for instance, do they fail? Tanks leak? 2. Random failures occur? Or breaking happens only to parts you stressed, such as wheels, landing gears, or pannels that colided with something?
  7. @hemeac I did some fiddling myself and insofar I am only getting 3 module loading errors from airplane plus. I can live with that.
  8. Hi @hemeac for some reason CKAN does not let me install this mod, is there a reason for that? I check the box and the 'apply changes' button remains greyed out. I tried, just to fiddle with it, to uncheck a few things while checking 'kiwi' for installing, and it said it couldnt because of an incompatibility with tweak scale. Weird. Anyway, installed manually. MM loading informs errors with airplane plus and configurable containers, but as far as I can see, the parts appear in the tech tree, so perhaps I can just ignore that? Since we are here: how about hide empty tech tree node? Is it compatible?
  9. I don't think anybody really cares. It takes half a second to see where the window popped up and drag it to the wanted place, which btw is often in a different place of the screen.
  10. Right! So I still don't understand the 'under the hood' abracadabra that happened over at DOCKING CAM KURS' realm, but whatever @cyberKerb and @linuxgurugamer did there, it seems to have also solved the problem over here:
  11. Update: LGG's beta fix working perfectly. I'll talk about this too there on OPEN COCKPIT's thread, they were having an issue there and this appears to be related to it.
  12. Yup getting that bug too, not only the IVAs look weird, it also affects the interior overlay. Will install the fix and report.
  13. He is right @linuxgurugamer, even if this one appears to have failed, we are all grateful you tried to bring it into good shape.
  14. Yep I have it, and I am always pestering @linuxgurugamer about it (bringing it uptodate with 1.10 is one of his greatests thing yet, for me at least). Yes I have seen the discuassion there, maybe the two things are related indeed. It appers they are close to a fix there, my plan was to wait for that being wrapped up and see it it affected Open Cockpit.
  15. Omg... so, so many. I will try to disable a few, startig with some that deal with textures.
  16. @Lisias you're just tireless! Heads up, community members, this guy could at this very time (circa 9pm on a friday) be at the Bixiga neighbourhood having some excellent pizza ansd chopp, but instead here he is working for your enjoyment.
  17. I am curious, what is the problem? By the pic alone nobody can tell. But let me guess. You start the flight and the craft appears flying about 1km above sea level and drops like a rock from there, right? If so, install a mod called WORLD STABILIZER. It fixes everything. President Camacho aproves.
  18. @cyberKerb thanks for going through this pain, I hope it helps LGG. If it helps, there is yet another issue. If you use the camera in orbit passing through the dark side, at some angles the body (planet, moon or whatever) will light up as if it was bathing in sunlight. Keep panning the camera and the body eventually goes dark again. All of this happens too with Tarsier's telescopes, which uses the same plugins (I think), so maybe we are close to zeroing in the problem.
  19. I am playing modded 1.10. And yes it only happens in your open cockpit, it is not a generalized issue. But no biggie, I am actualy very grateful for this mod. Btw: for me part snapping without limits is "shift" and not "alt"!
  20. Is it that obvious why I used the pylon heheh? Thanks, I didn't know about this 'alt' feature. As for the transparent cockpit, hmmm, weird. I'll do some checking.
  21. what, am I going to be the first to post pictures? Hey @NESD my pilot seems to be showing through the cockpit, I don't think this has to do with another mod. Still, looking good! Great parts:
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