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Daniel Prates

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Everything posted by Daniel Prates

  1. Nav utilities aid. It is great! VOR and ILS. Therenis even a config for the extra runways of GAP.
  2. Hello y'all, I am experiencing an issue with a few of OTP spaceplane parts (just a few, like the retractable docking port). Craft when launched do not appear on the runway, instead they appear high in the air (1km or so) and fall down from there. World stabilizer deals with these issues?
  3. I am using it without issues. Haven't tried all parts though.
  4. I used reaction wheels during the initial descent, then the fky-by-wire feature of AtmosphericAutopilot for the more grinding, heavy deaccelerating portion. The surfaces were all over the place, the rudder specially, but with such excess of control area, it managed very well.
  5. Ah I see this is in CKAN already. Great!
  6. Not to drag my write-up for too long, I'll just post here the final refinement: wings swept farther to the back; moved them up so the CoM is below the CoL; CoM wet and dry were brought closer together (they almost coincide), and both are very close to the CoL. No surprise here: it handles very, very well now:
  7. Right, well, to begin with, my many thanks to @JadeOfMaar @DeadJohn @IronMaiden @gilflo @AmpCat and @JonnyOThan. Following your advice I think I have honed my skills in SP design by a great degree. This is what I did with all your input: It can take more refinement but condenses all we spoke about the previous days: It has the CoM much closer to the CoL when near-empty, very angular surfaces, balanced drag between nose and tail due to an overall 'diamond' shape of sorts, few but powerful control surfaces, no clutter of control surfaces that could cause minute lift or drag inputs where I don't need it. It looks bad but did the trick: my first SSTO take-off and landing without loss of control: I overshot KSC by several dozen kms but, with those wings and near-empty, gliding back was no sweat: Many thanks to you all, it is this kind of discussion that makes KSP so great. What next? I think I will angle the wings back to get better pitch control, raise the wings so that the CoL is higher, and think about another engine setup or combination. My concept here is kinda flawed. I have only upper-stage rocket engines, so it saves weight and does well on higher altitudes but suffers during most of the climb. It barely has enough Dv to reach a LKO and do something useful up there, but hey, it's a start. Nice sunday y'all!
  8. Sorry if this has been asked before, but KJR CONTINUED and KJR NEXT? Are they the same thing? Is one more suited to an specific need and vice versa? Is one of them "better"? Why are there two? Do they "compete" somehow? Will be asking the same thing too in the other mod's thread.
  9. Sorry if this has been asked before, but KJR CONTINUED and KJR NEXT? Are they the same thing? Is one more suited to an specific need and vice versa? Is one of them "better"? Why are there two? Do they "compete" somehow? Will be asking the same thing too in the other mod's thread.
  10. Hi there @Nertea! Great fan of your mod. Tell me something. Have you taken attention to the science research rate and EC consumption of your large lab? It has more science storage capacity (1500, as opposed to the 750 capacity of the stock lab) but it seems to process science much slower, and consuming little EC. Is this intentional? EDIT/PS: please @Nertea forget I even asked this. I forgot that the rate of research is higher when you have more data stored, so it only seemed your lab had low research ratio because I tested it with a mere crew report from LKO. In any case the numbers clearly show your lab converts quicker than the stock lab, because of the extra third scientist. Still, if you are up to it, consider boosting the research rate of your lab, to suggest that it is more advanced than the stock counterpart somewhat, at the price of it consuming more EC. Just a thought.
  11. In what folder is this mod installed? Texture Replacer under GameData? I installed it with CKAN and don't know where it is. PS: nevermind, found it. 000_texturesunlimited.
  12. Great conversation @JadeOfMaar and @JonnyOThan. I will do some experimenting and report back. Obviously SPs and proper airplanes are different animals altogether. Hmm... let me drop this by real quick: 1. reactions wheels. You guys disable them? Different control inputs counteracting eachother is a know cause of weird behavior; 2. You guys keep SAS active, for sure. Does it suffice or constant manual inputs are also needed?
  13. How interesting @linuxgurugamer, my 'ugly camera' is picking a giant navball floating on the horizon: Feels like one of those "interpret as you wish" aspects of the ending of the movie "2001 Space Odissey". The same weird thing happens in Tarsier's telescopes too, if that is relevant. Wasn't able to reproduce it again and post it here, though, but i saw it happen.
  14. @JadeOfMaar perhaps you can further help me here. This is my initial design (which didn't work), prior to me asking your help. With two thousand hours of KSP I thought I have refined everything, but clearly this may be a good design for a rocketplane, but not for atmospheric reentry: Flies like a charm after takeoff, but the thing falls flat when the issue is reentry. Clearly a design good in general for overall flight, does not necessarily do reentry well. Then, as per your suggestions, I redesigned the thing, as the pictures below show. Higher wings, upper CoL, CoL much closer to the CoM, more pitching surfaces, even the rudders double as yaw+pitch surfaces. And I moved around the airbrakes, they now form a sort of clamshell design, with surfaces above and below. Turns out that doesn't help too (though it is much, much better now, or less bad anyways). The thing starts well but eventually yaws and pitches out of control. It just seems to have a mind of its own to fly bottom-first (giggity): Perhaps I am lacking more yaw control? The airbrakes are perhaps to blame, aren't doing what I assumed they would do? I imagined they would add drag at the rear and help stabilizing, but then again, maybe that doesn't matter (as per the 'pendulum falacy'). Did I add insufficient pitch control, when I actually need MOOOAAARRRR instead of just 'more'? How about yaw control, do I need cartoonishly large rudders? How would you fix that design?
  15. My many thanks to the good people at EVE for allowing me this eerie, phantasmagorical landing at EVE!
  16. Guys, how to you manage to keep your SP oriented during reentry? I have tried several designs and they all eventually tumble like falling rocks, I only regain control when they have already slowed down around 20k meters or lower.
  17. All this mod needs to be perfect are on-screen health warnings, lasting a few seconds. Having to go into the notifications panel and read notifications one by one is a hassle. And perhaps an option to pause the game automatically when health status change. Dangit has all of this, so it should be possible. Thanks for the new release!
  18. Updated for 1.10.x EDIT .... just for show, of course. The damn thing works fine without any adjustments as long as Final Frontier does. In fact i am still about to update the file on spacedock but the older file works just the same. PS: I will at any time accept suggestions about new ribbons, or giving more interesting/useful names or descriptions for the already existing ones.
  19. Is this from that game where the likeness of Kevin Spacey is used? Funny how he too got 'cancelled' just as this 'spacey' probe Beale was working on. Ok, enough with the puns already.
  20. Ok thanks. Hmmmm ... maybe that is something to put on a to-do list, if you pardon my obnoxious suggestion. A typical challenge in aircraft design is the struggle for more lift versus less drag. If there were a way to introduce this notion in PW - maybe lift being a function of area+thickness, and drag also being a function of area+thickness, your hand would be forced on the delicate balance implied in designing airplanes best suited for carrying weight or achieving higher speeds. I truly don't know whether this is easily done or impossible to do, as the mods stands. Sorry for my suggestion, I do not intent to nag. But if this is easy to do .... it would make the mod that much more realistic.
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